What is it western elites fear that drives them continually into confrontation with others?
They say they are acting for the benefit of those others, to protect their human rights, to bring them democracy and many freedoms. But how true are these assertions of selfless nobility? To what extent are they merely cover stories for hidden ambitions relating to their own self-interest?
There is an obvious conflict between what these elites say and what they do. Quite the reverse of the bravery and selfless attitude they wish to continually demonstrate the emotion they most markedly demonstrate is the fear of loss and of many kinds.
The elites have the West have built up a dictatorship of command over others across centuries, achieved through a modus operandi of violence, threat and ruthless exploitation of weakness that has been their constant signature feature. Why should we now believe their protestations of saintly virtue and fervent desire to strengthen the hand of others they previously and murderously exploited?
The familiar reek of western elite lying is in the air. Most of us by now have detected this noxious odour so many times and so frequently emanating from the same quarters that their profession of selfless goodness fails totally to convince.
These elites fear their own diminishing status, the corrosion of their power base, the attrition through which their reputation is fading, the loss of the wealth they sought to forever perpetuate and the power that comes with it.
It is fear, not nobility of purpose that motivates western elites. They are riven with the pangs of fear concerning their fall from grace, from their long-held power structure and enormous wealth. They look now with a paranoid schizophrenia at those rising to knock them off their throne of world domination and act with every weapon at their command to push back the moment when they can no longer terrorize the world for their selfish gain.
In contrast, observe the policies of both China and Russia where cooperation with others is the signature feature. Coming to agreements to avoid the division that foments war is the mainstay of their foreign policy. Creating stability and an atmosphere of cooperative understanding despite all differences in culture or modes of governance is their stance. They seek to overcome barriers toward peaceful cooperation, not create them.
The elites of the West are on a selfish mission to defeat all those who pose any kind of rivalry to their power to dictate. This requires creating an atmosphere of constant war. The fear of loss they have in their hearts is then distributed to manipulate others as it manipulates them… in the direction of continual and increasing division, leading inexorably to war.
They are clearly unable to access any true bravery within themselves to seize the moment and cooperate for the benefit of all mankind. They are completely paralyzed from moving in this direction by their absolute devotion to their own self-interest.
With the West, the world heads constantly to more division, more fear, more threat and inevitably more war. The only true hope for mankind is now and always has been cooperation, not the creation of ever more division and war. That true hope now lies clearly with those in the East who know from long experience with the solidarity of poverty that only through cooperation and agreement can increased mutual survival be sustained.