Voting for Trump is a badge of honour for many. For others it may be an act of desperation. For these latter souls, desperate for an end to America's endless wars he is clearly the only viable option.
Donald Trump is an electoral wild card. Vote for him and you can be sure he will provide drama in overdose quantities. However, alongside the entertainment value and mainstream media feeding frenzy what else will he provide?
You can be sure of certain things amongst the general uncertainty regarding Donald Trump.
He will continue to be avidly supportive of whatever Israeli regime is in power. His support for Israel will not waver one iota no matter how many innocent men, women and children that regime kills. Israel could wipe out every single Palestinian (which appears to be their genocidal intent currently) and Donald Trump would not bat an eyelid.
He will do all he can to undermine and weaken China as the USA’s prime peer competitor. No possible weapon of economic warfare will be neglected by him. If Russia was seen to continue its present economic rise and become a peer competitor to the USA in any field of endeavour he would do the same to Russia.
Donald Trump has only very few areas of interest and focus:
Doing everything he can to increase U.S. economic dominance.
Experiencing the reflected glory of being successful in 1. above.
The one primary issue which separates Donald Trump from the majority of both his own political party and that of the Democrats is that he does not wish to start more regime change wars of military intervention, invasion, nation building or conquest.
Donald Trump, if re-elected would once again attack his enemies at home, those liberals who totally infest mainstream media across the western world. There can be no doubt that the attacks against him and the fabricated stories that inflicted wounds upon him last time around would be repeated again with additional ferocity. The liberal warmongers will not easily give up their fight to see North America engaging in the quest for full spectrum dominance that has been their quest at least since 9/11 and undoubtedly long before. In his way, through the economic war he is determined to wage against China he will offer them a few crumbs, but in terms of unleashing the U.S. military, this he will not do.
As far as the dirty tricks brigade, the CIA, Secret Service and all the other intelligence agencies there is a huge question mark over his intentions. They uniformly jumped to the Democrats’ command when they were told to target him during Russiagate. His attitude toward them will be ambivalent at best. Donald Trump is a man who doesn’t believe in holding his tongue when he perceives malevolent intent in others toward him. He knows from past and painful experience that the U.S. intelligence agencies in general hold the same hawkish views as those within the Democratic Party and that this is why they are aligned and why the CIA and the others will be gunning for him.
Trump, if once again elected president of the USA would no doubt do many stupid things and for many, highly objectionable things. It will be no easy ride, controversy will certainly once again follow him, much of it generated by his outspokenness. But within the chaos that can be guaranteed to ensue there is one issue that will matter more and be far more important than anything else no matter how crazy things may get.
The single issue of primary importance should not be the economy this time. In my view the biggest issue should be whether you believe in the forever war the Democrats/CIA hawks wish to pursue or you wish to see an end to the endless wars led by the West’s rabid neocon liberal elite, wars that can never bring about the full spectrum dominance scenario for the USA they believe in. This project was always a madman’s pipe dream. The more the USA projects into the world the more the world will resist, producing ever more war without any possibility of the neocons winning out. Besides, a multipolar world is in process of being born and that world will be about trade, not war.
Trump offers a wild ride where a furore of controversy will inevitably erupt. He will certainly not please everyone if elected. Those who oppose the West’s regime change wars and see Russia with its traditional standards upheld and family values maintained will be disappointed along with others who want to see Russia even more forcefully attacked than now. Neither side in that debate will be completely happy with Trump and inevitably he will dismay both sides almost equally at times. Those who favour China due to its clearly peaceful intent and desire to only expand its trading networks and get along well with everyone will likely also be dismayed by Trump’s economic war against that nation. They wish to see a peaceful multipolar world rise where the stability required for cultural and trading networks is created within an ever-expanding BRICS network. Trump will very definitely attempt to undermine this effort seeking always to make the USA the permanent greatest nation of all times, dominating all others.
But there is one thing by past experience we know that Trump will not do if he can possibly avoid it and that is start new future wars and, if his words concerning Ukraine hold true, he will begin by ending a present one.
So… the big question that arises above and beyond all others:
Are you Trump tired of war yet?