To survive its inevitable decline, to shore up its present level of influence and its ability to dominate others it has held for so long now, Biden, the figurehead at the top of the western elite superstructure decided it was in the interests of the West to split our world.
This was a purely self-regarding decision based upon narrow nationalism, economic interests and the continuation of its power-politics advantage, not for the reasons given regarding freedom, democracy, an adherence to a 'rules-based system' or 'liberal western values'.
Now we see this desire to create a barrier to Eurasia and a permanent limit to its economic rise and increase to its influence coming to fruition through the use of every weapon available to the western powers. By conditioning its population and by increasing degrees its corporations a western iron curtain is being erected against Eurasia and all that it stands for, its ability to ameliorate western warmongering and even its ability to communicate its concerns and views. (It appears certain for instance that Russia Today (RT) will find itself banned from an increasing number of western nations now as a result of the western framing of events in south-eastern Ukraine.)
It was clear after Biden was declared the victor in the 2020 U.S. presidential election from various sources that the geopolitical goal of the new administration was to unite all American allies in one cohesive grouping and ensure that all stood resolutely for NATO and against both Russia and China. Currently Russia is the main focus and target of the collective spearhead of all western political and media elites. China remains the prime target however and will be concentrated on fully and with extreme vigour when and if Russia can be subjugated, weakened, neutralised, its leader ousted and its system of governance replaced.
We can currently see a permanently divided world now emerging before our very eyes. Previous virulent memes carefully constructed to demonize Putin through endless repetition will now be raised to new levels, though previous levels were at an extreme height already.
Western elites have been running scared for decades now. They have watched as their power has fallen from previous heights and it is certain that the reports they have received from their analysts and many think-tanks have made baleful reading for them regarding the rise of powers that would inevitably eclipse their power if nothing was done.
The present situation and all the dangers, potential for loss of life, destruction of livelihoods and the extreme dangers to everyone not among the elite class is clear. It is all too reminiscent of what was once called 'The Great Game' where western powers sought to maintain their influence and dominance over nations such as Russia in historical eras not too far distant from our own.
The elites of the western world in combination, political, press & media, corporate and military, saw that their reliance on earlier areas of superiority were not going to be available to them as they had been so lucratively in the past. In combination they now seek to at least hold the remaining power still left them, to limit to as high degree as they are able the economic rise and subsequent increase in influence of others and to embroil their targets in as much instability and controversy as possible.
To accomplish all of the above an obvious and easily understood dividing line across the world was required. The simpler to explain this dividing line the better. As with all such tactical options to shore up power and increase it, the believable reason for it had to be communicated in a stark contrast between good and evil. On one side was 'The Free World', a phrase I predicted as Biden was elected would come back into frequent use. The western side is of course depicted as devoted to a 'Rules Based Order' with the other side having whatever might be the opposite of this. 'Liberal Western Values' are contrasted with the inferior and dangerous for freedom, authoritarian values. West Good. East Bad. Biden Right. Putin Wrong.' Simple and easy to understand and ultimately to be broadened to frame the USA and all its allies, UK et al on one side and Russia & China and all those who align with them on the other.
Leading to? Leading of course to a war. Not a hot war. But a new Cold War, what I have named an 'Ice Cold War' as it will have none of the very real diplomacy that was a feature of the original Cold War.
A world permanently divided unless one side or the other rises to be the most prominent by far at which point a new geopolitical environment will come into being. If the USA and its allies ultimately win out I foresee us living in a de facto prison planet, scrutinized, surveilled and supervised in each and every relationship we make, with a Big Brother USA always on the lookout for "dangerous influences" and "potential threats". If Eurasia rises and overcomes the barriers the western world is putting in its way we can, in my opinion, look forward to a world where tolerance for diverse forms of governance exists alongside an agreement-based matrix of international relations that promotes peace rather than war at every level, a truly multipolar world where humanity sees the prospect and potential for true global harmony for the first time ever.
The world again will become one. But which version of the two above will future generations live to see?