The die is cast. Both the western powers and Russia face an unthinkable existential threat should they lose in Ukraine. Future escalation up to and including nuclear now appears all but unavoidable.
Unless reason prevails, and there is no sign of this even remotely appearing on the horizon, the use of nuclear weapons is inevitable, and on both sides. This appears inevitable now due to the impossibility of any settlement being brokered as only one side has ever been willing to engage in meaningful talks. With the Zelensky regime having counted itself out of any such arrangement and the western powers actively desiring an endless continuation of the conflict, an endless escalation up to and including nuclear, is inevitable.
The Republican Party, up to this point in time, appeared to be resisting another $60 billion in support for Ukraine but now show a new willingness to sign off on this and in addition every being willing to vote for the theft of $300 billion in frozen Russian assets also to be used to support the war. In addition, the European Union is approaching the point of providing 50 billion euro over a four year period to Ukraine.
Add to the above the transfer of missiles capable of traversing 300 kilometres to Ukraine and you can see where this is headed, to ever more war. Russia, in response to all of the above will have no good option but to escalate in turn.
Why has this situation reached such a stage where mass death and destruction through the use of nuclear weapons appears inevitable? And if it is indeed inevitable what are the factors on each side that make it so.
From the US/UK/EU side of things the crucial thing to understand are the catastrophic outcomes within the political and media elites post 9/11 and the most crucial factor to understand is the decision made immediately after 9/11 that, in combination with Russia’s existential concerns makes a nuclear conflict all but certain.
The decision was made after 9/11 to agree an unquestionable goal, to achieve 'full spectrum dominance' through undermining, removing and replacing ALL perceived opponents to total western hegemony. That goal was NEVER meant to be relinquished and never meant to be questioned. Its achievement was seen to be then and continues to be seen today as an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY, never to be countermanded, never even to be questioned.
The subsequent and equal goal to the one above, when ALL opposing entities were eliminated, was to establish worldwide surveillance and ability to strike down at any and all nascent perceived threats.
This all stems from 9/11. If even one opposing element continues to exist that has the power of significant resistance to western power (such as Russia or China) then the USA and its allies cannot rest and will pursue the goal of eliminating them to the bitter end.
The USA and its allies believe they must have absolute oversight and total manipulative control in order to eliminate any and all emerging threats and they consider that they will never feel fully secure again if they cannot arrive at this status. This is why we are most likely heading toward a nuclear conflagration with no way out. Neither side can relent because both sides see the end of their security in that relenting. So, what is the view from that other side?
It must surely be concluded that the Russians are now fully aware of the goal the western powers have set themselves. This was clearly not always the case. Vladimir Putin, by his own admission, has been somewhat blind to this. After 9/11 he sought to assist the USA and their allies in their Afghanistan campaign after being one of the first to phone then president George W Bush offering that assistance to him.
It has taken several betrayals and bouts of western deception to disabuse Putin of the idea that the western powers could usefully be negotiated with. It is only in the past six months or so that the truth has fully and comprehensively dawned upon him that there never was any true integrity or sincerity in the approach to the Ukrainian problem that he had been working hard to resolve peacefully since 2014. It is only in recent times that Putin stopped talking of the U.S. and European elites as Russia’s “partners”. Now he knows them with fully open eyes for what they truly are, Russia’s enemies seeking to weaken it sufficiently for it then to be broken up into multiple, manageable parts.
The goal of destroying the Russian Federation as it now exists, of eliminating its present system of government, replacing those now governing it and breaking it up, all in order to ensure it can be manipulated into the shape the western powers wish, is what is at stake. Putin knows this now as increasingly does the entire Russian population. The Ukrainian campaign therefore is of existential importance to Russia, just as the security risks informing the post-9/11 goals are for the U.S. elites. Here is the impasse that cannot be reconciled. Both must win and for each side the consequences of not winning are unthinkable.
The primary danger at work in all this is the 'war mode' mentality that prevails across the political leadership of the USA plus its allies, along with a completely myopic focus on creating solely positive narratives in regard to providing ever more support for Ukraine. This has created an almost complete neglect of just how much the ultimate outcome of this conflict means to Russia.
This conflict truly could not possibly have a higher priority for Russia. This is about Russia’s national security and sovereignty at a time when the hounds of war are baying at its door. The West should know that Russia will use ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING in its arsenal if it needs to. However, the leadership of the West is SO foolishly playing the game of Ukraine white, Russia black that it has totally blinded itself to these realities.
The situation could not possibly be more dangerous.
There appears no way to divert the most aggressive of these protagonists from the path they are on. The western powers clearly have no Plan B and will escalate without limit. For Russia’s part it has been clear from 2014 onward that Russia was vainly searching for a peaceful solution. However, after a decade of work aiming for that goal through the Minsk Process it all ended in deceit and betrayal by successive Ukrainian regimes and US/EU/UK authorities.
At this terrifyingly late stage, unless western leaders wake up to the insanity their current machinations and utterly self-seeking policies are leading to, we might as well confront the full reality of where we are headed and start readying ourselves for the unleashing of weapons we consider almost unimaginable in their power, and the potential end of all we know.
As I commented 3 years ago when the Neocons slid Biden into office - Now they have the new codes for the US Nuclear missile sites and subs. This adds to Israels Sampson option tremendously. Oh well , us old timer peasants have little leverage these days - I guess it's better than watching Niburu turn the planet upside down.