Do not be misinformed. Listen only to us. Important SECURITY information:
You will be aware that we have now established global security. The final agreement with all authoritarian powers completed last month on the 21st of January 2025 has brought about the final, complete and everlasting liberation of Planet Earth.
If you are experiencing anxiety, be comforted. If fear is in any heart let us assuage it. No wars will ever be inflicted upon mankind ever again. We are here to protect you.
All alien and authoritarian regimes have submitted to our command authority and can harm you no more.
There follows information with which you can assure yourself of the new paradigm in which you live, the new environment in which the entire population of our planet will peacefully live within from this time onward.
In God we Trust.
This planet is ours.
Our observations of all communications will perpetually aid us in keeping each individual safe planetwide and in bringing all wrongdoers swiftly to justice. The enhanced Global Watch Program (GWP) is constantly operational and observing each nanosecond around the clock. The Land Based Program (LBP) is performing well also and will soon connect to all telecommunications systems worldwide.
In these ways be assured we will keep all citizens as safe as can be. Observing all activities may intrude on your privacy, we are aware of this inconvenience, necessary to keep both yourselves and all necessary systems functioning at Peak Stability Status (PSS).
1a. Error Eventuality and Recompense
No systems are completely free of error however. You may find yourself within an Error System Situation (ESS) and we apologize in advance for any occurrence of this. It may be that you will be affected peripherally when such a circumstance occurs. These interventions are required however, to keep you safe. Agents responding to a Potential danger Event (PDE) may appear to present a danger to yourself or your family in these moments however be assured the swiftness and strength of such interventions are required and nullify any danger identified. If such an intervention is found to be caused by a malfunction or error within the system and injury to yourself or others or destruction to property results please be assured you will be compensated. Be assured that all events of this nature are designed to ensure your complete security at all times.
The above is an interim program which will be gradually phased out as ‘Operation Placement’ progresses.
Crime, Corruption and War have been the three most destructive elements in the Pre-Liberation Period (PLP). We will therefore progressively move as quickly as possible to Phase I of Operation Placement.
Beginning on the 1st of March preborns will start to receive their first placements. Initially the program will cover only two nations, that of the former Islamic Republic of Iran and that of the former Russian Federation. (All other PLP-affected nations to follow.)
As you will have heard in your national broadcasts these placements present nothing to alarmed over. The procedure is completely safe, administered only by specially trained surgeons of multi-decade experience in the first instance, or by those they have personally trained in this procedure.
The placement will deliver complex data direct to the Global Watch Program and in so doing will ensuring complete certainty regarding health check data, (voluntarily provided) social media, access to all online connections (accounts/contracts etc.) plus location data.
No data will be divulged to sources outwith the individual unless specifically requested. Location data will be logged unseen and will only be accessed within the system on identification of the individual being located at the scene of a crime, connected with a corruption event, or if a violent thought pattern is identified.
Be assured your security and those of all you love is our prime concern and abiding intent within the parameters of our global duty of care. (Please see item 1a. Error Eventuality and Recompense above in relation to this operation.)
As you will know, there has been a radical change to the way some nations are now governed and you may be a citizen of one of the nations affected.
Nothing important will change for you in this time of transition. Most officials responsible for the efficient running of affected nations will remain in place. For functions including those of foreign policy, the national police force and military transition teams have been assigned and are working on an online basis to manage changes required at these levels. All personnel within these functions have already been informed to perform their duties in an unchanged manner until further instructions are provided as the transition team rollouts are prepared to re-engineer detailed structure and policies.
Your security and peace of mind is our prime concern. Please be assured of this. You will experience no radical changes in the short or medium term and every effort will be made to smooth eventual changes to make them seamless to your view and benign in relation to your everyday experience.
It is an unfortunate reality that certain leaders of the nations most affected by the Liberation Period have not served the citizens of those nations well. Though this may be a shocking experience for you many of the faces which you will have been long familiar with will no longer make any appearance. We are working on programs to inform you fully and truthfully of their crimes against you. Please, once again be assured that we will treat all individuals with humanity, preserving their dignity while removing their influence which has served only to damage your society.
We are confident that you will begin to experience the benefits accruing from their absence very soon.
Very soon you will receive a significant sum in your own currency for any inconvenience you have experienced during this time of transition. We hope this will compensate you fully for all past, present and future periods of anxiety which you may have experienced, are experiencing and may experience as the transition period continues to its conclusion.
Please communicate by email to the COMPRO INSPECTORATE if you have not received your compensation by the 31st of July 2025.
We are aware that this may well be a stressful time for you if you are a citizen of an affected nation. As well as looking forward to the new freedoms you will now experience within the U.S. EXTENSION (USE) there will be those who fear retribution for past acts which inhibited the freedoms now being granted.
We hereby announce an amnesty for all but violent crimes by citizens of affected nations.
Law and order will continue without interruption under existing conditions in affected nations until the FULL GLOBAL PARAMETER PROGRAM (FGPP) is rolled out. Once this has been effected a universal system of law will then prevail.
At this moment in time you need do nothing. Simply await instruction. You should experience no major changes and those which are deemed necessary will come in gradual succession in a smooth and orderly fashion.
We hope this initial document will have assured you of our intentions and calmed any fear you may have had concerning the momentous changes which have taken place in recent months.
We of the USA had no option but to take the action that filled your news broadcasts on the 21st of January just passed. Thankfully, if you live within affected nations, you will know that your then government agreed to step down rather than have initiated the war that would certainly have cost many millions of lives.
It was found necessary, for the freedom of the world, to make the threat to your nation that we made on that day. We could no longer allow you to remain subjugated and denied your full human rights and liberties.
Know that all threats have now been withdrawn on the agreement of affected national governments to stand down.
You have been freed from your chains.
Welcome to a new world of freedom, security, democratic values and a liberty with responsibility previously denied far too many for far too long.