Across Europe & in the USA the leading figures in the West's proxy war against Russia via Ukraine face their electorates. Is it a coincidence that they increasingly advocate a need for ever more war?
It is well known that the vast majority of politicians are both ultra-ambitious and cynical in the extreme. They are despised for these and a great many other characteristics which they display regularly. But just how ambitious and cynical are they? How far do these vices extend, to what lengths will such people go to retain their power or win more of it?
Currently there are a number of western politicians who are seeking re-election. The most prominent, and arguably the most vilified and despised are in the USA, Britain, France and Germany. Is it a complete coincidence that all of these men are currently promoting either the extension of wars or the initiation of new ones?
In the USA Joe Biden refuses to contemplate ceasefires in either Gaza or Ukraine. He continues to send as much financial support and weapons as he can to assist in the wars his allies, the Israelis and Ukrainians, are waging. In recent days he has initiated a new war, against Yemen and soon, who knows the USA may also be at war with Iran. A proxy war is also well under way with his allies against Russia.
In Britain all the talk in the top echelons of the government is of lending ever more support for the regime in Kiev and increasingly about taking the war directly to Russia. Britain has, in recent times, shown itself to be an even more aggressive supporter of the murderous regime in Kiev than the USA. Its rhetoric is becoming ever more belligerent as the USA has begun to see its ability to supply munitions to Ukraine diminish.
In France Macron has become extremely unpopular over the years and his exit from power and perhaps from politics altogether will likely occur very soon. In an effort to prevent Marie le Pen from winning in the upcoming election he is grooming a Macron lookalike to take over. In addition he has just announced that France will send more ‘Scalp’ missiles and other munitions to Ukraine as Russia “cannot be allowed to win in Ukraine”.
In Germany Olaf Scholz, beleaguered by the effects that have rebounded on the country through installing sanctions on Russian energy is facing a meltdown in support. So, whereas Germany was loathe to send weapons to Ukraine at first, it is now the most enthusiastic nation in Europe in doing so.
With elections nearing in all three of these nations is it really just a coincidence that their leaders are now taking stances that generate the kind of fear in wartime that in the past has been an effective route to electoral success?
The most clear case of this is that of Margaret Thatcher, who toward the end of her first term in office was facing defeat with her poll ratings disastrously low. It is acknowledged by most pundits that her engagement in what came to be known as ‘The Falklands War’ transformed her prospects and was instrumental in her winning a resounding victory in the next general election. Every stop was pulled out to generate the kind of patriotic response in the British people that was sure to carry all before it.
George W. Bush used the Iraq war that followed his daddy's war on that same nation to take advantage of the surge in popularity he was accorded due to his rhetoric after the 9/11 atrocity. Naturally he won the next presidential election easily. “Mission Accomplished’ he infamously crowed. Events have proved otherwise, just as they have in Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria and Libya.
Do western politicians get what they want out of these wars and then let everyone suffer the consequences… then start all over again to reap the gains they know are there for them next time around? Is it quite possible that apart from learning nothing they don’t have the slightest incentive to learn anything except you should ‘never let a crisis go to waste’ but only milk it for your self-interest and to the maximum?
And what of the seemingly endless contributions made to the campaign funds of U.S. politicians by the so-called defence industries? What too, of the revolving door syndrome whereby western politicians find themselves lucrative boardroom seats within these same defence conglomerates when they leave office. What also of the incestuous relationship between western politicians and the lobby groups (such as AIPAC in the USA) where one hand washes the other endlessly?
The political elites of the West talk continuously about ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ but truly, how much freedom of movement regarding foreign policy do these people have when the factors above lock them into ever more war? And how much democracy is involved when the main parties have all the money and clout and all agree on the need for ever more war?
Our world is descending ever further into a chaos which would have been unimaginable a generation ago even when the Cold War was in progress. The USA, the UK and their allies see their erstwhile combined domination of the world steadily collapsing. As an entire group they risk being ousted from power and not only the current crop of self-seekers, they see all the power and status of the western world fading and dying in front of them and forever.
The effort to pull themselves up from the position outlined above has necessitated certain measures involving the abandonment of moral and ethical principles and in addition, of the initiation of a war against international law itself. They need to be able to promote and enact their illegal acts of war without encountering resistance from those who might present barriers to their actions. They need to undermine the United Nations and its adherence to international law and install themselves as ultimate arbiters of what is right and what is wrong and they intend to do this by substituting their creation, ‘The International Rules-Based Order’.
War and more war will keep western populations and others across the planet cowed enough and controlled enough, they think, to keep them in power. That power they will use if successful to blanket the globe within a surveillance system beyond anything seen previously. It will be used to initiate the project that has been behind almost everything we have seen so far, the rabid desire of western political elites to have ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’. In this, the last world war, the end game war, the western elites see their chance to win permanent power over all of us. This is what they are fighting for and through these wars they seek to win the final election of their coalition to attain a full and all-encompassing dictatorship of “democracy”.
Maybe, just maybe.....but I am not sure anymore, there is a hope: