2021 in Afghanistan marked the beginning of the end for American elite hopes of global hegemony.
2021 will mark the year when the impossibility of the hoped-for world domination western powers craved, believing it could provide them and their nations with total security, finally ended.
With the humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan, a chain-reaction began that must inevitably cause an implosion within the entire panoply of schemes they hoped would allow their continual progress toward worldwide supremacy.
The rise of China and the increasing invulnerability of Russia to all attacks aimed at it by the western allies in 2021 also took its toll. In this year of 2022, I predict there will be no reversal in the fortunes of those who would wish to create a de facto prison planet here, dominated from the skies.
2021 saw the steady failure of the West to assert its power successfully. The rot had been underway for the previous five years with the lamentable spectacle of the Trump presidency where an opportunity to take a different path was stymied by the U.S. national security state. The resulting debacle of integrity loss, rhetorical hysteria and hyperbole created the inner rot within the USA that has further weakened it.
The cancerous tentacles of U.S. elite power fueled by the desire for constant hegemony had kept Western Europe in its grip since World War II. But even there the deterioration was clear during the Trump years. Biden has sought to rebuild the relationship but though the heads of state do their best to retain the hardline rhetoric behind the scenes they must surely be having grave doubts about a relationship with the USA that shows every sign of ruining their economies.
China, first out of the starting blocks after Covid will power ahead in 2022 just as it showed every sign of doing in 2021 when it was the only major nation to show a rising rather than falling GDP. With America in constant turmoil leading on from the Black Lives Matter protests, the Capitol Building invasion and the weakening and divisive effects of the ‘woke’ and ‘gender’ issues and a host of others the USA is clearly on course to be a continual basket case rather than hegemon.
Yet the political elites of the USA will continue to put up a rhetorical front, they will still wield whatever economic and financial weapons they have to hand and will goad their European puppets to do their will as usual… but as a military power it will soon be apparent that it is as good as dead.
Afghanistan showed that the project of nation destruction and failed nation-building is a dead-end occupation that creates many more problems than it aims to solve. Of course, this was obvious to astute observers not caught up in the vacuum chamber of senseless reactive insistences that mark successive modern U.S. administrations.
2021 also brought the Ukraine crisis to a head.
In 2013 and 2014 the USA along with the EU embarked on their arguably most wrong-headed project so far. They assisted in toppling a government too far and did it just because they could with little strategic value to it. If Russia had not been able to reunite Crimea with the motherland there would have been a significant strategic value to the whole exercise but really, it ought to have been obvious to them that Russia could not possibly allow that to happen.
Steadily Russia has strengthened itself against its attackers who sought to undermine it through possession of Crimea and place NATO missiles and its army in Ukraine on Russia’s doorstep. Slowly but surely Russia surmounted the challenge to it that sanctions brought. It found new trading partners, rebuilt its economy, planned escape routes from weaknesses in its financial institutions and created an entirely new range of weapons to defend itself with.
And arguably the most important factor of all which spells the end of U.S. elite hopes of retaining whatever degree of patrician control over the world they still have or progressing it any further toward total global hegemony (which was their aim after 9/11) was the ever-closer relationship of Russia with China.
Russia began playing hardball on Ukraine in the latter half of 2021. The language became ever harder and increasingly showed a determined resolution to obtain goals vital to Russia’s national interests, continued inviolate sovereignty and security. Gone were any previous worries concerning economic fallout or providing propaganda talking points for western press, media or political talking heads. Robust defences had been built to a high enough standard to finally allow the straight-talking to begin with relative impunity.
Of course, the same old propaganda methodologies were seen from the squawking press, media and political figures still attempting to condition their populations and give the same old impressions of the ever-malign and evil-intentioned Russian bear… but it really didn’t matter any more, Russia was bringing the West to realize some home truths at last.
At the end of 2021 Russia brought the West kicking and screaming to the negotiating table. From that point on we would hear less and less of the arrogance, bravado and endless deceitful slander from them. They were being told to put up or shut up. Russia brought it home to these loudmouths that something extremely serious was going on and that they had best finally face it instead of just running their mouths off and making matters worse.
We are seeing the end of the western era of deceit, division, threat and mass murder happening before our very eyes. The influence of the east will now rise to eclipse the massive influence the West has had until now. Afghanistan was the first highly dramatic evidence of this now ongoing process but it will certainly not be the last. The final curtain will come down act after act and we will see many such in 2022.
One by one the levels of exploitation the West has used for generations will fail them, every weaponized issue from their so-called democracy to faux human rights to economic superiority will crumble and fall in front of our eyes.
We have already observed the harbingers of ‘submission accomplished’ in Afghanistan and we will see more regarding Ukraine while the western powers continue to howl their defiance using increasingly redundant rhetoric. Until, with a final whimper they eventually have no other recourse but to recognize that a new geopolitical paradigm and a truly multipolar world has arrived to deny them every ambition they have ever nursed for global domination.