In 2024 Ukraine will submit and capitulate to Russia. This will not be reflected in western headlines. But what will?
When Russia rolls over what is left of the Ukrainian defence belt built to imprison the people of the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine over the years since 2014, the reaction of the western press, media and politicians will be extremely interesting.
Having built an entire mythology around their anointed hero of Kiev, Volodmyr Zelensky and exclaimed how the mighty Ukrainian army were defeating the Russians at every turn, the story they tell is going to have to be good.
At first there will be a kind of stunned radio silence hoping nobody notices that the Russians have won. This will be similar in many ways to the approach to various other failures and criminal acts of the western powers in the past. Such as those in Afghanistan, Libya, the Abu Ghraib scandal and much else besides.
After a period of mourning within editing suites and political briefing rooms the most likely thing to emerge is that good old solve-all, the alternative truth. This fictional reality is likely to go something like this:
“Russia completely failed in its unprovoked campaign to occupy Ukraine. President Zelensky and his indomitable troops faced down the Russians with incredible bravery and fortitude, denying the Russians their victory. Held back from overrunning Ukraine the Russians were fought to a standstill, unable to come anywhere near their goal of occupying Ukraine in its entirety!”
This narrative and variants of it will provide the necessary public relations fig-leaf and nicely sanitised soft landing for western audiences weaned on the litany of fabrications they had imbibed from the same sources since February 24th, 2022. Most will grasp this sop to their potentially injured sensitivities and hold it to their breasts like a security blanket.
After this deluge of obfuscation and hard fact avoidance all those still looking in will be invited to turn their attention to the evil doings of the next neocon target down the line, almost inevitably China or Iran. News items concerning Ukraine will become extremely sparse if there are indeed any to be found at all in this wake for the West’s total failure there.
Historians and academics will attempt to provide their analyses to the general public as they have done since this whole West-instigated mess began. But there will be few takers. Those who knew precisely what was going on all along will not need their memories refreshed. And those who didn’t, those headline surfers and mainstream news addicts will have absolutely no wish to have their noses thrust into the alternate history MSM ordure they imbibed for so long.
The state-approved western-oriented history of the Ukraine conflict will be used as the foundation of any required responses to journalistic enquiries in similar manner to the responses of Bush and Blair after the complete absence of WMDs in Iraq and the inconvenient presence of hundreds of thousands of corpses, many of them children. Apart from these it will all be hushed up, brushed under the carpet and given the heavily blinkered treatment by all and sundry to the last days of their bloody-fingered, sorry lives.