When all is going as the established elite of any democratic nation would wish a smiling face of urbane patrician benevolence is portrayed from on high.
However, what tends to occur when this established position comes under threat from below or beyond?
Do we see a continuation of all democratic processes?
Or rather do we see their degradation to a point where it is clear that something very undemocratic lies constantly behind the seemingly benevolent democratic facade?
Are freedom of speech and freedom of assembly safeguarded as of right... or are these hedged around with qualifying restrictions in such circumstances?
What do we see happening in regard to the already far-advanced militarisation of the police force in the USA and the increasing militarisation of the police in France and elsewhere within Europe?
What is the trend regarding the free expression on views contrary to the increasingly expected fixed norms advocated by western states? Were ALL the restrictions by western state mandate regarding Covid-19 strictly necessary or was there a hidden agenda to make western populations more resemble herder sheep?
Is the secret state surveillance of western populations being reduced or expanded in the face of what bears every relation to a third world war by western states waged against Russia, China and any and all others who fail to obey the so-called democratic demands of the West?
Are psychological and black operations carried out without any adequate oversight reducing or expanding? What are your feelings and instincts telling you?
What about all the interest groups and myriad lobbyists who are there to direct the so-called democratic process, are they working in YOUR interests or THEIRS? I know, there could hardly be a more rhetorical question. Naturally they are working to enhance THEIR own interests and those of their corporations. You are simply a tangential aspect, an income source.
What of the politicians who receive enormous inflows of cash with which to run their election and re-election campaigns. Are they your very best conduit for the democratic rights the western elites say you are so very privileged to have? And if they are not funded by some of the largest financial and mercantile corporations in the world then perhaps in your country they come from a certain select class of individuals. Do you find them often speaking for you, saying the things that are in your mind, or do they appear to live in a parallel universe to the real one you exist in?
Is the entire facade of "democracy" a fake? This is what I am asking you to consider here. Is it a set-up, an illusion whereby you THINK you are getting something when in effect you are getting something entirely DIFFERENT. And you are being controlled, misguided and led by your so-called democratic leaders rather than enabled to control, guide and direct them?Â
I'm reading "The Devil's Chessboard" a history of the CIA and the Dulles Brothers. Highly Recommended.