For those with eyes to see it is obvious.
The completely dysfunctional and destructive policies are right there in front of us all.
No sane men or women could produce the level of discord, aggression, antagonism, economic failure and belligerent warmongering we have seen for decade after decade.
That there is something fundamentally wrong is totally obvious, despite a wall-to-wall media campaign that constantly tries to say all’s well and that there’s nothing to see here.
You don’t get the chaos seen in the West which exists at almost every level now unless sociopaths are at work. And the fact that they have reached the upper echelons of western society should come as no surprise.
The ethos of the West is exemplified in the notion that everyone should be free to rise to whatever position in society they are capable of. This sounds all well and good until you begin to consider what motivates a sociopath and what methods they are willing to use.
Sociopaths, considered to amount to around 1% in any population, absent any feeling of ethical constraint to their desire for wealth or power cannot help but find it relatively easy to rise in such a society that lauds this rise and places few restrictions upon it.
The sharp elbows and silver tongues of sociopaths mean they have few personal or social constraints upon them. I am not talking of serial killers here, these are socialized beings. They simply share the lack of emotional connection to others that serial killers are known to lack. They may appear to some to be good managers, hard individuals who drive others relentlessly to greater performance levels or who are brought in to to make redundancies ruthlessly and without emotion hindering their task.
Sociopaths have an entire arsenal of skills based on a willingness to say absolutely anything whether true or completely false. This gives them an edge over those who prize some degree of integrity. In office politics or otherwise they have a keen sense of how to play others. They can spot and exploit weaknesses and engage in machinations others would balk at. Having no interest in the feelings of others they play hard ball and play to win at all times.
Is it any wonder that these beings migrate up the chain of command in western society in inexorable style? Imagine these power/wealth-hungry beings, whose existence is well known in the field of psychiatry, acting out their determination to rise in whatever field they’ve chosen, day after day, decade after decade. Is it a surprise then that the West has the society it has or the foreign policies we see displayed daily?
It would be a surprise if it were otherwise.
The main factor which makes such an obvious reality cloudy is the way mass media is embedded within the reality the sociopaths have created. Naturally enough mainstream media is deeply embedded within the society it purports to report on. The news broadcasters we know all too well today, such as the BBC and CNN, are animals bred within the same cage.
As Noam Chomsky has pointed out, a filtering system exists whereby those with the views and attitudes which fit are accepted within them. Those who are outliers with views which would not fit well are largely excluded. This is why we see these latter individuals remaining independents, outside of the one-narrative viewpoints of state and corporate news media.
Within establishment news there are only openings for those who will protect and nurture the veil of lies that purvey the notion that the West is best and its elites well motivated, doing their level best, to be trusted and indeed lauded for their attempts to spread freedom and democracy.
This mirage, this façade of lie upon lie, of nuanced conditioning to massage a smile upon the grinning and bloody skull of western foreign policy, is reinforced every minute of every day across the western world.
Behind the manipulated ever-smiling and saintly visage those with eyes to see perceive the ugly reality. The illusion being created leaks heavily at all sides. Blood seeps from under it. But only for those with eyes to see. For many everything seems utterly normal, they are inured to accepting this is the way it is and believe (more or less) that all’s well... or at least 'normal’.
They say shit always rises to the top, well sociopaths do too… inevitably. Who is going to stand against them in this day and age when only a shallow patina of respectability is required and the dynamic, loud, and bold individual with great promises on his or her tongue is considered the obvious front runner?
How many are fueled by an urgent desire to help mankind when they enter politics. No doubt a few. How many survive the hard reality of back-stabbing and betrayal they experience to go on to high office? How much easier it is for the conscience-free back-stabbers and Machiavellian sociopaths who, without a trace of empathy for their fellow beings, can wheel and deal at will.
Those who have the entire spectrum of deceptive devices to use as verbal missiles against all others. And abundant manipulative powers to fine tune their success through whatever corrupt means they choose? Truly, what chance have the good to rise in such a milieu in such circumstances and if they do, for how long?
You can imagine this 1% and their progress within western societies quite easily if you try. And you can easily spot the effects of their rise also... if you are one of those with eyes fully open, free of the daily conditioning mass media glosses over the yes of many.
The truth is frightening. Those in the western world live within a mental asylum run by those who should properly be mental patients. That’s a very uncomfortable reality. But I feel sure you will have seen just how true it is and what a predicament is now faced by those who recognize it.
The individuals running the West are insane. True, they don’t act like those seen in the film 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’, but clinically insane they are nonetheless. They have reached the highest positions possible with ambitions to control and have more unassuaged. Their motivation is eternally combative, always self-congratulatory and eager to deceive for gain, willing to use anything, including military might to get what they can never have enough of, wealth and power.
These are obsessive sociopaths, blind to all but their own ambitions. They have reached the highest echelons of wealth and power in the West by all means they deemed “necessary” and are now using those same means and more in a never ending war against all other nations to remain dominant to the nth degree.
These are the terminally destructive forces that fuel the West’s ambition to control the world and dominate it. These are the promoters of exceptionalism and 'America First’, the purveyors of the empty words 'Freedom’ and 'Democracy’ behind which lies 'Slavery’ and 'Dictatorship’.
Despite the attempts of mass media to gloss over their existence and that of their effects, these are the obsessive sociopaths who quite clearly run the West.