It is hopefully clear to everyone now that we are within World War Three. The optimistic notion that world wars were over with the end of the Cold War in the new era celebrated at the time where a New World Order was heralded can be seen to have been hopelessly optimistic. Of course it was a U.S. president who voiced this optimism, believing that it would be the USA that would now be perpetual top dog, the position it has always considered was its by right.
What has happened since has shaken the confidence of the USA that it was master of all it surveyed. The primary event which shook it most was 9/11. The project that followed could be reduced to the phraseology that it has now determined to be master of all it surveilles.
9/11 set in motion the quest to achieve ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’. This goal requires the neutralizing and elimination of all entities that could possible stand as rivals to U.S. supremacy. The ultimate goal is to have removed all individuals from power and all systems of governance from use that could in any way show any resistance whatsoever to overall geopolitical control of Planet Earth by the USA. Once all such elements and entities are eliminated then surveillance from space via all telecommunication mediums will allow monitoring, elimination and punishment that can regulate the world to ensure previous out-of-control never return to threaten the USA.
Unfortunately for the plans of the USA two primary problems have transpired. One is the recalcitrant nature of Vladimir Putin in not wishing to play ball and stating so baldly in Munich in 2007. The second is of course the unstoppable economic rise of China. A rise in economic fortunes equates to a rise in influence. It also equates to a rise in a range of powers that make regime change there by the USA a helluva lot more problematic.
The attacks upon and invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were meant to open the door to many more such interventions, however, as we have seen this has not worked out at all well. The mimicking of the successful tactics of harnessing the use of militant extremists against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan was tried again in Syria. There Russia stepped in and stymied its full implementation, reducing the U.S. proxy forces to a rump in Idlib province.
This setback due to Russia has further infuriated those charged with seeing through the 9/11 goals. It is no wonder that Putin, for several reasons including his presenting an obstacle to U.S. plans in Syria is Public Enemy Number One in the West. From 2007 Putin was targeted as a thorn in the West’s side presenting himself as a clear barrier to the status of global hegemon it believed was its by right. Putin’s affrontery in halting the spread of terrorism in Syria was simply too much to bear. The unfinished business left over from the collapse of the Soviet Union could no longer be ignored.
World War III was therefore set in motion. First to fall was to be Putin and the system of governance in Russia. Once that was taken care of China was to be the primary focus until it too suffered the same fate. Meanwhile the lesser irritants such as Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Yemen and others cropping up would be targeted on an ad hoc basis with CIA teams for each kept hard at work with political help where deemed necessary. Nothing has gone well and certainly nothing according to plan. Trump’s attempt to subvert the political system in Venezuela was pushed very hard and given massive help by many nations worldwide... but failed. His attempt to undermine China failed also. Trump’s attacks on every single ally of Russia also fizzled out. Even his decision to allow lethal weaponry to be shipped to Ukraine (refused by Obama) turned out not to be crucial even there.
The USA is frustrated to the nth degree at this point. Russia has weathered the sanctions storm engineered after the reunification of Crimea with Russia, China is continuing to grow while the economies of the western world have taken a massive hit through the arrival of the novel coronavirus, Covid-19.
Time after time it seemed nothing was going right. Libya descended into internecine strife and an economy in free fall where human slavery returned. Afghanistan was lost in a chaotic bout of unconscionable humiliation. Internally too, the USA was riven by strife, most recently by the Black Lives Matter riots and protests and then the Capitol Building “insurrection”. Divisions and enmities show no signs of lessening either while the U.S. economy gets battered by the hurricane winds of inflation, further alienating the American people and setting the stage for more divisive drama to come.
Still the goal of world domination by the USA, ostensibly to ensure no such event like 9/11 could ever occur again, was pursued by doubling down on every occasion across the planet. The USA appeared to be fighting in almost every corner of our world and by whatever methods it pleased, no matter how immoral or unethical. It had shown this intent during the Bush years (kidnap {rendition}, imprisonment without trial {Gitmo} and the use of torture) when the methodologies used were whatever appeared to have efficacy, no matter how criminal they were in essence.
The set-in-stone, never to be questioned, limited, modified or (heaven forfend) cancelled, goal of global domination by the USA and its allies in perpetuity, supposedly for the benefit of all 'right-minded’ people everywhere, was the underlying principle of every geopolitical decision made. Russia was to be targeted in every way possible as first “problem” to be solved. Western mainstream press and media responded with alacrity. The ‘Get Putin’ campaign went into high gear. And from 2014 it had a golden #1 meme, Ukraine. The waterfall of propaganda, bias, partiality and spin permeated all mainstream news outlets which they ran with non-stop. ‘Russiagate’ was used as the primary vehicle for the ‘Demonize Putin/Russia’ for four years non-stop. The end result being that gullible souls who have no time or inclination to look further than the headlines and bylines were completely sold on the renewed ‘Red Peril’ scare.
Now we see serial doubling down regarding Ukraine from the USA, UK and western mass media. The hysteria generated is pervasive and though no ‘Russian Invasion’ has transpired it continues to be fueled by ever more wild rhetoric. To what end you may ask? A good question. Though the answer is undoubtedly composed of many parts at least a few are obvious. The destabilization of Russia in any way possible is ongoing and the so-called crisis in Ukraine is undoubtedly part of the open-ended campaign. No matter that the economy of Ukraine, already in near basket case condition, is driven into freefall and total collapse, the demands of the overarching goals set after 9/11 take precedence. And easily so. Ukraine is only of use as a pawn to the USA no other use than to create mischief against Russia.
World War III, the last world war, the one to determine the geopolitical structure of all our futures, overrides all concepts such as justice, equity, honor, integrity or fairness. The USA is unwilling to create a single such barrier to its ability to win out and reach the goal it considers it simply cannot tolerate NOT achieving. Full Spectrum Dominance equating to absolute control over all potential threats to it globally is not negotiable, cannot be watered down, must not be questioned but must be carried through to ultimate victory no matter what the consequences may be.
In the Nineties a slogan became very well known in the USA, one that sought to focus minds in the forthcoming presidential election:
“It’s The Economy, Stupid!”
Now…“It’s World War Three, Stupid!”
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