The USA complaining about Russia, China and Iran interfering in their elections and software platforms is about as sick a joke as it gets in geopolitical terms.
There is hardly a country that the U.S. is not interfering in on a 24/7 basis far beyond anything you may have heard of or suspected.
It is actively financing any and all groups seeking to overthrow governments primarily around Russia and increasingly targeting China’s borders.
This goes beyond the semantic attacks amounting to blatant propaganda regarding the Uyghur minority in Xinjian province, beyond doing all it could via NGOs such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in Hong Kong and well beyond the very long-running campaign to instigate violence in Tibet.
Multiple campaigns are running to instigate maximum unrest and violence with a view to weakening target states in the vicinity of China such as Myanmar and Thailand. Through NGOs such as NED and George Soros’ ‘Open Society’ activists are being financed, militants are being armed and multi-million dollar campaigns are being run to create ongoing chaos at China’s borders.
The overarching purpose of all these activities goes back to the Vietnam war at least if not further. In ‘The Pentagon Papers’ it was revealed that the whole purpose of the war against North Vietnam was to ‘contain China’. This goal has been upgraded to doing everything possible without any reference to moral or ethical conduct or to international law. The goal is to wreck China’s economic growth by any means possible and this includes subverting and destabilizing as many nations on China’s border as possible. Ungovernable chaos and if possible all Chinese businesses and other assets are the primary targets as well as the subversion of national stability.
China’s multi-billion infrastructure from the heart of China to the West known as the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative is a prime target. In Myanmar a pipeline crucial to China is being targeted by name, Chinese businesses are being burned down, activists funded by the USA are being motivated to bring down all aspects of authority there. Meanwhile, as was the case throughout the Syrian war in which the USA financed, trained and armed terrorists as their proxies, so-called ‘peaceful protestors’ (the same framing given to rioters on Kiev’s Maidan) are being armed, financed and used as proxies in Myanmar.
Anywhere the USA can cause trouble to the maximum degree possible that are vital areas for Russia, Iran or China are being targeted by the full panoply of forces from proxies to sanctions to propaganda to complicit western media one-sided misinformation. Bring to mind how you were perhaps snowed on Yugoslavia as I was at the time. The horror stories were real in many cases, however I think you will agree that it seemed only ONE SIDE was committing any atrocities. Once in a while you might hear something different but the enemy was certainly broadcast loud and clear to be Serbia.
The war on Syria by the USA’s new coalition of the killing was also framed in this way. Though a good half of all fatalities were on the pro-government side how often did you hear of their deaths? Even once? The same demonization playbook has been used relentlessly through the years.
Putin is framed almost as the Devil incarnate, a murderer, thief and totally corrupt individual. Gaddafi the same. And so on, and on...
Now it is increasingly China that you will hear of committing this or that abuse.
What you will never now here of since outlets such as The Guardian went safely mainstream is how the USA is not the top cop in the world as it might be benignly portrayed but the very obvious top criminal in the world.
Do you recall Obama’s ‘Pivot to the East’? This was a rare open declaration of intent. 99% of what is being done to stop China from being in a position to quarantine the West’s warmongering is now covert and run through CIA cut-outs such as the National Endowment for Democracy and many others. These are insidious organisations who fund terror campaigns and run propaganda operations concurrently. They are massively well funded through the U.S. State Department and UK Foreign Office.
Western populations have been maneuvered into either not caring about what’s going on, actively supporting it or simply gulled into believing what they hear on CNN or BBC about it. A massive conditioning and brainwashing operation now has no major resistance in mass media to it. All those outlets such as The Guardian have been neutered few though they were even at the best of times. Outlets such as The Washington Post and especially so The New York Times are now simply obvious stenographers for the push to crush all nations resisting complete U.S. domination.
It doesn’t matter which party holds power in either the USA or UK now, the policy will remain the same for the sake of maintaining western dominance and doing everything possible to crush Russia and China. Russia is very definitely the junior partner in all this. With an economy approximately the size of that of South Korea it is not in a position to face the USA down except with words and a military presence in Syria. That is virtually the full extent of Russia’s capability apart from a more than adequate system of hypersonic defense. China on the other hand presents a full blown threat to continued western supremacy. This is why it is the primary target now and why its ‘Belt and Road’ initiative is being targeted relentlessly with disruption and terrorism across almost every nation and location it traverses.
‘Get China!’ are very certainly the operative watchwords now. China is far and away the most imminent threat to U.S. hegemony, a total supremacy worldwide that since 9/11 U.S. elites have considered they cannot live without.
Today, the 16th of April 2021 China published its GDP growth in comparison to how it stood 12 months ago. That GDP has grown by 18.3%. This is why China is a target. Economic growth transfers almost directly to diplomatic reach. If both rise and rise as they have been doing they will disrupt the ability of the USA, UK and other allies to maintain their long-held supremacy and abilities to manipulate geopolitical factors to their advantage. This presents an existential threat to each one of them. This and only this, not purported human rights abuses or a claimed desire to give others the benefits of freedom and democracy are what’s at stake and lies at the root of all that is happening now.
This the end game war that western elites are waging primarily against their largest and most powerful target that is threatening them through the most successful economic model ever devised. China WILL lose them their power over all of us and here is the ultimate irony perhaps:
Despite every effort by the United States and its allies to denigrate, slander, weaken and destroy China by their wrecking ball tactics, if China ultimately prevails I am convinced she will create an entirely new geopolitical paradigm. Within this new paradigm I predict with certainty that we would have hugely increased stability, an enormous decrease in acts of war, a degree of peace and agreement unknown in generations along with the possibility of a world most of us have held in our hearts for so long now where toleration, not aggression is the prevailing spirit of not only our time but of all generations yet to come.