Peace in Ukraine, with Russia not only undefeated but stronger than ever, would work directly against the plan considered ABSOLUTELY VITAL by all western powers since 9/11.
The crucible of death and seemingly endless suffering in Ukraine is set to go on. That Vladimir Putin has sought a peaceful outcome in Ukraine since well before 2014 bears little influence on the long-term plan for Ukraine that has existed in the West for who knows how long. This plan stretches back to at least 2008 but is likely to go back even further, perhaps much further.
As Vladimir Putin has recently said, the people of Ukraine are not Russia’s enemy, that “honour” goes to the leaders of western nations, those leaders, who in succession, have drawn their plans against Russia, and formerly against the Soviet Union. Seemingly gone are the days when he spoke of “our western partners”. The blinkers appear now to have been removed from his eyes and he sees clearly now that they are in fact Russia’s enemies.
In recent times various spokespersons and leading figures within the western political elite have revealed the true purpose behind the use of Ukraine, that is, to weaken Russia. In addition they speak of ‘breaking Russia up’. The favoured number of pieces that Russia ought to be broken into appears to be five.
The goals of weakening and then breaking Russia up into west-manageable pieces comes with the often repeated and seen enacted goal of recent years and across many nations, of instigating regime change. A large number of standard techniques to achieve regime change have been applied to Russia just as they have been applied elsewhere. The general term to describe them is ‘interference’, however, when it is felt that the level of interference is not adequate to the task then sanctions and ultimately military action are instigated.
In the case of Russia however, the western powers have clearly bitten off more than they can chew. Previous targets have been far weaker with inadequate defences and were unable to come anywhere near to withstanding the West’s onslaught. Why did these powers feel compelled to take on Russia when they surely knew the mountain of a task they had before them?
The reasons the political elites of the West felt they had no choice but to take on Russia are twofold.
The degree of shock 9/1 caused the political systems of the West cannot be overestimated. There can be no greater or more powerful explanation of what the foreign policy (and with it all legacy media stances) changed almost overnight. It was understood across all areas of accumulated power in the West that the long-standing domination of the western nations over all others was threatened as never before.
The answer to the existential threat perceived across all western elites by 9/11 was understood intuitively. The West had to reimpose its power and do so absolutely. There could be no exception to the rule that, in the face of 9/11, no individual, nation, group or any entity whatsoever could stand absent of an overt, stated and constant commitment to be in line with, and stay in line with, western requirements. Those requirements were for obedience in the first instance, and compliance with all the security needs of the West in perpetuity. No exceptions were to be tolerated.
To achieve ‘full spectrum dominance’ the western powers would insist of complete surveillance of all major nodes of power or nascent power. The ability to strike down at potential enemies everywhere was to be insisted upon as necessity. No opaque areas were to be tolerated. All areas must be totally transparent to western gaze. And to the disciplinary action which must follow if even the most inconsequential exception event occurs such as a statement questioning western power. Resistance to western power could no longer be tolerated and any form of resistance in word or deed must be punished and eliminated.
The goal of achieving full spectrum dominance, so urgently required after 9/11 and initiated with full speed alacrity by all tasked to achieve it, resulted in the regime change wars seen beginning with Afghanistan and continuing with Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran. The goal of taking out all who stood in the way of western full spectrum dominance is not subject to change, indeed to any modification whatsoever. There is no plan b, no brake and no reverse gear.
All of the above would have been relatively easy but for one vital factor due to the quirks of history that put the West in a position of relative weakness when compared to almost all previous times, both Russia and China were rising as economic and military powers. This fact exacerbated to a fearsome degree the already monumental task of achieving full spectrum dominance. How to do this when great swathes of the world jealously guarded their own national sovereignty, independence and the sacrosanct nature of their national security?
China, foremost problem to the western powers could not be tackled head on, it was simply too powerful to begin the process without weakening it first. This is why Russia was chosen as the first major candidate for destruction via Ukraine rather than China via Taiwan. Russia must be weakened and the chosen method was to inveigle it by inexorable pressure and refusal to provide it way out, into mounting a campaign against the Ukrainian regime over the Russian-speakers of the Donbass region.
Again, the following two tasks fuel all that we see occurring now:
These are the reasons why a defeat of the western powers in Ukraine is unthinkable for them. The plan was to first eliminate Russian power and render it quiescent and manipulable… and then complete the task of doing the same to China. With Russia and China eliminated as oppositional powers the task of undermining and eliminating all others would pale into insignificance.
There can be no let up in the goals described above. No plan b was ever contemplated nor ever will be. No matter what it takes, up to the use of nuclear weapons, there will be no relenting by the West. To relent would be to accept that 1. above could never be achieved, that this unquestioned and vital goal could never be achieved and due to this failure, the USA could never be totally safe from another nationally catastrophic event such as that which occurred on 9/11 2001.