When a 'peace conference' concerns itself with how to better wage war you know you are now living in the world George Orwell described so well in his novel '1984'.
George Orwell knew all about political duplicity, how war could be parcelled up as peace to effect a public relations “victory” for expediency.
“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder acceptable and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”
A so-called ‘Peace Conference’ has just ended in the Swiss city of Lucerne. During this conference apparently dedicated to finding peace a series of belligerent speeches were made targeting the absent party many of those present were waging war against. Such was the dedication to peace evidenced by the most zealous advocates of war among them.
Orwell again:
“All the war propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.”
The general population of the western world are beginning to reveal something that has been an open secret since the West’s wars began some twenty years ago now. At that time millions took to the streets to protest a war they could see their leaders had fixed upon as an appropriate response to the 9/11 atrocity. They knew that attacking and invading Iraq would be no solution but would only initiate further problems. Their warning ought to have been heard and acted upon. After all, the West is supposed to be the beacon around the world of the merits of democracy where politicians take note of the wishes of, and act in the interests of, their citizens.
At that time I joined the young and old, the mothers, fathers, their children, grandparents, all marching for peace and against war. I took photographs at one of the demonstrations I attended. It was printed next day by the BBC Online website. It was of a teenage girl holding a banner. It read:
“Bombing For Peace Is Like Shagging For Virginity.”
The everyday men and women of the street knew that no good would come of further violence. Indeed hadn’t the families of those who died on 9/11 issued a statement saying they wanted no one else to die as a result of the attack that had taken away their loved ones.
Did the politicians listen? They did not.
Politicians in such circumstances feel the need to show that they are ‘doing something’ when the media demands it as it is wont to do. Deeply fearful of the power of the media to inflict damage on them for ‘doing nothing’ they close down any usual democratic notions of consulting the people and instead react in ways that are bound to generate more violence, death and destruction, resentment, opposition and an ever-deepening scar of trauma to infect all our futures. So it was. And so it remains today.
The decisions made immediately after 9/11 fuel the war we see raging now. It was those decisions that caused the abandonment of diplomacy, seen in those deadly hours as a hindrance to the goal set. That goal was the elimination and replacement of every individual, group and system of governance that evidenced any opposition to western power. The goal was to be pursued until attained. It was the unquestionable necessity. There would be no plan B. Diplomacy would only delay the attainment of that goal. This would be a forever war waged by the USA and its allies against a world that could no longer be tolerated, a world where forces opposed to the USA had been allowed to exist. This could not be allowed to stand. All such forces HAD to be liquidated. Every last one of them.
That ‘forever war’ is of course still with us. None of the debacles concerning Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or Syria stopped its progression. It is being applied today in Ukraine and, unless halted, will continue on to all the other targets specified in the post-9/11 protocols. You know their names well. There is no need to specify them here. Simply listen to the statements issued on a regular basis from the U.S. state department to find them quoted.
There will be no peace as long as the USA and its allies have the wherewithal to push the 9/11 protocols further. There will only be the apparency of diplomatic moves, sham processes designed only to promulgate the forever war by other means. Every dirty trick, every immoral, illegal and unethical means, including of course torture, NGO destabilisation, covert operations, coups, assassinations and endless lies, will be employed. Since 9/11 there have been no barriers to the attainment of the goals set at that time. And mass media news has been a willing asset all along the line. Over Ukraine it has been uniquely compliant and subservient to the needs of western states raging in constant war fever.
It is appropriate then that a “Peace Conference” indulges mainly in talk of further war. The cover story is that more war is needed to gain the peace. Ukraine must deliver major successes on the battlefield so that a better bargaining position at the negotiation table can be gained. The only problem is that there is no sign that more of the same, pouring more weapons and providing ever more funds to the Ukrainian regime, will make any major difference to the situation on the battlefield. Instead of the regime pushing Russia back Russia appears set to gain ever more ground. Thus the war will go on because the true goal of it is to weaken Russia, not save Ukraine.
Orwell once more:
“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”
There is no truth to the notion that a peace conference has just been held in Lucerne. This was, as has been the case with every meeting since 9/11, a war conference, simply a means of deciding which tactics ought to be deployed most effectively in waging the war. The western powers have no intention of giving up their war until every last individual, group and system of governance that in any way opposes them is eliminated and replaced and further, a system of surveillance is put in place that makes of our world, in effect, a prison planet. Only then will western political elites feel they have ‘done their job’ and made the West safe from further harm. They will not rest until this is done and the war being waged by them, unless they are faced down and stopped, will not end in our lifetimes.
A last quote from Orwell:
“Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.”