Or is it those who oppose their beliefs who are deluded?
There can be no mistaking the tone, nuance and general message of each and every address, speech and pronouncement on geopolitical matters made by those at the top of the political tree in the United States.
It will inevitably contain the following primary elements:
1. I am speaking as the foremost representative of humanity.
2. My words should be heard across the planet due to 1. above.
3. There can be no doubt that we Americans are the ultimate humanitarians.
4. We Americans are solely motivated by a selfless desire to help the world.
5. If any person or nation should doubt any of the above they are the enemy of humanity and therefore our enemy also.
6. God has given us a mission to transform the world and that is what we intend to do.
There are of course many other messages contained within the above.
We Americans and our systems are exceptional. We are good people, indeed we are saintly people, concerned only with humanity’s best welfare. We have a solemn mission, indeed a duty to all others on this planet, to spread freedom, democracy and western liberal values to the world. If you resist us you are either misguided, evil or both and we will act to nullify, eliminate and possibly exterminate you. We will never stop or restrain our God-given mission as we have no doubt that our quest is right and unquestionably good. Do not resist us. You will regret it. We have achieved the ultimate and unquestionable peak of economic, political and social systems. No opposition to us will be tolerated as this would plainly be an evil act against all humanity. If you do so you will be punished as we Americans are, and will remain, the ultimate authority on this planet. We are the arbiters of right and wrong, of good and evil. There are no higher authorities. Obey and be at peace. Oppose us and we will wage war of one kind or another against you to free your people from the tyrants that rule over them.
That these beliefs and the actions that follow from them can result in mass death and destruction, destabilization, misery, fractured regions and national economies, chaos, discord, disruption and instability lasting generations, does not faze those espousing them except momentarily.
The end justifies the means. As long as the end goal is seen as vitally important and wholly beneficial there can be no question that what needs to be done MUST be done. To do otherwise is to fail in the God-given mission handed down to the USA and thus fail humanity.
The end goal of liberation of all perceived evils (deviations from the perfect systems of the United States) cannot be abandoned, as to omit any nation means some will be left oppressed, enslaved, continuing to be subject to the will of tyrants, unable to experience the benefits offered them by the USA.
If hundreds of thousands, even millions, die in the process of bringing the ultimate good to humankind it will be unfortunate, but ultimately it will be a “price worth paying” such is the importance of the mission and the end goal it strives to achieve.
This is the belief system those of us face who would exercise our free will not to have this end goal imposed upon us. Essentially we are being told that if we think this way and oppose the ambitions of successive U.S. elites we are either deluded, malign agents of tyrants or simply evil.
I leave it to you, the reader, to decide.
Who is it in this scenario that is deluded?
Are the elites of the USA correct in their estimation of what is best for humanity and therefore correct in attempting to eliminate all factors inhibiting the achievement of what those elites conceive to be best? Should we applaud their attempts to transform our world? Are we who oppose such an intent in fact the ones suffering from delusion?
Or, does what we see of the myriad negative factors within U.S. society, its political system, mode of capitalism, its various systems of education, healthcare, policing, pharmaceutics, drug policy and tendency to violence and instigation of war indicate the delusion lies elsewhere, within the minds of those U.S. elites of which I speak?