There is a contagion of dissolution across the western world that is slowly but surely destroying any cohesion within its fabric. The rot is at such a level now that the destruction it is wreaking appears unstoppable. A mix of greed and individualism, stimulated in their most egregious forms by the Thatcher-Reagan years, has fermented over subsequent decades into the corrosive social acid seen now.
The attempt to create almost universal deregulation and concurrently unleash ambition was meant to generate ever-greater prosperity for the western world. More and more people were to take care of themselves by carving out greater profits from the world through an ultra-competitive spirit. Some at the time bemoaned and warned of the resultant loss of community and cohesion but they rapidly became voices in the wilderness as the race for personal profit gained pace.
Narcissism, pseudo-celebrity and reality TV distraction began the process of creating a shallow, ersatz existence where illicit drugs were required to add a pretence of succour and/or excitement to terminally dulled senses. Solid reality faded along with emotional stability and a sense of communal solidarity. The death of the anti-war protest movement symbolized the withdrawal from selfless commitment earlier decades had seen.
Correctly sensing that the powerful citizen herds within western populations had been adequately anaesthetised and rendered navel-gazingly impotent, western elites were largely able to plan and execute their wars of self-interest with impunity. Initial doubts about the direction of travel expressed by western mainstream news media after the Iraq debacle turned soon to complicity and compliance. Scarcely a murmur from them has been heard since.
The atomization of western societies has had one outcome which neither Thatcher nor Reagan will have foreseen. While the majority of western citizens failed to inform themselves hardly any one among them could fail to notice that they had been lied to concerning the WMD of Iraq, the pretence used for its illegal destruction. While the majority registered the fact of these lies, others who had not yet succumbed to the full extent of the greed-based milieu they lived within saw a deeper malaise.
Trust in politicians had long since reached close to its potential and terminal nadir. With the many lies with which western elites had attempted to mislead their populations into agreeing to mass murder, this plummeted to previously unknown levels. The mistrust and well-placed cynicism generated by state lies and state terrorism by their western political and media elites caused the second great change that began to destroy western society from within.
Covid initiated the final corrosive element which would send western society into a depth of social chaos that it could never recover from. It was being corroded from within and at ever-increasing speed and depth. Trust in establishment mouthpieces sank to negative levels and deeply so. Mistrust then rose to epidemic levels as social media-fed a fast-rising fear of danger from above. A plague of suspicion, anger and deep mistrust took faith in western elite decision-making and the authority those elites expected over their populations and undermined them to an extraordinary degree.
Now an oversensitive, narcissistic, entitled western population primed to expect everything at minimal personal endeavour is being massively disappointed in regard to what they believe they were promised. All was meant to be sanitized and safe, every avenue covered to provide easy access to a consumer heaven where you could have it all. Everyone was to benefit in a brave new world of buying whatever any narcissistic western soul could wish for. Now the rabid disappointment of these wannabe consumers is revealed in the most naked form and destined to become ever more obvious.
Western societies are in the process of tearing themselves apart. Their faux democracy systems aren’t helping in the least. These fig-leaf facades are being ripped away revealing political systems wholly rigged for the benefit of business interests and political benefactors. The every-man-for-himself society that was supposed to unleash the power to create and spend by the masses has resulted instead in the almost complete death of solidarity and unity of purpose. The result is instead levels of mass hatred and chaos, of narcissistic individualism and ever greater levels of mutually exclusive division between those locked within a western world in terminal dissolution.