As I predicted some years ago now, World War III is under way, recognisably so now, however this war has been waged by the western powers against those it perceives as potential threats to them for at least fifteen years now, and more accurately, for just over twenty.
It was on September 11th 2001 that it can be seen to have begun in earnest in its latest phase. But in reality the goal of the USA, along with the UK, to dominate our planet and undermine all potential rivals began at the end of World War II. I would argue that everything we have seen from these two since then has been one regime change war after another.
The Korean War, the Vietnam War, and so many more since those. Even before them we have the determination of the USA to wipe out any exhibition of democracy that didn’t suit them in their ‘back yard’ Latin America and elsewhere around the globe such as in Iran.
The exploitative capitalism with its ever greedy lust for more in combination with its political need for those resources and influence that come from it when exported to the rest of the world brought the USA and UK knocking on almost every door issuing threats or offering bribes. They consider this planet their fiefdom and woe betide any others who might get in their way or oppose them to any degree.
So the war the western powers have been waging to maintain their supremacy on our planet has been long and all-pervasive until recently. Without doubt they believed they had it in the bag when the Soviet Union fell and they were able to grab the nations that exited from it. Their goal of total global dominance appeared within reach.
Yeltsin’s election campaign was provided with millions of dollars in cash at a time in Russia when an excess of money was almost as rare as hens’ teeth. Naturally he won. His treachery toward the previous hero Gorbachev was forgotten instantly and his ultra-violent methods (attacking the Russian parliament building with tank fire) were somehow deemed “democratic”. So much for the basic principles of so-called western moral values, ethical principles and the oh-so-holy mantra of democracy.
But they didn’t count on their quisling picking a certain relatively unknown bureaucrat as his successor. That really set the Russian cat amongst the heretofore urbane western pigeons. It seems they hoped that Putin would simply be a sober Yeltsin at first. But Putin showed them at Munich in 2007 that this was absolutely NOT the case. He told the western political elites gathered before him that Russia was giving the middle finger to the idea that one nation or a group of nations had the right to dictate to all other nations in a unipolar world.
The West has waged one war after another for so very long now. Wars to establish and re-establish its dominance, supremacy and supposed exceptional standards, systems and values. The bloody trail from and to each successive war has shown just how many millions died in total. The USA has been the worst culprit of course. But the United Kingdom, Britain has shown its brutal cynicism too, sometimes in league with its master, sometimes alone as in the case of the Suez Canal debacle where it fled with a bloody nose.
Slavery and colonialism mixed always with imperialism of one kind or another are written deep in the geopolitical DNA of both these murderously aggressive and ambitious nations. War is second nature to them. As is the subtle layers of propaganda they continually spin around their populations.
So here we are, at the final world war, the end game war. The war to decide if one nation or group of nations following behind it will turn this world into a prison of the mind, a prison where if you don’t watch what you say, who you meet, what you read and what kind of profile you have on social media you will be flagged from on high for further attention as a possible subversive.
Don’t mistake the intent of that nation and its followers. They want absolute security. Since 9/11 that has been the goal. And ALL possible entities that could possibly present a barrier to that absolute security MUST be eliminated as they see it. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. And then the rest of us must be watched by one means or another in case we exhibit some tendency toward free speech, assembling in numbers or disaffection with the new arrangement. If you think we are spied upon now through various means let me tell you you have seen nothing yet as compared to how things will be if Russia and China are crushed.
I hope you now realise where we are, that we are approaching the height of the world war waged for so long and the culmination of all the other wars the USA and collective west has waged. And yes, this is only the start. Russia is a big enough challenge for the western political elites even with all its compliant mass media and all their mesmerised populations singing along with you to “Save Ukraine!!!” This is just geopolitical foreplay before taking on the main target, the true opposite number to the USA, China.
It is going to be war all the way now I’m sorry to say. It could have been very different, compromises could have been sought. But we saw how Russia’s attempts to find a compromise regarding her security fared along with the Minsk Agreement with Ukraine ratified at the United Nations. They were rejected, more or less out of hand. So Russia did all it was left to do, it stood up and raised its fist to those who had fought one war after another for decade after decade and called out to its enemies, “Do Your Worst! We Will Take No More! Now WE Wage War!”