Imagine you are a fly in the western web, cross-referenced, indexed and identified. Located precisely by myriad traces left indelibly by each transaction, determination, notion and act. Located, labeled, screened, sorted and meticulously filed. Your profile updated constantly, digitally trailed, algorithm tested and pinned for potential.
Specimens for minute observation, individual case studies, examined until expiry.
A living autopsy performed by the nanosecond measures you, all personality disorder pathogens identified for risk in the beneficial empire’s laboratory of the soul.
Guinea pigs are chosen, random spot checks made. Those defined as Pavlov’s dogs are dosed. A vast, all-embracing matrix holds the human flies under the microscope of one Ministry. All good is kept in the nation for the nation. A world of minute control of the micro for the sake of the macro, explained, justified and provided by popular demand. Keeping the All safe from harm.
Directing prods weave better designs for every mind within the matrix. Interior and exterior drones crisscross delivering vital realtime patterns in myriad layers. Skyeyes and Mindeyes detect each minute aberration within the matrix, reporting micro portraits of irregular patterns to the nexus hub of Central Intelligence. All for the good of All.
The All is the prime context in nations held in intimate embrace. Obedience to the All is a necessary subtext required while foreign danger stalks the world. This is the repeated subliminal meme that refreshes itself in every mind. Obedience to this protective narrative brings the vital safety protecting the All from the enemy Outside.
Always at work a holograph of data is built, individual images constructed in real time, all “units” fixed within byte-portraits. Precisely located, with deep scan status provided and potential for harm measured and registered. Thought-patterns are logged, cross-referenced, current activities are measured and, whenever necessary flagged for further action. Just in time, Just in case. All angles covered. 24/7.
For the good of All.
The enemy endlessly waits, looking for weakness. Only total obedience to the current narrative can save the nation. Information brings power not to be left in the wrong hands. Or minds. Minds need inspection for deviance from the rules that protect us All. The Overseers see what’s best for All, in Central Intelligence guided by the legally-sanctioned Overview that keeps All safe.
Obedience is your tool for preserving this fragile cocoon where we are safe.
Do not struggle. All is for the good. Be well, do well and all will be well… within the web.