The disease afflicting the West’s elites is all too evident. It manifests itself in innumerable ways where a snarling, belligerent posture is directed in every possible direction.
The disease afflicting the West’s elites is all too evident. It manifests itself in innumerable ways where a snarling, always belligerent posture is directed in every possible direction, even toward its own populations.
Seeking to maintain unassailable dominance and permanent manipulative control the West’s elites seem capable of any and all criminal acts now. Their desperation due to the slipping away of their influence makes them despair and become infuriated in equal measure. Like a dying animal that once supremely dominated its kingdom it lashes out in rage at all its supposed enemies.
A facade of respectability attempted by western leaders where their scriptwriters couch their lies within fine phrases where any bare-faced lie of the moment can be given credence. Currently the bare-faced lie of choice is that the Russian military targets the civilian population of Ukraine. Those in the know are fully aware of just how outrageous a lie this is. The truth is 180 degrees from this accusation, Russia has taken greater care not to do this than any army before it. Still, the western mainstream news media parrot such lies on a daily basis.
Can there be anything more evil than politicians posturing as saints when their recent track record (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria) confirms them as mass murderers? It is not as if there is any question on this, no ambiguity… these crimes against humanity and the lies that “justified” them are known to everyone now. Trying to posture as humanity’s saviour bringing freedom and democracy to all is seen by the vast majority in the world for what it is, just another toxic western lie.
With a litany of crimes behind them western leaders now rely solely upon slick public relations campaigns shored up by their extremely compliant mass media. They have the ability to slander whoever they wish to with impunity through this mechanism with zero recourse for those slandered to respond. This is another aspect of the West’s poisonous effect on our world. It creates injustice by the use of such bias, denying its people access to the facts, always presenting a wholly distorted world view to them, blinding them to reality.
An increasing proportion of their own populations are seeing through the network of lies laid before them. Slowly but surely the facade of deception spun by western leaders is unravelling. As elections take place across Europe, in Britain and in the USA we can see the effect of this awareness taking effect. And in the rest of the world outside the sphere of brainwashing by western news media we can see nations drawing away from the toxic West and drawing closer to those who offer a far cleaner, fairer and more equitable and peaceful future.
The constant dishonesty of the West will be its ultimate undoing. Lie after lie used to initiate regime change wars of mass death and destruction and the fragmentation of entire regions are exposed to public view as never before. The entire internet is alive with exposures of western criminality through the breaking of international law time after time after time. It is exposed for the terrorist entity and empire of evil it truly is. And no further lies by it will do anything more than emphasis the fact.
The western leaders who voice their scripted lies daily and who pose as benefactors rather than the criminals, mass murderers and deceivers they so obviously are cannot ultimately escape from the verdict of world opinion. No matter how many more lies they tell about themselves or those who they would criminally slander, the world has their estimation now and it is damning. The world majority is no longer in a position where it must feel cowed and subjugated by western power. That power once permeated the globe. Now it is in massive retreat. The poison of that power is lessening, the disease it spreads being quarantined, and its toxic effect, though still significant, is rapidly being diminished.
The world has suffered from the West’s toxicity far, far too long. The primary germ used by the western criminal elites is NATO. NATO is the toxic agent most frequently used to poison the world. It is the dagger at the world’s heart and while it exists permanent peace will be elusive. Its disbanding is an urgent necessity if we are to have the world completely free of the West’s poison.