Their schtick is that they stand for freedom, for the democratic right of all to choose for themselves their way forward to a better life and not be oppressed by having these rights stolen from them.
They pose as selfless saints who wouldn’t hurt a fly and never did unless it was by some unfortunate mistake.
Yet it is these selfsame promoters of their own virtues and qualities that intend to force their systems and values on all others and through the dirtiest and most violent means they alone claim to have the ‘inalienable right’ to deem necessary.
Their goal is quite clearly and unashamedly to interfere in the affairs of other sovereign nations to the extent where they collapse and can then be taken over by their proxies.
As can be seen quite obviously by their past actions it matters not a whit to them whether that proxy is a dictator, a demagogue or democratic poster boy. The object is control, not freedom.
This playacting style where venal motivations are portrayed as idealistic intent is reflected with enthusiastic complicity in a western mainstream media demonstrating slavish devotion.
A facade, a mirage of sanctity is constantly refreshed across a totally propagandized West to keep the illusion of good intent by western elites in place. Under this false face of reason and idealism, the blood leaks with regularity. The illusion of goodness portrayed in a rigid western smile beckoning all to trust it cannot be shaken significantly while reports of its atrocities remain hidden by a media dedicated to its preservation.
Talk is all of the abuses perpetrated by others, of interferences by them of the vestal virgin West, awful regimes and authoritarian monsters just over the horizon, of foreign threat and looming war by those who can’t accept the elites of the West are superior, exceptional and worthy to be bowed down to as the examples to follow.
The symbolic portrayal of the West and its pure white elites, those virtual saints and idealists who wouldn’t hurt a fly or have a single bad, selfish or self-interested goal in mind as they set their missiles flying… is the dove with a laurel leaf in its beak. NATO we are told is a defence organisation yet its bombardment of Libya creating a new slave trader and bottomless pit of chaos was clearly offensive as well as being completely illegal.
Western elites claim they want a rules-based international system. Then why have they blatantly broken international law so murderously so very frequently in recent years? What are we to think of such obvious hypocrisy and the clear deception of any claim to have acted otherwise?
When liars are depended upon to deliver truth, freedom and democracy then those gullible enough to listen ought to give up all hope of receiving any of them immediately.
Western elites every once in a while do mention their true motivation; the preservation of their national interests. This is indeed the fact of the matter and the only one that counts ultimately. They wage war on those they target for this reason and this reason alone. All the rest is public relations and manufacturing of consent to keep on aggressively seeking to expand those interests by all means deemed necessary.
Western populations, sunk deep within the propaganda soup permeating their everyday lives are largely hapless victims made pawns, targets for the mill of lies that feed the wars they support and which are designed to ultimately bring global domination by the West rather than the cover story falsehoods concerning freedom, democracy and human rights.