It's clear that the Kiev regime has lost the proxy war it was fighting for the USA, UK and EU against Russia. Refusing to sit down and agree terms is costing hundreds of lives every day that dawns.
This week Zelensky called for another half million Ukrainians to be mobilised. This week also saw videos published showing men being forcibly dragged from hotels, cafes and the street to be given rudimentary training before being sent to the front lines to die gruesome deaths. They will face battle-hardened Russian troops with superior kit, morale, weapons and ammunition. This while the Ukrainian army is fast running out of the will to fight, suffering frostbite and having ever less to fight with.
Zelensky appears to have become a megalomaniac without a trace of feeling for those hapless souls he demands be made cannon fodder in a war that is clearly lost. His backers in the West appear to have had enough of throwing good money after bad into the Ukrainian money pit. Yet Zelensky clearly has no compunction regarding sending ever more men, and now women, to the battlefront to die or be mortally wounded in conditions of absolute horror.
The tragedy of this war is that it was known from the start how it would end. That is, with a Russian victory. Russia could not afford to lose, far too much was at stake regarding its national security. The only thing that could have stopped Russia winning would have been direct intervention in Ukraine by the western powers via NATO. That option was barred right at the start due to the inevitability of a wider war in Europe erupting, quite possibly leading to all-out nuclear war between Russia and the West.
With no NATO involvement and no direct European military involvement for the same reason as that behind the NATO restraint Moscow was ALWAYS going to defeat any resistance put up by Ukraine, no matter how many weapons or of what type flowed into Ukraine from the West. Yes, if the financial and economic sanctions the West has applied to Russia had had the desired effect things would have been otherwise, however Russia has shaken off their effects and is now experiencing 3.5% economic growth.
We are now in an absurd position where Russia is clearly moving forward taking more land in a steady grinding down of the Ukrainian army with no calls for talks from the West to end the carnage? The policy of western leaders is clearly to encourage Ukraine to fight to the last Ukrainian while the cause is lost without any possible shadow of a doubt? There are no miracles in warfare, or damn few, and those that do arise will stem from individual heroism in the face of all odds. Ukraine cannot possibly hope for divine intervention. So what now?
For now it seems that the daily grind goes on and this form of grinding is macabre indeed. Using vastly superior firepower Russian multiple rocket launchers and other artillery fire an estimated six and a half thousand rounds at EVERY target. That’s every trench, dugout, village, town and conurbation. Ukrainian forces have nothing to match that. Plus they are dog tired, frost-bitten and demotivated. Their reserve forces, meant to provide relief are in their turn being decimated in their bases by long range Russian missiles.
Russia fires on its targets from dawn to dusk, softening up resistance for the day when Russian troops can move forward to minimal resistance. This grinding down operation is repeated time after time according to well-crafted strategies to encircle the most important towns. The Russians are methodically decimating the Ukrainian army on their way to what was always an inevitable victory.
The number of Ukrainian casualties has varied between four hundred and eight hundred dead and wounded per day. And this day after day after day. Meanwhile Joe Biden and the rest of those who urge the various meat grinding fire sacks to go without let nor hindrance are sitting comfortably in their posh homes having a Martini, beer or whatever their favourite tipple is quite oblivious to the suffering they are encouraging. Nothing must get in the way of their re-election so this deadly show must go on and a pretence of “victory” be concocted.
In March of last year Boris Johnson persuaded Zelensky not to give in to the temptation to continue the talks with Russia that neared a breakthrough in Istanbul. There the Ukrainian delegation appeared to be nearing a sensible position on at least some of Russia’s demands. However, Johnson’s visit to Kiev put an end to the process. Without doubt with the connivance of Biden he was able to bring talks to an end by promises of wonder weapons which would turn the tide of war in Ukraine’s favour.
Well, it hasn’t and it won’t. The HIMARS and Patriot systems and all else in the high-tech weaponry department of the West won’t do the trick. Ukraine already had a huge range of multiple rocket launchers at the start of the conflict. They are all gone. The weaponry that came in from the West didn’t even replace what was lost. Russia continues to crush the Ukrainian military and with its drones is spotting has taken out a significant number of Ukraine’s arms depots. The Ukrainians lament each day now that they are running out of the means to fight. This as the West protests that it has little more to give.
There is no good news for Ukraine, only bad and getting worse. Desertions are becoming more frequent, the number of dead per day is rising and while Ukrainian troops make videos saying they may turn and march on Kiev against Zelensky and continue to surrender in significant numbers. The Russian military is in the process of breaking through Ukrainian lines and looks set to liberate a number of major Ukrainian towns including Avdeyevka. There will be no stopping them now.
The time for Zelensky and his puppet-masters in the West to come to the negotiation table was months ago, yet still they refuse. All this means is that thousands more Ukrainians will die needlessly and yet more Ukrainian territory will be taken. To delay an hour more is madness. Yet delay they do. Till when? Till Russia moves all the way west to the banks of the Dnieper, decimating the Ukrainian army the entire way? At that point the Ukrainian regime and its backers may call for talks. The Russian response at that point however will be to call for total capitulation and submission to all Russian demands.
Is the western response we see to date just to save face? To stave off the humiliation of defeat for a few more months? To do all they can with futile gestures that bring nothing of substance to the final result? To posture and pontificate while delivering what they think are the required deceptions needed because whatever they do they must not at all costs, confront the awful truth?
This is a level of self-seeking irresponsibility that reaches a degree of callousness beggaring belief. Zelensky and his backers are presiding over a bloodbath simply to cover themselves in the hope of safeguarding their political careers and prospects. They need to end these futile gestures for the sake of humanity, they need to face the reality of defeat, to insist agree on the need for negotiations before it becomes too late, and to immediately do all possible to end this proxy war against Russia with immediate effect.
Zelensky is jus going to appear one day in a country where he has millions stashed and a nice house and leave Ukraine to its own
The poor Ukranians will have to rebuild theircountry