I apologise for the bad language in the title above, but it is getting difficult to encompass the mass idiocy and manipulation that is going on using everyday speech.
The massive program of indoctrination and conditioning, indeed brainwashing that is going on across the western world, is moving beyond the capacity of normal speech patterns to describe.
The level of state lies told about the situation regarding both Russia and Crimea has gone beyond maximum on any bullshit meter out there.
Brainwashing out earlier resistance to western state lying has been largely successful. All the lies told to engage in mass slaughter across the Middle East has erased entire sections of western brain tissue leaving their owners with a pervasive amnesia regarding western elite lies.
All is forgiven. Western elite figures now hold the position once held by the congregations of saints revered by Christian denominations down the ages. These “saintly” figures lie their heads off and are considered found of wisdom. The majority of fake-justice-oversensitive and lie-blind liberal masses consider such as the CIA veritable oracles of all things past, present and future.
Now a mass brainwashing campaign using every possibly technological innovation available to western elites is being applied to double and triple-wash western brains to create the required fervour against Vladimir Putin and everything Russian. The pressure and complete abandonment of integrity is all-pervasive. That the world as a whole may be devastated and just possibly destroyed in a nuclear conflict is a side-issue.
Armageddon is simply another choice in an armoury of hate-fuelled weaponry directed at powers that have the temerity to rise just as the West is in decline and, due to 9/11 most needs to assert its supremacy and total global control to keep itself safe.
This is the nub of all that is happening now. It is not about Ukraine, it is not even, at its heart about Russia. Ultimately this is about the final war the USA and its allies intend to wag, that against its peer rival, China. A China that is waging no war against it. A China that seeks in constant fashion to improve the lot of its own by creating relationships, making investments and creating ever more innovative infrastructure with a view always to preserve the stability and peace that are vital for all these endeavours to succeed.
The cause of all the pain, suffering, death and destruction now occurring should properly be laid at the USA’s door and that of its complicit allies who in combination have driven Russia to finally act to safeguard its future by ensuring its national security. Ukraine was to be a constant thorn in its side and vehicle for undermining its president, system of governance and social cohesion. Who in their right mind who has honestly observed this geopolitical campaign to drive Russia to the point of complete distraction and ultimate loss of all patience can disagree with even the remotest justification? It is totally obvious, a no-brainer and clear to all with an enquiring mind not fixed by preconceptions, false notions and partisan loyalties?
But look at the vast gatherings of the brainwashed weeping over poor Ukraine devastated by an unprovoked attack by that great evil bear Russia. They know nothing but the utterly false scenario that has been placed squarely in their sponge-like skulls to replace what was left of cranial scepticism. They now resemble sheep driven by media cattle-prods into the abattoir of ideas where they are shorn of all sense and implanted with still further inclinations to indulge in the mass economic and quite possibly literal suicide that awaits them.
The levels of legalised criminality and insanity being perpetrated by western elites at this moment in time truly goes beyond the capacity of any lexicon. Their combined lunacy and irresponsibility makes you splutter, reaching out for appropriate terminology and failing miserably. And so I am reduced to street language to get my point across in a few words that attempt to get some image of my disgust across failing an image that is sometimes said to save a thousand words.
This is why the title of my present commentary uses foul language. For the very reason that the elites who say they MUST rule this world or there will be no world to rule are now exhibiting behaviour that makes words considered foul, to describe them and their behaviour as completely inadequate to the task.