The West's war against Russia has been long-running and difficult to hide, that is if the western powers wish to contend that they mean no harm to Russia. But what of China? Rumblings have been heard in the past, with Russia and China long linked together as adversaries. Apart from official U.S. reports listing these two together as adversaries, the Trump administration has been the most active regarding anti-China policies. Regarding rhetoric Trump was outdone however by the present Biden administration.
It is surely only a matter of time before the vastly heightened war mode in the West against Russia extends to encompass China, along with almost any individual or entity which seeks to support them.
The official attitude to both China and Russia is well known and reflects the undisguised perception that both are seen as 'the other', rival powers seen as alien and given the label 'authoritarian'. This attitude has had major consequences in the past and engendered various forms of attacks on others, sometimes financial and economic but at other times extremely violent including invasions and occupations.
What is relatively new about all this is the unity of purpose seen in recent times between the western political elites and those of western mainstream media. The attitudes reflected in the hierarchies of Washington and Whitehall are now held in common in western mass media. Russia and China are treated as adversaries, authoritarian adversaries and rival powers to be contained. More so of course Russia than China to date but the signs are this is changing to give China the full status of primary target quite clearly and very obviously given Russia in recent years culminating in the present situation regarding Ukraine.
Those who see no wrong in the foreign policies of the western powers like to say that neither Russia nor China have anything to fear from West, that they are reacting foolishly. If this is so then why the rhetoric naming Russia and China as 'adversaries' requiring 'containment'? Do these words betoken a friendly and normal relationship to Russia and China. They do not. Are they merely philosophical points with no meaning or bearing on geopolitical realities that have no intent whatsoever behind them, mere theoretical ponderings with no outcome planned? Only a fool would believe so.
The clear intent of the western powers is to wreak change within the two primary adversaries they have named. It stands to reason they do and to believe otherwise is to adopt a mindset of complete unreason.
Russia and China know they are targets, just as Iraq was a target, Yugoslavia was a target, Libya was a target and a group of other nations besides themselves are targets.
Their response to these facts should present no mystery. However their responses will be used as weapons against them with insistence that the response to attacks upon them is unjustified and that the perfect West has some inalienable right to target them without them consequentially having any right whatsoever to respond.
All this stems of course from American exceptionalism and British "superiority" claimed for themselves and the basis for their claims to be supreme guardians, judge, jury and yes, executioner. These two believe themselves above the United Nations, above international law and above reproach... due to their acts being self-sanctified in a circular argument where they start and end pure of thought and deed simply doing their duty as the world's ultimate arbiters of all right and wrong.
In due course we will see this attitude play itself out in the war against all those the western powers consider need 'dealt with', undermined, using whatever means come to hand, slowly or quickly if possible rendered ungovernable and ultimately having their leaders and systems of governance replaced.
These are the clear consequence of the policies which follow on from the stated conclusions of the two most interventionist nations on the planet.
This is why in due course the war that has been waged against Russia for two entire decades now and has at last reached its peak, will inevitably also include China and in my estimation very soon.