What is it that Biden and Johnson want?
If we take them at their word (a dubious concept if ever there was one) then they want every nation the world over to be run like theirs. To have 100% democratically-elected governments ostensibly accountable to their citizens.
In this word ostensibly we can see where their perfect world starts to look far less perfect than would undoubtedly be claimed. For each one of us knows how far from true democratic principles western nations are. Unless you are a person who thinks having a vote every once in a while makes for a perfect democracy then you will surely have complaints when Biden and Johnson claim it’s all you need and therefore all you’ll get.
Perhaps they’ll point to politicians democratically-elected being held to account by the ever-vigilant free press and media in what they like to call 'the free world’. But anyone who has watched the sycophantic nature of western press and media regarding the wars of the political elites and has compared their coverage to truly trustworthy figures existing outside the mainstream, you’ll be highly sceptical of that claim.
Then, as you will doubtless know, there are those closest to those democratically-elected figures who ask plaintively for public trust regarding the system. These are the so-called 'great and good’, the corporate elites and all others who have climbed the greasy pole of wealth and power. Anyone unaware of the direct influence they possess in the so-called democratic systems of Biden and Johnson are living in a world of wishful-thinking miasma, hopeful rather than insightful, lazy and uninterested also perhaps.
Western elites do as they wish rather than the bidding of those who elected them. When not they are most likely doing the bidding of those elites closest to them in status and power and as in the USA who donate most to their political campaigns.
So this is what Biden and Johnson wish to see exist everywhere, in Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Nicaragua and anywhere else where they believe a lesser and more authoritarian system exists. They consider themselves the crème de la crème of politicians in the crème de la crème of political systems.
But just imagine it for a moment. Even allowing for the fact that diverse nations such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates or any similar nation in the Middle East show no interest in democracy, the chaos which could potentially erupt can only be imagined.
As Iraq and Afghanistan have shown, imposing democracy is an art the elites of the West are simply no good at. And they want to impose it on much more powerful nations such as China? Somehow I don’t rate their chances highly.
What they WILL do however is cause chaos, disruption, destabilization, subversion and endless activism in any way they can. I feel pretty sure they know this will not and cannot achieve the goal of imposing democracy in these nations. But then is this REALLY the goal? Isn’t there a more obvious goal where the migration of democratic systems of the West overseas is a non-starter? That goal being the purposeful weakening of nations both socially and so economically with the notion of delivering democracy the fig-leaf that gives them supreme and continuing deniability?
There they stand, Biden and Johnson... preaching in saintly manner how they have only the purest wish for humanity, to spread the holy gospel and practice of democracy while cunningly using the vile methods of social and economic disturbance for the other goal stated above, to weaken an economic adversary.
They can perpetually deny the dirtiness of their schemes from now to kingdom come, even as nations descend into internecine strife, bloody conflict and endless wars between those attempting to stabilize their nations and those greedily seeing a means to take them over.
You need only look at Syria as a prime example of what Biden and Johnson in all likelihood will do to other nations given half a chance. Every maniac, sociopath, greedy bastard hungry for power will get their chance. And who will lose out? The schmuck who thought he or she would have a say via a now and then vote. With national differences of course, mafia here, corrupt entrepreneurs there, drug barons in this one, monied elites in the other. Democracy lends itself to a corrupt and corrupting free for all with those at the bottom of the pile losing out every time. It works once in a while but is no panacea. And should not be forced on any nation.
One size does not fit all. Only the totally deluded, megalomaniacs and political sociopaths assert democracy is best each and every time and in every possible case. But of course it is HIGHLY dubious this is even the true goal of western elites. It is much more likely that they are simply attempting to maintain their present economic and military dominance.
Democracy sounds just dandy in principle. In an ideal world it might just fly as a concept. But anyone who knows a thing or two of history knows just how far from a perfect world this is. And how imperfect are those who assert that they are ideal persons to run things for us.
‘Let sleeping dogs lie’ and 'If it ain’t broke why fix it?’ were sayings Russia and China took to heart in opposing the West’s regime change wars against multiple nations in the Middle East which show no signs of approaching stability two decades later, never mind democracy.
Biden and Johnson want to ride roughshod over international law and wage economic war against nations not democratic enough for them. This should be the scandal of the day in the West if the 'bread and circuses’ materialism of recent years hadn’t made shorn sheep of most of the populace.
Watch carefully. Any result from their activities will not resemble democracy. The result, if they are successful, will be their nations stabilized and increased dominance and that will be far, far removed from any concept of democracy worthy of the name.
The more appropriate name for this circumstance is most certainly dictatorship.