Observe what they did then... not what they say now
The mass murdering elites of the western world who laid waste to the Middle East predicated upon a series of lies, find it convenient to forget this historical fact.
The wars where hundreds of thousands died due to the spreading of half-truths, lies and propaganda were a convenient means of sending a message after the attack on western power of 9/11.
These were convenient wars for an elite fearing they would look weak otherwise.
Now they wage a different kind of war against Russia and China though it again is a convenient way to assert their power and lessen that of others.
This pattern of what is convenient for the West is endemic to the western elite mind, it has been laid down through the genocide of the native population in what is now the USA, deepened by the use made of slavery and the wealth gained thereby and reinforced endlessly by the colonisation of weaker nations who were then heartlessly oppressed and exploited.
These are the elites who now claim moral superiority over all others along with the right to judge, condemn and punish with a view to correcting their behaviour and making it a mirror image of their own.
A mirror image of murderous oppression and exploitation equating to higher moral and ethical values? Somehow I don’t think so.
Russia and China, the targets of current volleys of accusation, were the nations that stood against the planning for mass slaughter in Iraq. They warned that such murderous intent would not end well. They stood for the inviolate nature of sovereignty and international law while western nations paraded an obvious intent to violate both.
What right do western elites have to claim the moral high ground currently with such a bloody recent history of violent aggression toward nations that never lifted a finger against them?
They have none.
Yet in the absence of a mainstream news media in the West willing to criticise them and hold them to account and who instead support them in their latest claims against others, there can be little surprise that recent history has been erased for the majority of western populations.
The elites of the West have used this ability to constantly create year zeroes to obliterate their crimes in the eyes of many westerners. They have been treated to a dose of media-created amnesia after which the tabula rasa can be written upon with more believable lies and blank minds told to focus in fear of those ‘others’ over there.
It’s a neat trick if you can manage it. And the political and media elites of the West have managed it very well.
The news media of the mainstream are now in such a parlous condition, threatened constantly by the move of many online that they are more than willing to go along with the propaganda their governments invest millions in. Entities such as CNN and the BBC have become willing presstitutes to the geopolitical agendas of western states as they feel they have nowhere else to go except cling to Big Momma’s apron strings.
It’s all so very convenient.
An enemy or better still, two, for the USA has always been a must. And now its elites have even expanded their active wars against Russia, China and Venezuela to include Cuba.Â
As the West’s economic power declines in the face of the rise of China, it has become fixed in its determination to weaken and crush all opposition to its continued murderous dominance. China will eclipse the power and influence of the West within the next decade. This is what current western aggression is all about. And it is what all the condemnation of those opposing its continued murderous dominance is all about.
As in every preceding case, the use of lies by western elites and the creation of needless fear predominates. Misinformation, disinformation, scare stories, propaganda, bare-faced lies and social engineering are being made use of to condition western populations into acceptance of further western elite crimes against humanity.
With a captive audience, constantly fed a diet of deceitful allegations, western elites indulge in the totally cynical and very convenient condemnation of Russia and China.