Within the western world the primary channel for state narratives, social manipulation and straight up propaganda, mainstream media is fast falling out of favor. Observers and commentators who are not bought and paid for by corporations or outlets compliant to state instruction are being sought out more and more.
Investigative journalists such as Max Blumenthal, Benjamin Norton and Aaron Maté are coming more and more to the fore as trusted sources with no axe to grind, no fixed narrative to lay on readers or viewers and instead an old-fashioned dedication to finding out and conveying the truth without fear or favor.
The list of communicators using a diverse and increasing number of internet outlets are gaining in popularity by the day as trust in the established corporate outlets diminishes. People like Kim Iversen, Joe Rogan, Jimmy Dore and many others are finding themselves sought out by those who want the unvarnished truth rather than some state-sanitized drivel mean to condition them.
The combination of factors above with a rising sense that fundamental changes are needed to the western status quo heralds a movement that means business. The abiding feeling within a growing number is that we are headed to complete disaster otherwise. Time is very definitely not on our side as the corporate and state juggernauts head relentlessly for the cliff edge.
In Latin America we can see the strong signs that a renewed ‘Pink Tide’ of socialism is rising fast. Bolivia has regained a socialist future snatched from the rabid jaws of fascists in that country. Venezuela has ridden out the storm of attacks upon her and will increasing receive additional help from those opposing western regime change terrorism. In Brazil the current extremist president is descending ever further into an unpopularity which will surely sweep him from power before long. Ex-president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva who was unlawfully jailed and was recently freed and exonerated will be the next president of Brazil and will usher in a new and revitalized socialism in that nation once again.
In the east China is rising fast economically once more shrugging off the pandemic and moving swiftly onward and upward. Already her gross domestic product has reached 3.5% while those of western nations remain negative and will remain so for months if not years to come. China, long with her strong partner Russia are building enhanced energy and transport pathways to Europe and inevitably will reduce the influence of the United States there. Already China is Europe’s most favored business partner with trade to and from Europe and China eclipsing that between Europe and the USA.
The Eurasian Union is gaining in strength as the European Union weakens as nations within it seek more say about their own affairs regarding EU officials in Brussels as too far away, too out of touch and insensitive to national needs, cultures and desires for future independence that reflects their national sovereignty. BRICS too, the economic quorum of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are on the cusp of renewed cohesion and strength of resolve in the face of continuing U.S. self-interest manifesting itself in an aggressive policy of regime change war, threats, sanctions and a plethora of desperate dying-animal measures.
The NGOs that western powers use as propaganda vehicles such as ‘The White Helmets’ in Syria and those like the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) that makes a pretense of legitimacy are being exposed as never before. The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) that so infamously assists where chaos is required to affect regime change has been exposed time and time again. In Ukraine, in Hong Kong and in Xinjiang and in all those nations targeted by the West. The hydra-headed Soros groups under its ‘Open Society’ banner is another of the myriad well-funded organizations perpetually seeking to destabilize target nations. The suspect organizations also now include ‘Human Rights Watch’ and ‘Amnesty International’ More and more people are being made aware of the realities behind the half-truths, disinformation and outright lies being spread by these corrupt and corrupted organizations.
Everywhere you look the malign empire built by the West through genocide, slaver, colonialism and the subjection and exploitation of all others is in question and subject to ever greater scrutiny and criticism. And rightly so. The corporate and state mainstream of the West can no longer maintain an adequate cover up of the past crimes that until now it managed quite successfully to sweep under the carpet. The internet, while containing much that is apocryphal, opinionated, deceiving and dubious at best, is still the go-to place for a significantly more rounded take on events, especially geopolitical events, than the increasingly cartoonish, state-narrative-complicit, mainstream.
The momentum is unstoppable. Western states are impotent in their ability to keep a lid on their past and present crimes. Instead of any attempt to admit past failures, deceptions and crimes they merely double-down on their propaganda and seek to censor and cancel those revealing them. They cannot and will not win.
The paradigm that was the holy writ and script of the West is collapsing right before our eyes.