The USA has good aspects to it, but no one should deny it has aspects to it that deserve it named as a living hell.
Having the expectancy of living a normal life can’t be reduced to a single concept like being in a democracy as US politicians seem to claim.
If democracy doesn’t bring a decent life for everyone, free of violence, intimidation and free of a foreboding that comes via a society engendering violence, sleaze and shallow inhumanity then how can democracy be the sole criterion for which society is valid and which is not?
Some Americans may talk of how their country is the exceptional, exemplary even but in so doing they are ignoring deeply negative things about their country the rest of the world knows all too well.
Many of these negatives have been on show in recent times from drive-by shootings and gang wars to the Opioid crisis to ultra-violent cops and the Black Lives Matter movement as well as the political warfare seen in Washington.
There are areas of America that ARE pure Hell, I have seen them, sink pits of many kinds of horror. The type of inhuman horror that can permeate your entire being with darkness. There are myriad areas where gangs rule, not the majority and where the ideals of democracy and law enforcement are a sick joke. The people there are guaranteed never to vote. These are true sink pits of despair where you hardly have a life outside your home, especially as darkness falls.
The artificiality and ice cold vindictiveness that come with those who have lost all trace of humanity in a sick existence of drugs, violence and every vice imaginable is hardly reminiscent of what human life could and should be. Innocence is hardly a possibility at such levels of mob degradation. Notions of family, compassion, joy in sharing and working are fleeting and fade forever where anything approaching normality disappears in the darkness all around.
I have walked those streets and seen the sleazy existence where emptiness breeds these horrors.
Yet the elites of the USA who have lived their lives far from such streets and would never venture there for a moment criticize nations where such horrors hardly exist at all, where people walk without fear, day or night and live lives of worth, with values each one of us who values a reasonably normal life recognize. They criticize these nations due to one single factor, democracy. The lack of it as they see things. They reduce everything to that one factor. And as I say, this cannot and should not ever be the sole criteria for measuring a society.
I have seen much of North America. I saw poverty I had never seen anywhere else in my travels. There are so many sicknesses within the USA, level upon level of shallow artificiality, pretense and always, an undertow of imminent violence where people who look more like demons than humans rule the streets.
I have traveled in Russia and in China and have seen nothing that compares to the horrors of the USA.
If the USA manages to bring these societies to chaos and ruin for the sake of imposing the American concept of democracy no greater tragedy could be imagined. We saw the harbinger of such a situation in the late Nineties in Russia when, after decades of trying the USA finally destroyed cohesion there. Life expectancy plummeted, crime became rampant, the Russian mafia and Yeltsin’s criminal oligarchs were taking over and enriching themselves as the people saw their life chances fall and the safety net of normality collapse.
If the elites of the USA get their way, crowing about how perfect their society just as it starts to descend to an even deeper Hell, and they reduce both Russia and China to utter chaos as they clearly plan to, then no so-called democracy is going to save them. Indeed it would help them on their way to Hell.
The Hell on Earth that is typified by the deep sicknesses that are destroying the nation its elites maintain is perfect.
The USA is nowhere NEAR perfect. Anyone who has been there knows it.
And a nation that is in many very real ways a Hell on Earth has no right to rule over all others.