I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
I don’t believe 9/11 was an inside job. I think the chemtrail speculations along with those of the 5G network are total nonsense generated by minds with a peculiarly skewed view of the world. Likewise those who have the mental dysfunction and lack of local peer comforts to believe in the Q conspiracy.
But the events taking place now and on a daily basis indicate war is coming and I strongly suspect every one of them has been meticulously planned toward particular goals.
I hope I'm wrong in every aspect but a world war has been waged by the West against targets it needs to weaken and if possible destroy in order to preserve and expand its long-held ability to manipulate events globally.
This war has been ongoing for some time now and I fear it is being ramped up currently due to the West suffering huge present and future economic damage due to the Covid-19 virus pandemic.
China has always been the primary target, not Russia. Russia was just one of the links in the chain to be destroyed before hitting the ultimate target in western elite eyes, China.
China has just reported a rise in GDP of 18.3% in comparison with a much lower figure at the same time last year. It was the only major nation to see any GDP rise in 2020.
Now the timeline of the previous plan which was in place has had to be shortened and I fear the worst.
I wrote up my speculation on what the present build up may prefigure about a week ago. In my commentary at that time I speculated that a lightening strike may take place involving NATO/U.S. special forces and Kiev military troops to take back Donetsk and Lugansk back from the local authorities their local defenders and Russian volunteers. I still feel this is the most likely step planned for by Ukraine’s U.S. supervisors.
Russian ambassadors and officials are being told to remove themselves from both the USA, Czech Republic and Ukraine. The U.S. had planned to send battleships into the Black Sea and only recently cancelled this operation. U.S. jets have been accessing Russian airspace near Crimea. A NATO force of some 30,000 along with a great many military vehicles has been scheduled to be attended also by Ukrainian troops in the vicinity of Russia’s border. Videos have also emerged of massive reinforcement of Kiev’s military presence by rail. It is reported that 8 Ukrainian tactical ballistic missile systems OTR-21 "Tochka U" have been deployed in the Lyssichansk region after having previously been withdrawn from the front line. Biden’s portrayal of the Russian president and much else besides indicates there will be a flashpoint in the following days or weeks and my strong suspicion is that it will be in Ukraine.
We must all hope my speculations are wrong in every detail because the danger of an escalation into a world war is very real. In my commentary of last week I speculated that Moscow would think twice about making a military response to such an action by the West.
A danger does exist that the western powers would like to draw Russia into a military conflict in Ukraine as a way to then deliver some kind of sucker punch that would weaken Russia's position in the USA's march toward its long-planned destabilization of China.
These are the thoughts that have been running through my mind as these various indicators play out on the geopolitical scene currently.
The possibility exists for an uncontrollable escalation by a western elite growing increasingly desperate regarding the loss of its present status as the world’s most dominant force.
Will the West risk the possibility of a full blown hot war with Russia where millions die?
Presumably we shall all know very soon...