This neocon nightmare was just a wet dream for warmongers
There was a time just two decades ago when the western world’s leaders were still flexing powerful muscles and exerting huge influence.
The West wielded extraordinary military might, sending its troops and high-tech weaponry to destroy nations unable to defend themselves.
In contravention of international laws that it swept aside as if totally meaningless to them, western elites lied their way into being able to commit mass murder with virtual impunity, nation after nation.
Those days are gone.
Just twenty years after the full-scale attack upon and invasion of Afghanistan what appeared to be an all-powerful western world has been summarily ejected in a panic-fueled retreat. The West’s vainglorious approach to those it considered inferior has come back to smack its elites in the mouth and give a swift kick to its rear. The era of western aggressive foreign policies including its proclivity for mass murder are in tatters tonight. Panic-stricken western officials and their Afghani pawns are squatting on the tarmac at Kabul airport weeping at the lack of any transport out.
What happened to the heady days of the evilly sneering Cheney, the verbose and sleazily arrogant Rumsfeld, monkey-man Bush, ice-hearted Rice and the rest of the hubris-filled denizens who dictated the policies of mass murder and torture in Afghanistan and Iraq? Those still alive to tell the tale will no doubt point at the errors of others, a common trick among political cowards who never, for one second take responsibility for their heinous acts.
The common foreign policy of the USA and UK has received its greatest blow to date. After the exposure of so many lies used to create the killing field the West arranged in Iraq it was only a matter of time before this secondary scandal hit in its first deadly port of call, Afghanistan. As with Vietnam long before and Afghanistan now so it must surely be that very similar self-perpetrated disastrous policies enacted in Iraq, Syria and Libya will reach their ultimate, humiliating resolution for the West. It is only a matter of time.
The goal of full spectrum dominance over the entire planet was the USA and UK’s solution for 9/11. They decided that enslaving us all or at the very least having total oversight and ability to control us all was what they must have at all costs. Over the years that cost has risen and risen in both blood and treasure terms to what has become a totally unsustainable level for these two so-called leaders of the western world. Covid has seen to that as the final nail in the West’s coffin of warmongers.
Covid has ravaged the West and the debt mountain is only now being rendered visible through a veil of silence. The ravages of job and home losses will be felt in tandem with the realization that the entire western world teeters on the brink of ruin. Endless military aggression can no longer be sustained, hence a retrenchment of western forces is underway.
The collapse of the West’s income stream and undoubted division at home with all the costs that also entails will not, however, stop the regime change bandwagon. This will continue using other means than western military forces who will now be allowed to remain in barracks while the covert wars continue. Without doubt, the dirty tricks merchants will gain greater prominence along with vastly inflated budgets. Bribery, blackmail, false flags and the use of activists, subversives and outright criminals in target nations will be activated as never before.
Militarily, however, the West is as good as dead in regard to starting new hot wars. It simply can no longer afford them. Once Afghanistan is done you can expect Iraq to be next. Then Syria. Poor Libya will sadly remain a largely forgotten embarrassment. NATO applied itself to the dirty and murderous task of destroying Libya from the air and there is no appetite of any kind to send troops there under ANY circumstances.
Full Spectrum Dominance? As dead as Reagan’s ‘Star Wars’. Near impossible even when conceived now it is as dead as the Dodo. An American dream, that was in reality a potential nightmare for the world, is fast disintegrating. New, positive dreams are being dreamt now. Dreams of peace presaged by the gaining of influence of China, Russia and their allies. The most important dream of all, Peace on Earth and a final end of the neocon nightmare of full spectrum dominance by the West.