What is the world approaching as we engage in our Christmas celebrations this year? A universal belief in affording goodwill to all men and women? Or only to some... to those who think as we do?
Christmas was being celebrated across most of the world and, as usual, most fervently in the western world where consumption was reaching its seasonal peak. In Moscow and Beijing however, the business of leadership and governance went on as usual.
Vladimir and Xi kept in close contact due to the highly critical juncture for their countries which had now reached its climax. In both Ukraine and Taiwan, the USA and its allies were hard at work creating mounting pressure on both leaders.
The forces of NATO across the ex-Soviet nations of the Warsaw Pact were increasing their presence by the day, while the NATO leadership showed no signs whatsoever that this process would be brought to an end. In Taiwan U.S. military forces were active while the political elite in Washington made no secret of their plans to recognise the island as an independent state. This was an outcome that was completely unacceptable to China. The situation had reached a position of impasse for both nations and to continue in the hope of some change within the West was clearly futile.
There would be no better time to act than during this time when the necessity to grant personnel leave to enjoy the Christmas festivities with their families would mean some, if not all, posts were unoccupied.
The decision to act now had not come lightly. The leadership in both countries had exercised immense patience over the past several decades, partly due to the remaining hope that the USA could not possibly countenance a world war in pursuit of its aims, partly out of certain economic and technological weaknesses now resolved.
It was with a heavy heart in both capitals that the campaign now about to be initiated had been drawn up. It had been hoped that the push for complete global dominance by the USA would be abandoned when the inevitable outcome of a world war was realised in Washington. It was clear to both leaders now that there would be no such moment.
The USA had become the most dominant world force prior to World War II but it was in the aftermath of that war and subsequent years that its strength was shown in the ability to mould the new geopolitical architecture of Europe and the Far East. Then, at the conclusion of the Cold War, it demanded full recognition of its status as the unipolar superpower. It was in this fervour of nationalist pride in its supreme power to dominate the entire world that it began its push toward Russia’s borders. Then came 9/11.
9/11 resulted in the demand from within the elite political superstructure of America that any and all entities demonstrating any opposition to U.S. power be eliminated. A program was initiated to attack, weaken, undermine, subvert or invade each and every such nation, starting with Afghanistan, then Iraq and ultimately including the nations of both China and Russia. At first, the enormity of this desire was not fully appreciated in either Moscow or Beijing and it was only with great reluctance that the awful fact of this goal became accepted.
It was from the middle to the end of 2021 that the response came. First from Beijing with a new breed of officials who began to speak plainly and authoritatively and in no uncertain terms in response to U.S. accusations, demands and ultimatums. In the latter part of 2021 Russia also hardened her official stance against the obvious and growing threat from the USA, UK and their allies. No attempt at resolving differences was being made by the West. To all intents and purposes, diplomacy was dead and buried. The USA wanted full spectrum dominance by the elimination of all those who they saw as adversaries and indeed if truth be told, enemies. They were targets for destruction and diplomacy could only delay the day of that destruction.
In Moscow and Beijing, there were now no longer any illusions about American plans for them. An existential threat to them by the West was abundantly clear and there could be no doubt of the outcome if they merely voiced their opposition in the hope it would relent. It had become clear to the leadership of both nations that it would take more than words to enable the continued survival of their nations, their cultures and their right to national sovereignty and security.
Russia was winning its special military operation in Ukraine but clearly saw that the western powers were not going to concede the new security architecture for Europe that Russia required to feel safe. The assumption was more and more clearly felt that the USA and its allies were not going to restrain themselves to any degree whatsoever in the face of their imminent defeat. A nuclear strike by the USA and its closest ally, Britain at the very least, if not from NATO bases across Europe appeared highly likely.
So it was that on Christmas Eve 2023 as it was celebrated in the West in the seconds after twelve midnight heralding Christmas Day that the plan long developed in coordination between Moscow and Beijing was enacted.
In the years preceding this point of determinate action all necessary technologies had been developed including the hypersonic capability that would now be crucial to the task. In addition, the ability to block western defence systems had now been honed to as near perfection as possible. Everything was ready for what would now take place.
The coordination of hitting both Washington, Whitehall, Brussels and NATO HQ concurrently was extremely precise. Every strategic location had long been mapped in precise detail. The current location of every last member of the command structure of every western nation was precisely known on a moment by moment basis. Subsequently, a flurry consisting of thousands of missiles powered by hypersonic technology of all sizes hit targets precisely across the western world.
The massively dangerous capacity of the West was swiftly neutralised. Mopping up operations detected and neutralised what remained of lesser targets in a second wave coming moments after the first. The final world war was over in seconds. The elites of the West had brought on their own destruction while seeking the destruction of others.
A third and lesser wave came moments after the initial two waves of devastation. Then came the messages of reassurance to the general populations of those countries hit hardest. A new world was being born this night, a world where one nation or group of nations would no longer dominate, where diverse modes of governance would not determine whether a nation was an enemy and thus a target but where trade would build tolerance between all nations. The solemn assurance was made in live broadcasts by both Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping that neither Russia nor China would seek to replace the USA in its stance of sole superpower but that the era of multipolar democracy had now arrived.
A new world was to arise from the ashes of the old. The overwhelming hubris and arrogance that had personified the western world’s stance to all the nations of the world as evidenced in its constant flouting of international law were never to be seen again. The world could now move on toward the destiny all balanced hearts had endlessly hoped for, a world of unity in diversity, of tolerance, of rising standards, increased trade, of harmony of purpose, tolerance for differences of all kinds and most importantly of all… a world where peace was ever sought, never war.