The western political and media elites have been supporting the war crimes, crimes against humanity and state terrorism perpetrated by successive Ukrainian regimes since 2014.
The blatantly terrorist attack on innocent civilian families on a Crimean beach yesterday is only the latest in a litany of such attacks on civilians by the Kiev regime. It and its forces are criminal in nature and it is unsurprising that their thuggish behaviour has resulted in thousands of civilian lives being lost.
Starting in 2014 while the entire western world of political and media elites looked the other way, the Russian-speaking populations of Donetsk and Lugansk were hot day and night by mortar rounds and missile attacks. From 2014 to 2022 a death toll of some 15,000 individuals should have shamed the criminals who usurped power in Ukraine in 2014. A hate-fueled criminal regime that was supported in every possible way by the western powers and their complicit media.
Populations in the West were told the death toll but not those who were causing those deaths. The implication provided with the ever-mounting toll of death and destruction in such so-called news was always that Russia was to blame. But it was not Russia that had laid siege to these regions. It was the Ukrainian army and its intake of fascistic extreme ultranationalists who bombarded the civilian population with glee. The age or sex of the victims of these attacks did not concern these fiends, their aim was to create the fear necessary to drive all Russian-speaking individuals from Ukraine. Or kill them, each and every one of them. This is why Vladimir Putin raised the question of a potential genocide.
The crimes of the Kiev regime have gone “unnoticed” in the West. No matter the crime committed, war crimes, crimes against humanity, all were ignored and went unreported. The only item of news they were interested in was anything that could be spun to project negativity about Russia and its president. The blackest of propaganda methods have been used against both for over twenty years now. But the crimes of the Ukrainian regime go “unnoticed”.
When Amnesty International told the world that the Ukrainian military was locating weaponry close to civilian infrastructure the report was met with howls of abuse in the West. The truth was not welcome there. That the Ukrainian army was using schools, hospitals and civilian apartment blocks for military purposes this was denied. No mention of such criminal abuse of international law was allowed if any Ukrainian entity was involved. Only Russia could be attacked and was attacked by the entire panoply of western media outlets along with the political elites of the West. The level of misinformation and propaganda involved than had ever been seen, certainly since the end of WWII.
When the democratically-elected president and government of Ukraine was undermined by an insurrectionist and murderously violent coup in 2014 a precedent was set for all future violence that was to stem from it. The rule of law that had maintained order until the riots of Maidan was broken irrevocably. The sanction of European, UK and US governments of the illegal and unconstitutional president and government that then took office showed clearly how the West would use terrorism and support terrorists when it benefited them. These shameful realities are now thankfully being wiped away by Russia’s special military operation in order to bring peace and stability and adherence to the law back to Ukraine, and in time to the entire West.