Do we live in the "Free World"? Do we hear all points of view, expressing our own freely, or are the powers-that-be increasingly encroaching upon those freedoms & perhaps intend to end them entirely?
It is said that when Che Guevara met Fidel Castro for the first time they talked all night. It is further said that Che passed on a warning to Fidel regarding his experience in Guatemala. That warning consisted of alerting Fidel of the dangers of democracy. He had seen a president in Guatemala put certain democratic principles in place only to find these being used by the CIA and others to undermine the government there and subsequently bring it down.
This is the true reason for the western powers advocating democracy around the world. They have nothing approaching democracy in their own lands, instead they have a system where the elites run things on an alternating basis while their populations have been duped into thinking voting changes things. Che was very well aware of this. All democracy does is weaken you to attack from exterior forces.
There are no democracies in the West. As soon as there is any threat to the power and influence of these elite-run dictatorships we quickly see their true colours emerge. All pretence regarding the safeguarding of so-called democratic rights disappears along with any adherence to international law. The powers-that-be in these nations strike down and hard in ways that make a mockery of their sanctimonious speeches regarding freedom, human rights and that holy of holies… democracy.
Public sentiment is irrelevant to these powers when they want to wage war against a potential threat to their dominance. No expression of disagreement with their policies will make any difference regarding their planning for war or its initiation. Anyone who thinks that there is any genuine people power in the western world is naive in the extreme. Placing an X in a box every four years changes nothing fundamental. Any change seen will be eventually recognised as superficial unless it is a change which harms that population, an inevitable result of the kind of people who make up western elites.
All the recent regime change wars of choice had no general public sanction.but instead were protested to one degree or another. Those protests, no matter how large, changed nothing. The wars were carried out to their maximum degree causing mass death and destruction, failing in the missions stated and only creating the conditions for ever more misery to come.
In recent decades the absence of anything approaching the claims made for democracy have become ever more pronounced. In almost every case the major political parties involved have become closer together regarding their policies and in particular their foreign policies. This has led to an ever-diminishing level of choice for those who still think voting changes anything. In addition the elites who run things across the West now wish to add a further level of control. They want to shut anyone up who wishes to point out the iniquities they are perpetrating.
You may have noticed in recent days that major figures among the western elites are bemoaning the level of freedom people have to speak their mind on the internet and in particular on YouTube. A significant number of very popular commentators have lost their YouTube channels in the last week or so. Among them people such as Scott Ritter, ex-marine and weapons inspector, Glenn Diesen, professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway, Rachel Blevins, Larry Johnson (Ex-CIA Intelligence Analyst) Mark Sloboda and Eva K. Bartlett.
Western elites, even though they can dictate foreign policy in agreement with each other, most recently seen in their collectively waging war against Russia via Ukraine, feel the need to further shore up their positions against their own populations. Shutting down voices who deign to argue against their policies has become a much talked about topic in recent days.
Fearful of the Public, Western Leaders Turn to Censorship.
On Saturday, former US First Lady Hillary Clinton called for increased federal regulation of the internet and repealing Section 230. “If the platforms… don’t moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control,” she said, raising the question of who “we” represents in that statement.
The recent purge of YouTube accounts, including those from Mark Sleboda, Rachel Blevins, Glenn Diesen, DD Geopolitics, Fiorella Isabel, Larry Johnson, and Eva K. Bartlett, it is clear that the Western leaders are scared of their populations finding out the truth about their policies and actions.
“We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people,” Former US President John F. Kennedy.
“That’s what they’re afraid of,” Sleboda, an expert in geopolitical relations and a frequent guest on Sputnik Radio, told The Final Countdown. “They don’t trust you to hear an alternate view from the official US government narrative and come to what they consider the right political conclusions.”
Many Americans were taught that freedom was proof-positive that Western-style democracies were superior to other systems.
Hillary Clinton Says Either Crack Down on Social Media or ‘We Lose Total Control’.
In separate interviews, Sleboda and Blevins both said that their channels were taken down without warning or strikes. Both were accused of violating YouTube’s policies on hate speech and said their appeals were denied within minutes.
“Just anyone who is critical of a US foreign policy, of hegemony, has had their YouTube channels deleted,” Sleboda contended.
While the censorship technically came from Alphabet, the mega-monolith tech company that owns both Google and YouTube, a comprehensive program between the US government and large social media companies has slowly been revealed over the past couple of years making the line one without distinction.
“My lawyer called that First Amendment censorship via proxy, or government censorship via proxy,” Political cartoonist and The Final Countdown co-host Ted Rall explained. “The US government has reached out to big tech companies, talked to people like [Meta CEO] Mark Zuckerberg and so on, and said, ‘we want you to control and squish what we call misinformation and disinformation.’”
With the internet practically ubiquitous in modern society, an expansion of the First Amendment to public and private sectors of the internet is needed to protect our speech rights.
“What does the First Amendment actually mean in today’s age when just about everyone is on social media or on the internet in some way, and it has become sort of the new public square?” asked Blevins, an independent journalist, and host of The Backstory on Radio Sputnik. “What are we okay with when it comes to the ongoing censorship? Because I don’t think it’s going away anytime soon.”
Even if the government were removed from the equation, and censorship came exclusively from the tech companies themselves they have become so powerful that acts of self-censorship would be indistinguishable from government-ordered censorship, especially during wartime.
First Amendment Makes It ‘Really Hard to Govern Today’ – Ex-Secretary of State.
In post-9/11 America, large media companies kept dissenting voices off the air, limiting the reach of those who, for example, opposed the war in Iraq.
“And you get that corporate mentality of what will the advertisers think?” legendary Gonzo journalist Hunter S Thompson argued in an August 2002 interview with Media Report. “A kind of we’re all in this together thinking.” The consolidation of the internet from disparate groups of message boards and newsgroups into a handful of omnipresent tech companies raises that specter again.
“As we saw this weekend, YouTube can come in and just delete your channel and take your life’s work away from you,” decried Blevin, noting that her channel was backed up on the free speech platform Rumble.
The majority of the deleted accounts offered views that opposed the NATO-led proxy war in Ukraine and/or Western support of Israel. As the war drums beat ever louder in Europe, the Middle East, and the South Pacific, not to mention the US Presidential election next month, the crackdown is likely to increase.
“They haven’t really thrown out the term election interference just yet, but I have a feeling that’s coming in some way,” warned Blevins.
“We’ll tell our grandchildren about the golden age of a global internet,” before censorship took it over, predicted Sleboda. “I think we’re going to see our internet fractured into either individual states’ internets or geopolitical block’s internets. And I think the process has already begun,” he warned.
Despite all the immense power to manipulate us via mainstream media news outlets which have become slavish stenographers of western elite narratives since 9/11, it is clear this is not enough control over us. They want to have complete obedience and total acceptance of whatever they tell us, and anyone deigning to have a different view on things they want to have the ability to shut down at their command.
This is the world of totalitarianism that Orwell warned us of. It is happening right now. Cancel culture and the complicity of mass media in furthering their plans to dominate the information space are not enough for them. They want to eliminate our access to all alternative points of view leaving us wholly reliant on the word of politicians. Anyone who has taken the slightest interest in politics and politicians in recent years will know exactly how far we can trust them.
This is all part and parcel of the way western so-called democracies are now run. The precepts of democracy have nothing to do with what is now occurring. What is happening is that the liberal elites want full totalitarian control. They want to know what you are doing and thinking, who you are meeting and what you are buying. They want to know what’s in your bank accounts, what internet sites you are visiting and whether you agree with them or not. And they want you secure in their net of control totally unable to connect in any way with those who might help release you from it.