Including geopolitical issues affecting the balance of power in the ongoing end game war to establish our common future, a closely monitored prison planet or tolerance for diverse modes of governance.
“Ukraine. What is the truth...?
Why won’t western media tell both sides…?”
A lot has been said about atrocities in the western media claimed to have been perpetrated by the Russians, for example at Bucha and Mariupol among others. These assertions are conveyed on the say so of the Ukrainian authorities. How willing though are western news broadcasters to convey atrocities attributed to the Ukrainians? The following will I think provide the answer.
If anyone wonders if they are receiving accurate coverage of the conflict in Ukraine I would suggest watching the video below of an event which occurred on the 2nd of June 2014 and ask themselves if they recall hearing about it on any mainstream media news channel at the time.
The video is harrowing to watch. The bodies (five women and three men) are real. Yet across western media there was only one single news report that occurred a day later. This was from CNN and occurred only because a CNN team happened to be nearby at the time of the atrocity and so the network could hardly ignore it as all others so obviously did.
The video below shows the unvarnished truth that was not considered particularly newsworthy in the western mainstream. Below it you can watch the CNN report which contradicts the lies the Ukrainian regime were concocting at the time to escape being identified as the perpetrator.
Our apologies for the change to normal update times.
We are presently on the North American continent after travelling from Europe.
Timings for updates will now be on an altered schedule (and may even be missing entirely on occasion) for a period of 4 days.
Lead feature:
Latest update on events within Ukraine and their knock-on effects on the western world, by Alexander Mercouris of ‘The Duran’. (199k subscribers):
WSJ Admits Bakhmut Almost Cut Off, Russia Pushes Forward Vuhledar; US Military Wants End Ukraine War.
The Duran’ (329k subscribers):
Military Reality vs. Political Reality. Putin vs. The West.
Latest update from Alex Christoforou of ‘The Duran’ (157k subscribers):
Polish MEP, no such thing as Russian gas... Finland blames Russia. Boris, Putin threatened me. U/1
'Redacted' (1.66 million subscribers):
🚨 BREAKING! NATO and Zelensky push for all out war with this move | Redacted with Clayton Morris.
‘The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong’ (40.2k subscribers):
Victoria Nuland Drops Neocon BOMBSHELL on Nord Stream and Ukraine War.
‘Djuki San’ (32.4k subscribers):
Morning briefing of the Ministry of Defense of Russia (January 30, 2023)
'Fall And Rise' (1.27k subscribers):
Scott Ritter: Ukraine Is Suppressing The Voice Of Innocent People, Official Narrative Was Top Secret.
'RealTruthTalk' (5.69k subscribers):
Scott Ritter: Ukraine/Russia Escalation.
‘Syriana Analysis’ (42.5k subscribers):
We are risking nuclear war over Ukraine! Interview with Colonel Richard Black.
‘RealTruthTalk’ (5.72k subscribers):
Scott Ritter Talks: Ukraine/Russia Conflict.
‘Patrick Lancaster’ (534k subscribers):
Is Russia Kidnaping Refugees From Bakhmut?
‘Opiniono’ (1.24k subscribers):
CrossTalk: Baerbock’s War.
'FINANCE MAIL' (31.1k subscribers):
Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Lavrov : Don't Lecture Us! It's Very Clear.
‘Geopolitical Economy Report with Ben Norton’ (45.2k subscribers):
Latin America refuses to send Ukraine weapons, despite Western pressure.
'Straight Calls with Douglas Macgregor' (35.6k subscribers):
Ukraine is being demolished by massive Russian offensives.
'Gonzalo Lira' (62.5k subscribers):
2023.01.30 About The Coming Race Riots.
‘Info Defense’ (131 subscribers):
NATO is offensive alliance using article 4 to attack other nations? Is Scott Ritter right?
‘U.S. Tour of Duty’ (25.6k subscribers):
Scenes from the Evolution Ep. 21.
Special Military Operation Report 29.01.2023.
‘Michael Rossi Poli Sci’ (41.9k subscribers):
Sergey Lavrov Press Conference - Answers to Media Part 2 - Jan 18, 2023 - English Subtitles.
‘TrueinFo’ (79.2k subscribers):
The collective West is moving towards economic collapse.
‘Hindustan Times’ (5.12 million subscribers):
Putin winning another Ukraine battle? Russian army gains foothold in Donetsk's Ugledar.
Russia's chilling nuclear warning to West over Ukraine 'Dirty Bomb' | Details:
Putin's threat jolts NATO nation; Italy vows to 'never send offensive weapons' to Ukraine | Details:
Russia warns of ending nuclear arms control with U.S. over Ukraine weapons supply | What It Means:
Russia defies US sanctions, becomes 'biggest investor' in Iran; Putin, Raisi unite against Biden.
Putin’s men inflict fire damage on soldiers in South Ukraine | Watch Russian artillery in action:
Putin's Su-35 shoots down Ukraine warplane; Heavy fighting in Donetsk's Vuhledar | Details:
NATO nation snubs U.S.; Putin wins Erdogan’s praise amid sanctions row | ‘Respect For Russia’.
Russian tanks recreate ‘hell’ on Donetsk frontline | Ukraine destroys own bridge with HIMARS.
Russia's 'Thunderous' AK-12 upgraded; Renewed rifle to amp up firepower in Ukraine | Details:
North Korea rips Russia's arms deal claims; 'U.S. fabricating non-existent thing' | Details:
‘FINANCE MAIL’ (31.1k subscribers):
Douglas Macgregor: Russian Winter Offensive. Kharkov Is Launching Base For Russia.
'TrueinFo' (79.2k subscribers):
Polish Economy Began to collapse without EU subsidies and Russian resources.
'George Galloway' (242k subscribers):
Boris gets a bomb threat! Or does he?
‘Sahra Wagenknecht’ (632k subscribers):
Erst Panzer, dann Kampfjets, dann deutsche Soldaten? Wer stoppt den Wahnsinn?
‘Master B editor’ (423 subscribers):
How Russian marines are bypassing Ukrainian defense and fighting for every piece of land.
Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft’ (6.2k subscribers):
Blinken’s Trip to Beijing: U.S.–China Relations at a Crossroads.
Article from Russia Today (RT) - 30th January 2023:
50 years after leaving Vietnam, the US keeps getting involved in wars without understanding them.
In 1973, the Paris Peace Accords saw American troops abandon their partners. It wouldn’t be the last time.
In January 1973, the US signed an agreement that saw it pull out of Vietnam, abandoning its South Vietnamese partners. In August 2021, history repeated itself in Afghanistan.
Vietnam being one of the theaters of the Cold War, the US decided to intervene to face the progression of communists in the country. According to the domino theory, Vietnam needed to stay within the Western sphere of influence. For the sake of democracy all over the world, obviously.
The year 1965 was the beginning of a massive US involvement. Until then, Washington had limited itself to sending supplies and about 900 military observers and trainers. But after the controversial Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964, the American engagement became way more serious. At its peak in 1969, the US intervention included more than 540,000 troops on the ground. However, the large scale 1965-68 Operation Rolling Thunder, during which the US dropped 864,000 tons of bombs on North Vietnam, ended up a failure. The surprise Tet Offensive launched by the North Vietnamese was also a failure, but it seriously damaged South Vietnam’s infrastructure and the US’ reputation as a trustworthy ally.
By the end of the ‘60s, the US population had grown tired of the conflict, and more and more protests against the war were organized throughout the country. President Richard Nixon had campaigned in 1968 on the promise to end the war in Vietnam with peace and honor – the idea was to gain time and arm the South Vietnamese in order for them to defend their positions on their own. However, Nixon had failed to deliver this peace and, in 1972, was facing re-election. As the Americans had already proved during WWII when they constantly postponed the opening of a second front in Europe, a ‘democratic war’ is always closely linked to elections and internal political fights.
Three (very different) men in a boat.
How the talks went is a crucial illustration of how cynical, and sometimes absurd, the foreign policy of the US can be.
Richard Nixon sent in Henry Kissinger, the national security adviser at the time. A brilliant personality, Kissinger (who is now 99) was already a member of the establishment. He did not regard South Vietnam as being important in itself, but considered it necessary to support it in order to maintain the global power status of the US. He was convinced that none of the allies of Washington would trust them anymore if the US were to dump Saigon too quickly. Realpolitik incarnate.
The North Vietnamese envoy for these negotiations was Le Duc Tho, who had started his career as a revolutionary when he was 16 and had been one of the founders of the Indochinese Communist Party in 1930. He had been jailed twice for several years by the French in very harsh conditions. He was dedicated to the unification of his country. Kissinger called him a “fanatic.”
The third man was South Vietnam’s president, Nguyen Van Thieu. He had joined Ho Chi Minh’s Viet Minh but left it after a year of service and went on to join the Vietnamese National Army of the French-backed State of Vietnam. The president of South Vietnam since 1965, he had managed to ensure a relative security but was known for turning a blind eye to (and indulging in) corruption. Another example of American foreign policy, which the quote “He may be a bastard, but he is our bastard” summarizes quite well. To add cynicism to the picture, Nguyen did not actually get a chance to sit at the negotiating table.
The cosmopolitan intellectual, the revolutionary nationalist, and the opportunist politician. Which of them was the good, the bad, or the ugly is a matter of personal preference.
The Vietnam peace treaty: Rehearsal for Afghanistan?
Between 1969 and 1973, Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho met more than 15 times in Paris. According to American historian A. J. Langguth, at one point in 1970, when things seemed at a standstill, one of Kissinger’s attempts to talk to Le Duc Tho was met with a note saying: “The US words of peace are just empty ones.” But with the US proposal and the coming presidential election, North Vietnam had a chance it could not pass up. As the subsequent events proved, the Vietnamese understood the Americans, but the Americans did not understand the Vietnamese.
The two sides ended up negotiating a complete withdrawal of the US and the release of all POWs in North Vietnam. However, the negotiations almost collapsed after this agreement, as Nixon wanted amendments and Nguyen Van Thieu, having been excluded from the talks, did not want to sign it. Kissinger managed to gain some cosmetic concessions from the North Vietnamese in order for the US not to lose face. Washington sent an ultimatum to Nguyen Van Thieu. The peace treaty was signed on January 27, 1973 in Paris. However, the ceasefire was broken by both Vietnamese sides within 24 hours. Two years later, on April 30, 1975, Saigon fell to the communist North Vietnam and it marked the definitive and complete withdrawal of the US. Nguyen Van Thieu made a final speech denouncing Washington for not keeping its word and then fled to Taiwan.
Any resemblance with the Afghan scenario is purely coincidental. In 2020, the US and the Taliban signed an agreement for the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Afghan government was not invited to negotiate. The ceasefire was broken almost immediately. Two years later, Kabul fell to the Taliban.
Interestingly enough, the propaganda machine still has it that the US did not lose the Vietnam War – South Vietnam lost. Even Wikipedia does not mention that it was a US defeat: The French were defeated, but in the case of the US, it was simply a “withdrawal.”
Lost in translation.
In Francis Ford Coppola’s movie ‘Apocalypse Now’, the character Hubert de Marais has this very important line which he delivers with a typical French accent: “The Vietnamese are very intelligent. You never know what they think. The Russian ones who help them – ‘come and give us their money. We are all communists. Chinese give us guns. We are all brothers.’ They hate the Chinese! Maybe they hate the American less than the Russian and the Chinese. I mean, if tomorrow the Vietnamese are communists they will be Vietnamese communists. And this is something you never understood, you Americans.”
Coppola had, in the ‘70’s, understood something that former US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara only came to understand in the ‘90’s when he met with Vietnamese General Vo Nguyen Giap. With astonishment, he suddenly realized that the Vietnamese were fighting a war of independence, not an ideological war. The 20-year conflict in Vietnam had never been about the spread of communism in the world. Concerning US foreign policy, the elderly and experienced politician went on to say: “We don’t understand the Bosnians, we don’t understand the Chinese, and we don’t really understand the Iranians.” With the exception of colonized Western Europe, it seems to be a good summary of Washington’s policy towards countries all over the world.
But the propaganda machine works well: Kissinger will be remembered as the one who got the Nobel Peace Prize for the 1973 treaty. Le Duc Tho gracefully refused it.
* Updates will be added here as and when they become available.
Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 30.01.2023
KEEP IT SECRET NEWS CHANNEL (1.28k subscribers):
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NWE WAR REPORTS (29.6k subscribers):
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LATEST UPDATE FROM 'DPA War’ (52.4k subscribers):
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Ukraine [30 Jan 2023] 'Today'.
Battlefield Ukraine Russia pummels the Ukrainian Army.
Highlights of the Russian Military Operation in Ukraine January 28th and 29th 2023. Per Rybar.
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LATEST UPDATE FROM ‘M MAPPING’ (4.39k subscribers):
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Full Front Update Pt 2 | 30/01/23 | Vuhledar Map Cleared.
Interviewing Peter Viggo Jakobsen | Power Balance, War Goals, What's Next?
Donbass Front Update 30/01/23
Detailed situation reports can be found on a daily basis concerning events in Ukraine over the past 24 hours at the ‘A SKEPTIC’ Substack account:
Link to 'A SKEPTIC' Substack channel.
I've been listening to Scott Ritter describe how things are for him and I suspect have been for him for quite some time now.
He has been doing a LOT of unpaid work with a great many interview requests coming in that he has been ready and willing to agree to. But the work where receives some pay for have suffered due to this, being left until the wee small hours of the night to complete work on.
Scott, I think you will agree, has been one of the most influential voices out there on Russia and Ukraine.
I was moved by Scott's words to take an annual subscription to his Substack account that he runs in coordination with his colleague on 'U.S. Tour of Duty', Jeff Norman. This is the main way that Scott recommends to help him with finances with which to upgrade his delivery of comment on Russia and Ukraine, via a better microphone etc. and perhaps the creation of a recording studio in his basement to create a more professional and impressive look. To invest in these things he would like to be sure that this has a viable financial future.
Would you also like to help by subscribing at one of the various levels to Scott's Substack account? I hope so. If so the link is here:
Below you'll find the edited part of the video where Scott talks of his commitments to get the facts out on events in Ukraine and of the finances that would come in handy to enhance their delivery:
Each day that passes makes a conclusive Russian victory in the Donbass and beyond more certain. As Russia bolsters her forces, and weaponry, those of Ukraine decrease. Russian forces gain ready access to rest and recuperation as troop numbers increase. The increasingly exhausted and demoralised Ukrainian troops have an ever decreasing prospect of such respite. This situation is likely to bring them to complete breakdown as Russia unleashes the firepower of the more modern and advanced weaponry that is arriving with the newly mobilised Russian troops.
The various Ukrainian offensives are now weak when confronted by the reinforced Russian lines. A few futile efforts achieve quite miserable results before fire reigns down on the Ukrainian troops and they are forced back to their starting positions.
And now, all this being said, we have arrived at the wet, and later, freezing conditions where these pathetic Ukrainian forces will be subject to myriad forms of abject misery with death and injury all around them while they lie sodden or frozen, abandoned to their fate by Kiev.
The pitiable young and old of Ukraine have been frogmarched to their deaths as cannon-fodder while the bestial elites of the collective West urge their "president" to add more to their number there at the gates of Hell and their doom. We must feel for the majority of them as they are not the Nazis we revile, in most part they are decent men, fathers, sons, brothers, husband and uncles, who no doubt saw through the coup of 2014 for what it was. But sadly, their fate seems sealed.
Nothing will stop Russia now. Every factor favours them. Victory will be Russia's. In Donbass and beyond and in due course across the world.
Victory belongs to Russia: It is now only a matter of time.
Those who run the western world are determined to interfere to the maximum extent they can with no ethical or moral limit to their actions with the single-minded goal to transform all recalcitrant nations to their mirror image.
No appeals to their ‘better nature’, powers of diplomacy, common sense or reason will have any effect upon their determination. Those who are currently standing in their way will be targeted relentlessly to destruction if necessary to fulfill the above goal.
The western powers are acting as an empire-building force with dictatorial levels of hubris and relentless activity to achieve their goal of a uniform world in terms of governance. All nations will be forced to accept the mode of governance that they use or they will remain in the cross hairs of western sources of power both politically and militarily. Intelligence services, that have been working on the goal of global uniformity in conformance with western desires for decades, are now more active than ever in the world war that is currently underway.
The only way the western powers can be stymied in their attempts to secure their goal of global conformance to their needs is by the robust countering of these ambitions by all means possible. Both China and Russia are at the forefront of this effort and not only by political and military means. China and Russia, through building trading and financial networks divorced from the influence of the western powers are in effect waging a necessary war against them to preserve their own individual and sovereign nationhood in the face of threats to them.
The USA is of course at the forefront of the assault upon the rest of the world where it does not accede to its demands. Assisted by the United Kingdom and most of the European Union elites they form a formidable force with which to threaten, coerce, damage and destroy nations they have targeted for regime change and transformation to their requirements.
As Professor John J. Mearsheimer has pointed out, the surge to achieve global conformity to western needs went into high gear in the ‘unipolar moment’ as he calls it, when the Soviet Union collapsed. In that time the power of the USA and its allies/proxies was at its height and the goal of spreading ‘liberal hegemony’ appeared to be eminently achievable. However, we have been slipping as a world incrementally one step at a time toward a multipolar epoch where the powers of the western elites are steadily diminished.
What we are seeing now, with the western powers using Ukraine as a tool against Russia and Taiwan against China is a desperate attempt to re-engineer and re-establish the unipolar moment and thus put back on track the goal of establishing global uniformity of governance in the western model.
There can be and will be no turning back from the goal of undermining all non-conforming governance systems by the western powers. They cannot conceive of allowing those nations who do not conform to their wishes being left alone to determine their own future course. Western elites, whether political or within the mainstream media sphere are united in seeking to do whatever is necessary within the nations they have targeted to bring about conformity to western needs and desires. There is not a glimmer of hope that they will retreat from their determination to do whatever they can to shake, destabilise and destroy the target nations until they conform. As a secondary goal they will be weakened, even to the point of collapse as remains the secondary goal for Syria and which remains the goal in many other nations such as Venezuela, Iran, Cuba and indeed all others that have not yet conformed to western requirements.
In recent months we have seen the blowback from the attempts by the West to achieve a significant weakening of the Russian Federation. For nearly a year now attempts have been made in successive waves to hit and destroy Russian institutions from the financial to the cultural and from the economic to the personal. Almost all such attacks have failed and many of them are now having a cumulative effect on western economies and populations. The western powers have in effect metaphorically-speaking shot themselves multiple times in the foot and to such a degree that they risk being unable to stand.
Thus both Russia and China are strengthened in their attempt to remain in ever-greater extent invulnerable to western attacks seeking to undermine and transform them. Meanwhile, with western nations becoming weaker and both Asian and Eurasian nations adhering ever closer to each other along with many nations in the global south (many who have aspirations to join BRICS) the probability of a robust and self-sustaining multipolar world free of western threats, attacks and violent military attempts to undermine them becomes an ever more tangible aspiration.
If a fully multipolar world with fully independent, sovereign and inviolate nations eventuate from the mix of economic dynamics now in play then the final nails will be hammered into the coffin of western elite aspirations to dictate how these newly, fully sovereign and inviolate nations will govern themselves in perpetuity. At that point the era of the World Bully/Policeman of the collective West will finally be over.