There is no way around saying this, no easy platitude or dissembling manner to soften it…
Western populations are being played for fools more cynically and successfully by their states than ever before in the long history of humanity on this planet.
The extent of the deception has reached truly epic proportions.
And with this total deception comes the totalitarian demands on previously sceptical people who have now been driven into a condition that resembles hysterical sheep, if that can even be imagined.
What western populations are now hearing and have been hearing for quite some time is a catalogue of lies and deception concerning both Russia and Ukraine.
The guilty parties have been described as innocent and the truly aggrieved party has been described as being guilty as sin.
It was not Russia that wanted this situation. Russia played strictly by the rules year after year, advocating a peaceful and amicable resolution of all factors and elements bound together in regard to Ukraine, NATO and the well being of those Russia cared for in eastern Ukraine, those who lived under threat of death, injury, destruction of property, language, culture and livelihood from a Ukrainian regime offering only war, and not a trace of dialogue.
Russia agreed a pathway to peace with Ukraine in 2015. It was ratified by the United Nations. Ukraine then set about ignoring its part of the bargain and its allies in the West did absolutely nothing to convince it to live up to its promises.
Instead of taking the road toward a peaceful resolution of the situation in the east of its country, the regime in Kiev relied on the backing of those in Brussels and Washington who sat on their hands regarding the agreed peace process and instead systematically supplied Ukraine with weapons instead.
I ask you, was this any way to seek peace? The movement since the agreement was signed in 2015 in Minsk by Ukraine was to move constantly toward a war footing, never toward peace. Meanwhile Putin and Russia did their best to encourage Ukraine and its supporters to implement the Minsk agreements, to fulfill its promises to the Donbass region for it to obtain autonomy and so retain its culture, language and the promise of a stable future ahead for its region and all its families present and to come.
Nothing Putin or Russia could do could convince the regime in Kiev to move an inch closer to the goals set in Minsk. And their allies refused to say a word of encouragement to the authorities in Kiev to do so.
Do the populations of the West hear any of this? Not one word. Instead all they hear is like some nightmare fantasy generated by a long gone arch-propagandist, a multi-layered campaign to dupe the entire population of the western world with simplistic sloganeering and the demonizing of one particular man’s character.
NATO has pushed and pushed at Russia. Its leadership has constantly tried to blacken the name of Russia’s president and those in authority in Russia. Meanwhile, a coordinated campaign of demonization has been enthusiastically indulged in by the entirety of the western world’s mass media.
And the immense tragedy of all this is that a western population that absolutely has every reason to doubt ALL the voices doing this due to the lies they were told to generate support for repeated utterly outrageous regime change wars, hardly blinked. They fell for the same old tricks hook, line and sinker and began emptying their minds of all logical circuitry replacing it with easily influenced channels of total acceptance and obedience.
Orwell’s world of state propaganda and media control had arrived and its compliant sheep had been created. You can see them nightly on your TV screens, crying tears of sorrow for the poor victims of Ukraine with visions of poor, innocent Ukrainians suffering the whiplash and worse of the new Hitler and his reborn Nazi shocktroops.
As a prominent Nazi once said, if you are going to tell a lie, tell a big one. And this one is the biggest ever told.
Putin and Russia were backed into a corner, steadily, progressively and step by step to the point where all their hope of a reversal of fortunes and their dreams of future peace and security were utterly lost. The USA, UK and NATO, through Ukraine, sought to undermine the Russian president and government and replace both. And this became the subject of wild, enthusiastic cheering from a propagandised western world completely lost within the avid acceptance of every lie delivered to it by its political and media elites.
The truths concerning almost everything that western populations believe as holy writ are rapidly becoming illegal to be spoken of. Truths are being called misinformation and disinformation. Total lies are being conveyed in the West as obvious state truths. If you have read Orwell’s novel ‘1984’ you know precisely how this world is now. The constant pushing of a war against Putin and Russia is portrayed as preserving peace by “containing” both. As just described, the truth is turned on its head… and now western populations are increasingly being told that they better believe in, and only ever communicate, what their state leaders and official mouthpieces say.
The parallels with Orwell’s dystopian vision of a future roboticized world are obvious. And it has arrived, not in 1984, but in 2022.
Soon you will be cancelled for having what is called a wrong opinion in the West. You will be shunned by all and sundry for daring to utter even one word that contradicts the official state and media narrative. You may well find yourself in court charged with sedition, insurrection or treason for speaking your mind and it being found intolerably “incorrect” by a state that demands your total obedience… or else.
This is the unbelievable state of the western world in this disastrous moment for humankind. A jealous power seeks to dominate, fearful that its dwindling influence is about to be totally eclipsed, an occurrence that utterly terrifies it. In an act of total desperation it sets up a system to dupe its entire population and that of its allies. Furthermore, it enacts policies which can easily begin a process that will wreak total havoc upon the entire world in order to save its own face and the power over others it now wields. This it cannot bear the thought of.
A dying animal is wrecking everything and attempting to blind all sentient beings around it to its pain in the furtherance of its own narrow self interest.
And further in its degraded, wilfully destructive state it points bloody fingers ‘over there’ at those who seek only stability, security, peace, agreement, trade and the well being of their people and spreads outrageous but believable conditioning lies that those ‘over there’ are utterly evil and that they are as pure as driven snow.
Those who have been made victim of these lies in their millions, bay in unison that these lies are obvious truths, having been conditioned by the systematic roiling of these lies communicated by their unwarrantedly respected elites, who constantly insert them within their utterly ravaged and mercilessly conditioned skulls.