Without the mythology created around the imaginary, snarling, utterly ruthless Russian bear what would be the purpose of the West maintaining NATO?
Unless western powers wish to create another absolute disaster as they have done in Libya the answer is clearly... NONE.
The truth is that Russia is a convenient scapegoat for NATO, a useful tool for its cynical determination to keep all its career ladders in place... at enormous expense.
‘Robert Parry was an American investigative journalist. He was best known for his role in covering the Iran-Contra affair for the Associated Press (AP) and Newsweek, including breaking the Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare (CIA manual provided to the Nicaraguan Contras) and the CIA involvement in Contra cocaine trafficking in the U.S. scandal in 1985.’ (Wikipedia)
Robert Parry was one of the investigative journalist greats. For many years in later life he fought against the constant attacks against the Russian Federation, in particular during the period 2014 through to his death in early 2018 when he debunked much of the so-called news regarding Russia in Ukraine. One of his favorite targets was the New York Times which churned out an endless stream of unfounded claims regarding “Russian aggression”.
As a noted journalist Parry was occasionally invited to events where he would come in contact with officials close to the U.S. government of the time.
On one of these occasions he recounted how he had a conversation with one of these officials where perhaps the fine wines being offered had caused the man in question to open up more than he would ordinarily. He admitted openly to Parry that yes, of course we lie about Russia and he admitted also the reason, to support NATO.
This lies at the heart of why Russia and its president have been the major target over the last decade and a half and why an endless stream of newsprint and media minutes have been devoted to creating an image of Russia that at times resembled farcical acts of pure insanity.
The destabilization of Ukraine through the U.S. State Department, the EU Executive and CIA cut out the National Endowment for Democracy through a concerted campaign over several decades eventuated in a device to ensure an ongoing demonization of Russia.
In addition, moving NATO ever eastward toward Russia’s borders would also quite intentionally bring about enough statements of resistance by Putin and others that that they could be given the bad-guy framing desired.
Campaign after campaign has been seen since. The Skripals, the spurious claims about electoral interference in 2016 and again last year, the endless idiocy concerning Navalny and the equal idiocy surrounding claims of cyber warfare. All undoubtedly coordinated between the CIA and MI6. There was nothing for Putin or Russia to gain in any of these false flag events. If even one of them had occurred as reported does anyone think the resulting sanctions and other negative factors involved would encourage a repeat performance? Of course not.
But NATO needs this. It needed all of these events to take place. If you follow the money as the saying goes... the path leads directly to NATO HQ in Haren, Brussels.
Just think for a moment what salaries NATO officers receive and how many of those officers and a plethora of other ranks, analysts, administrators, ambassadors etc. etc. there are. Think of all those men and women and the career structures they are on, all the dependents who rely on those salaries increasing incrementally, all the pension funds awaiting those eager little faces who pronounce on Russia on a near daily basis. Think too of all the well-heeled officials of other nations who do very well out of their country being a member of NATO. No, there is too much at stake to let NATO appear ripe for disbanding.
The big, bad Russian bear is utterly vital for all those serried ranks both within NATO and intimately associated with NATO. Not to mention all those peripherally connected in Whitehall and Washington who have their own intimate and long-standing inter-relationship with that redundant organization. The intricate intermingling of military forces with and within NATO is yet another factor. Contingency plans coordinated across Europe and beyond, multi-disciplinary training exercises, links to myriad other entities, the UK Foreign Office, MI5 and 6, the CIA naturally and every other Secret Service unit, the SAS, the Navy Seals and many more. The list goes on and on. Disbanding NATO would be like attempting to remove the cancer cells distributed throughout a diseased body in the last hours of its life. Do that and the entire structure is brought down or at least rendered non-functional, weakened at its core as a huge number of its vital functions are ripped out in the process.
The alternative was much simpler and involved no reduction, rather an endless expansion. Even more connections, more money, more career paths and more requirements to create fear.
Where was the enemy so badly required to be found?
Of course it was a total no-brainer.
No matter that the world would be put at incredible risk for many extremely serious reasons:
By actively creating disunity at a time of increasing threat, not only from the coronavirus, but from the far greater one of climate change where all the unity of purpose possible was required.
By encouraging the possibility of another world war, of death, misery, instability, chaos and destruction in Europe... again.
By creating a pervasive atmosphere of mistrust and suspicion, by destroying the livelihood of farmers and manufacturers through series upon series of unwarranted sanctions based on totally spurious claims and accusations.
By splitting the world, possibly irretrievable in two, breaking international law by using economics as a weapon, degrading respect for law in general in this way and by weaponizing humanitarian aid and rights groups, destroying the reputation of NGOs due to using them as subversive tools with which to bring down governments.
All to aid NATO, to keep its bloated corpse afloat, to prop it up, giving it a false reason to still exist. Every disgusting and callous thing possible has been done with complete and utter cynicism for the sake of an organization that can only serve one malignant purpose ultimately, to endlessly foment discord, division and war... all for its own pecuniary benefit and desire to maintain a power it ought to have relinquished at the end of the Cold War.
Without Russia set up as an enemy consisting of devious, sub-human devils intent on wrong-doing as part of a racially and genetically programmed incurable evil NATO would be seen as it is, a pus-filled shell, a shadow entity without merit, a disgusting cabal of self-seeking con-artists willing for the world to be brought again to war, just to keep making a buck.