An attempt to visualize the near future...
It is 2030.
The ‘Arc of Peace & Cooperation’ created by both increased Russian influence throughout the Middle East from the north and the completion of China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ in the south has revolutionized the geopolitical paradigm of the entire world.
Expanding Russian-Chinese influence created a new era of peace, stability and inter-nation cooperation which could not help but strongly influence the European continent also.
Though the USA and UK did all they could to retain their influence in Europe all their attempts to do so were in vain. The UK exited itself from the European Union and lost almost all its political influence there a decade ago now. The USA found itself increasingly left out of the equation when it came to European affairs. And, in an effort to retrench its forces in order to more effectively pressure China in the Pacific and the South China Sea, it brought home the majority of its armed forces from Europe in the summer of 2026.
The increasing dependency of Germany on the gas it receives from the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was part of the increasingly warm relationship which began to be renewed with Russia in the years 2022-3. France, which had been calling for better relations with Russia since the beginning of the 2020s was instrumental in bringing to an end all European sanctions on Russia by 2024.
All of the developments above reflected the long-awaited pragmatic response from these European elites. Only the USA and UK hung on to the aggressive rhetoric against Russia and China as did their mainstream media news outlets. Increasingly these became voices in an increasing darkness of unpopularity and exclusion which enveloped them. The economy of the USA continued on a downward path set in motion by its ever-ballooning debt, its flagging petrodollar leverage and the defence spending that rose ever higher to the detriment of the desperate requirement for infrastructure refurbishment. Fewer and fewer opinions reflected a positive slant when it came to to the economic and foreign policies of the USA and far less still to those of the UK.
China, which had been seen to be the technological and merchandising powerhouse of the world as early as the beginning of the 2020s has moved steadily forward on all fronts. In 2025 it was formally given the status by all international financial institutes worldwide as the most economically powerful nation on the planet bar none. Its GDP was acknowledged as the largest in the world. Its per capita GDP due to the size of its population still lagged other nations, but in terms of GDP, the influence of China has become immense and shows no sign of letting up in its surge forward. These developments have been seen as inevitable for some time but now the economic health of China has now transferred to vastly increased political influence which has already borne fruit in terms of many fundamentally important cooperative developments.
Russia is currently negotiating, with Chinese assistance, the disbanding of NATO as an unwelcome and unnecessary organisation that has long outlived its usefulness and which in the early 2020s had become a force for ever greater instability and division.
A unified Eurasian coalition of nations has arrived, and, building upon the BRICS network has expanded, extending the hand of friendship to multiple nations in Latin America. Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua were first to apply and be accepted for membership within UNITA as it has been christened. Argentina and Ecuador are in the pipeline to join at a date no later than the end of 2032. In addition, the accession of Vietnam is imminent, along with Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. Thailand is likely to follow suit before long.
With both Hungary and Poland having now left the European Union, Hungary (2023) Poland (2024) the EU has become much reduced in power and influence over its remaining members. With the final and permanent rejection of Turkey, the country made its long-expected move to also join the Eurasian Union and subsequently UNITA. This process is expected to be complete by midway through 2031.
The disbandment of NATO being only a matter of time and with the ever-increasing economic and political power of both Russia and China, there is now no question of Ukraine or any other nation joining. The prospective exiting of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia from nATO and their stated desire to join the Eurasian Union/UNITA is already ringing the death knell for NATO and can only surely speed the process of its disbandment.
Ukraine, mentioned above, began to make overtures to Moscow beginning most noticeably in the year 2023 when the pro-Russian candidate Medvedchuk was elected in a landslide. Previous to this date due to the increase in Russian political influence within Europe partially via the completion of Nord Stream 2 and that of China via completion of its ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ the leadership and people of Ukraine had increasingly become aware of which way the geopolitical wind was blowing. Rhetoric toward Russia and pleas directed at both the European Union and NATO for membership began to fall away as early as 2022.
The situation within the United Nations followed a similar path to that in Europe and indeed in the wider world. The previous enormous influence of the USA, UK and Israel has become diminished to a huge extent with their statements generally seen as emerging from a now toothless tiger. This, in combination with a new ethos of cooperation promulgated by both Russia and China within their much-expanded sphere of influence, has contributed to the UN now being seen as somewhat irrelevant in comparison to its status in its heyday.
Naturally, none of these developments have suited the heretofore most powerful entities on the world stage, the USA and UK. Despite Europe, in general, having accommodated the new reality of greatly increased Chinese and Russian influence and actively engaging in the cooperative innovations they have brought with them, the USA and UK continue to grumble in their respective corners.
The Democratic Party in the USA and both the Labour Party and Conservative Party in the UK continue to rail against Russia and China in what is increasingly seen and recognized as largely impotent rage. Certain elements have stated their conviction that it is now time to contemplate the previously unthinkable and launch preemptive nuclear strikes on both Moscow and Beijing. Such has become their desperation to maintain faith in the post-9/11 goal of attaining a unipolar world run by the USA and its closest ally Britain by establishing full spectrum dominance, global hegemony at all costs. Such extreme elements continue to be taken seriously by Moscow and Beijing and the development of further defensive capability by them goes on apace.
Since the election of Trump in 2016, it cannot be ruled out that a still fully propagandized and partisan citizenry could elect another such demagogue who might well use the mythologies associated with purported U.S. exceptionalism and rabid Christian extremism in combination with a mass media that continues to generate far more fantasy than fact on a daily basis. The demonization of both Russia and China is once again being ramped up steadily as election day approaches and may well reach fever-pitch. Candidate Nikki Haley has already begun to use all too familiar memes in this respect. Though the economic power and political influence of both Russia and China are clearly generating stability and increased global cooperation, she has begun regularly to frame this activity as a plot to destroy both the USA and UK. Russiagate and Chinagate, seen through 2016 to 2020 and for a number of years beyond, are making an increasingly toxic comeback.
What the final outcome of the above may be is today uncertain. That Russia and China will continue to expand their economies appears certain. Attempts made to use activists and issues within them failed and largely petered out by 2023 or so. Short of a nuclear attack, it is hard to see how the USA and UK will be able to do anything fundamental regarding undermining these two powerhouses of development, innovation and inter-nation cooperation at this point as all previous attempts to do so have failed.
The most likely outcome spanning the decade ahead is for increasing trade, cooperation and amalgamation of interests across the Middle East, Asia and Europe whereby a new era of peace is ever-increasingly established leaving the two erstwhile power-brokers and regime change warriors, the USA and UK in their wake. That it is contemplated by some in these latter nations that the use of nuclear weapons now be used to disrupt these developments, signifies the extraordinary levels of hubris, extreme self-interest and permanently fixed ideologies of superiority and exceptionalism that still prevail within the elites of these nations. It has become patently clear that they are totally incapable of accepting the now clear existence of a fully multipolar world.