Western populations swim in an ever-thickening propaganda soup
The U.S. state through its intelligence agencies has been vitally interested in the psychological manipulation of human beings, both at home and abroad, for a great many years.
The CIA has a long track record of attempts to use mentally coercive techniques to distort the reality of those it has experimented on. The MK-Ultra experiments were only one series of mind-bending programs designed to allow them the ability to alter reality for those experimented upon without their knowledge or volition. In essence, human beings were treated as unpaid guinea pigs where no warning or invitation to consent had been given.
There can be no doubt that despite any assurances that the CIA or their representatives in Washington may give that the existence of programs to enhance conditioning techniques have continued without interruption from their inception to the present day.
Another CIA program, ‘Operation Mockingbird’ had a similar goal to that of MK-Ultra in that it sought to manipulate human psychology, this time through the creation and distribution of misinformation. Through whatever means found possible journalists, editors and film scriptwriters were inveigled to mirror the desired narratives of successive U.S. administrations through the offices of the CIA.
The desire of the USA and allied nations to have a meek and malleable population has undoubtedly spawned many more programs than MK-Ultra and Operation Mockingbird. The intent to control and manipulate subject humans is echoed through every intelligence agency the U.S. has, including of course the NSA.
In the last few years growing attempts to reduce those thoughts and public communications not conducive to elite narratives have been striking. True investigative journalism has become extremely rare and almost completely absent within the western mainstream. Further, those who attempt such journalism outside of state and corporate structures have found themselves under attack. It has become clear that elite western narratives are now regarded as sacrosanct truths within all mainstream entities from the political to the media. And those who contradict these narratives, question them, critique or investigate them are increasingly being portrayed in a highly derogatory way. To question elite narratives can now lead to a pariah or near-criminal status.
Since 9/11 the effort to monitor and manipulate events globally has intensified. The primary goal became the establishment of ‘full spectrum dominance’, a project to bring all humanity under inspection in a comprehensive and wholly invasive system of wall-to-wall 24/7 observation. Within this regimen of observation and oversight are to be embedded in both proactive and reactive responses to identified stimuli.
The most obedient slave is the one that is totally unaware of his or her chains therefore an environment of acceptance is daily created among citizens through an all-pervasive mainstream media. By this means the subjects to be manipulated, manoeuvred and conditioned constantly swim in a subtle propaganda soup which they take as normality. The parameters of this reality are very narrow and have created a much expanded ‘Operation Mockingbird’ for the 21st century
The key is the incessant nature of the conditioning which has now reached the levels of those within religious cults, totally under the sway of a reality created for them, not one arising from their own personal observations. This is the goal set long before with the earliest CIA experiments into mind control.
The power of sources delivering mental conditioning in the West has grown exponentially due to the coincidental narrowing of the owners of entities delivering it. In the USA in particular the number of corporate owners of mass media has reduced to just six corporations, all devoted to delivering narratives corresponding to state and intelligence agency requirements.
The acceptance of what to the open-eyed observer is obvious propaganda and mind-control across the western mainstream is shocking.
It is in the respect with which a news anchor will give to what is in fact a western state terrorist.
It is in the puffed-up seriousness with which a five-star general is given to tell his lies.
It is in the agreement between CNN talking heads discussing a totally one-sided story about Russia or China where opinions are asserted as facts.
It is in the faux-gravitas of celebrity news anchors such as Wolf Blitzer and all such vacuous pretend journalists.
It is all soaked in as normality. Framed as “news”. These are the parameters within which minds are positioned, conditioned to respond positively to deeper and deeper levels of acceptance.
The same establishment views are repetitively voiced in innumerable ways and on myriad occasions to generate a certain worldview. They provide a repetitively toxic mix of suggestion and mesmeric background noise delivered constantly into grey matter moulded over time to the shape required.
Russia and China - VERY bad. USA - always GOOD… indeed saintly!
Over and over and over and over and over and over. Night after night. Day after day.
No other side of a story regarding Russia or China exists. Only the inescapable negative.
So the propaganda soup just keeps getting thicker and thicker... and those swimming in it just get blinder and blinder. Just as those cooking it up wish.
It is mind-control, not media. It isn’t news... it’s conditioning.