Everyone saw things differently. No, I mean really. It wasn’t just about a difference of opinion.
This could lead to problems at times.
The objects themselves were of the same type... just not of the same dimensions, colors or shape for everyone. Not for any two individuals in fact.
It was a strange world.
And solving crimes could be tricky.
What was the description of the stolen object? Who had been murdered? What did the perpetrator look like?
Most of these questions were totally redundant. Until I came along.
I am Olko Frix. Of course you know me... my reputation is global. I’ve been all over your screens the past few days. But you don’t know me by sight, do you? You may think you do. But you don’t.
Call me Ollie. Let’s be friends, okay?
I’ll be frank. I’m a criminal, an unabashed criminal.
But I’m an inventor too. Yes, I am. You better believe it. And I can prove it.
I asked you to come see me because I like the cut of your jib.
Come on, sit down, have a drink...
Let me explain myself to you.
I know you’re anxious. Don’t be. I won’t hurt you.
Okay, you’re wondering why I offed government house. It’s on everyone’s lips, I know. Why is there a shimmering gap where it used to be? And what more do I intend to do?
Well relax, I won’t be doing anything more... for the moment. Except explain myself to you.
By the way Jok, can you describe the me you see? Be as detailed as you can for me, will you?
“Okay... You appear of average height, tinged slightly golden round the midriff, with red down from there with golden dappling there also, especially on your left side. Above the midriff you have a luminescent metallic base color, green on one side and purple on the other with flashes of white light here and there. Your face is rugged and the same green as below. You have the normal two eyes, somewhat yellow in tint.”
Thank you.
And now?
Jok recoiled in shock. I had chosen a completely random new look from my gallery.
I could almost see his heart skipping a few beats.
“How did you do that?”
Sorry my friend, it’s a trade secret.
Look, here’s what I want you to do. Let me tell you why I asked you to come here today.
I’m going to be running this place from now on. Yes, that’s right, everything.
What I want you to do, as you are a known person, is gather all the other knowns someplace so I can get their agreement to this. Okay?
He knew this was not a multiple choice answer and that concluded our business.
He soon left.
Do you think badly of me? A lot of people died... or at least disappeared because of me it's true. But they were the lowest of the low, correct? Politicians.
Is it so bad a few bad apples left their worst deeds undone? I think not.
Jok gathered the entire second tier of the planet. It took some time, though his screen presence made it relatively easy for him. This was why I had chosen him of course.
They were a pretty cowed bunch.
Wouldn’t you be?
I had the power to vanish them and yes, they wondered if that was exactly why I had gathered them here.
I began my spiel:
Look. You can see how things stand. You work for me now. I have the power and you have the levers of influence to provide all I want. Let’s make a deal, okay?
There was a loud murmering along with a susuration of palpable relief as they realized I wasn’t going to immediately off them.
They were a strange and colorful sight that day. All sizes, all shapes and every color combination possible... and not always compatible or matching... not at all.
I was tempted for a moment to off them all down to the last blue-gold sliver and red-yellow flake... but who would do my bidding if I did so? No, I’d just have to invent my next device. A monomizer to standardize them... at least subjectively through my own eye-tubes.
The deal was done. That was clear. Again, it was not a question with a multiple choice answer.
I am Protector. I am Engineer. I am Inventor. I am Detective. I am Ruler. I am Yours Truly.
King Ollie the First.
At your service.