There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.
William Shakespeare
The ebb and flow of history naturally continues as ever. Both solid impermeable gains and totally permanent losses are rare. What is uncommon, though less rare, are moments when a significant shift in fortune occurs that pushes humanity toward a new paradigm.
The Cold War and the end of the Cold War brought forward immense changes of this kind. Now, the humiliating experience of the West in Afghanistan has created the platform for another such paradigm shift for the world.
Prior to the debacle in Afghanistan Russia and China were already rapidly gaining the respect of populations around the world for greater probity and trustworthiness, whether in the North, South, East or West.
The tirades and tyrannical behaviour of the USA and UK have become increasingly threatening and frightening to many national elites and certainly to their populations, even within the West itself.
The spreading of chaotic division within sovereign nations by the West has been a policy gaining it increased power through creating fearful allies and framing economic rivals as enemies. The lies told in furtherance of this policy have been legion. It has been described as a ‘wrecking ball’ policy and this description fits it very well.
Putting the entire world at risk for their own benefit has left the elites of the western world increasingly stranded within a self-created criminal environment where their immorality and irresponsibility has been rapidly coming into focus. The all-pervasive conditioning of western populations to agree to the state criminality of the West is under fire as never before. The number of critics and their stature constantly rises. The articles and video presentations have exposed the crimes which in previous times remained known to only a relative few.
The elites of the West are focused almost exclusively on retaining their shrinking power and influence while both present and looming threats to humanity call for immediate unity of purpose. The level of irresponsibility being demonstrated in their waging war while the necessity of cooperation is so obvious in the face of global catastrophe cannot possibly be overstated. The fate of the world and all humanity hangs in the balance while western elites act insanely merely for their own benefit. This is clearly inexcusable.
In recent days we have seen how quickly a western regime change project can unravel. The multiple calumnies of primarily U.S. and UK politicians, officials and military figures have resulted in a debacle of immense proportions. There can be no turning back from such a cataclysmic loss of face or diversion from the effects which will inevitably ensue.
Already seen as incompetent in its policy of waging war as a favoured option across multiple nations in the Middle East the West can now be seen as unable to maintain itself as a significant power in these lands. Hubris enabled vast mistakes to be made from which there is no avenue out but retreat. Afghanistan is only the first of several poisoned pools from which the West will extricate itself. Iraq will surely follow and Syria cannot be far behind. Libya will not be westernized as U.S. and UK elites desired. Russia and China will increasingly be seen as the far more trustworthy options for investment, trade and the negotiating of treaties. Along with Africa, the Middle East will now see a general retreat of western influence.
The brutal, uninformed and plain pig-ignorant foreign policies of the West have run their course and are now swiftly running into the sand. This however will not put an end to the hubris and arrogance-fueled regime change policies of the West. In the retrenchment of forces now begun is the genesis of an even more focused world war already waged by the West, the end game war against China.
The troops and resources that will not now focus on Afghanistan or later upon Iraq, Syria and Libya will be used to target China, and to a lesser extent Russia. Biden is no peacemaker. His aim is to strengthen the hand of warmongers, not weaken it. China is the primary target to be weakened, divided and brought into chaos if possible. Russia too will see no let-up in western hit-pieces against it or reduction in NATO provocations.
Afghanistan will make significant changes to the geopolitical chessboard but will not be the ultimate game-changer required to see U.S./UK influence withdraw entirely. That is a process already years underway, though some way off yet. The steady, gradual increase of Chinese economic power and political influence will I am certain guarantee the final resolution of western elite insanity in its ultimate quarantining.
The recent events in Afghanistan represent a hugely significant seismic shift in world geopolitical affairs. They won’t of course see the final end of the malignant western empire of war, however, the coming earthquake, resulting in the rapid descent of western influence, has certainly been brought all the closer.