The Taliban are taking back Afghanistan after the United States and its allies engaged in a delusional belief they could be nation builders in a land they scarcely know. Such obvious hubris ultimately delivered up the appropriate reward: humiliation.
As a senior figure within the U.S. administration said recently however, the lessons from the same kind of delusional interference in Vietnam were not learned from and those now being handed out to the West by the Taliban will not be learned either.
Why is this?
It is due to the chronic and psychopathic insistence on superiority that infests the dysfunctional mindset of almost all western elites. They consider themselves to be the crown of creation, the ultimate of ultimates when it comes to civilized values. They feel compelled to create a monotone semblance of their dubious class and conflict system everywhere they go. This group-thought fixity whereby a core number of self-serving delusions continually infest western elite minds cannot help but deliver intermittent chaos, death and destruction to the world. And increasingly too, in my opinion, ultimate humiliation to themselves.
With the Taliban poised to take back Afghanistan and western elite arms being thrown up in disbelief, mouths open wide and plaintive voices talking of the reemergence of future threats to the world, what is the ultimate lesson to be learnt?
It is the increasing impotence of the West to succeed in its adventures and the obvious failures are mounting up. How do things stand now regarding the western regime change project with the loss of all the twenty-year nation-building goals across Afghanistan?
What are the underlying reasons for the delusions of western elites and the clear exposure of the impotence stemming from this reality?
The vast expense of western elite failures in the Middle East, combined with the deep harm that has been done to their economies by Covid is one factor that is clearly exposing the need for a re-think in western foreign policy. The USA in particular is over-committed worldwide and is haemorrhaging money at a breathtaking and unsustainable rate.
As well as the fantastic amounts of lost treasure there has also been the concurrent loss of life. The blood of many expensively trained western troops has been spilt abroad for no evident positive result to be obtained. This is or should be, a factor that incenses everyday western populations. Their sons and daughters, fathers, mothers and grandparents are being lost to them for a dubious cause with nothing approaching the promised outcome.
As well as defeats on the battlefield by opponents using methods western armies are unable to counter effectively, there is a growing resistance in general to the brutally violent, war as an early option, policy to forward the western project to dominate and mould the world to its image. Russia, China, Iran, Syria and others are increasingly uniting and gaining support even in the West, by pointing to the real culprits for global death and disorder, the United States, the United Kingdom and their allies.
In Syria, the western powers arguably descended to their lowest moral and ethical methodologies by attempting to generate chaos, death and destruction and win their regime change goal, by using a range of activists, propagandists (the White Helmets) and proxy forces of whatever terrorist elements they could garner to their miserable cause. Russia successfully stymied their unbelievably irresponsible plans to destroy all recognizable order in Syria. Four years into the western plan to unseat Assad and the entire system of governance in Syria Russia stepped in and at great risk safeguarded Syria as a reasonably stable state. The USA continues its attempt to maintain chaos in Syria using its financial acts of terrorism against the country, threatening all who would help rebuild her. But essentially they have failed in their core enterprise and they know it.
The two primary instigators of instability worldwide through pouring funds into destabilizing efforts in an attempt to undermine, demoralize and create interminably chaos in nations are being exposed by an ever-growing number of observers. The corrupt use of NGOs such as Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, the OPCW and others is being reported and commented upon regularly undermining the authority they assert should be theirs.
In short, all the mechanisms western elites have deployed and continue to deploy as weapons in aid of their regime change project are being rendered weaker by the day, exposed for what they are and made increasingly impotent.
Though the strength of western elite delusion remains strong, the disastrous outcomes of these delusionary states when policies are effected predicated upon them must surely be starting to permeate their thick skulls by this time. Having said that, the strength of the exceptionalist delusions cannot be overestimated, they compose a superiority complex that such power-junkies can scarcely live without. Without these notions of superiority and concepts of patrician duty, what are these people left with? To simply go about their business working in tandem and mutual respect with those whom they have just recently condemned as utterly beneath them in every way? An unlikely prospect.
Western elites, exemplified by those in the USA and UK appear doomed to continue their brutal activities informed by a similarly brutal mindset underpinned by the delusional notion of their own self-awarded exceptionalist superiority. As they do so however, they will be assailed by an increasing number of factors that delineate exactly how insane and deluded these geopolitical dinosaurs truly are. Their extinction cannot help but come relatively soon… however in their death throes, they will certainly take many down with them.
Elites such as those we have all come to know and loath in the West, in their utter dedication to their delusions, will hardly be aware of the causes of their elimination, so fixed are they within a totally impermeable bubble of self-serving beliefs.