If Joe Biden is re-engaging with European allies against Russia and China when will the authorisation for all out war be announced?
It has been clear for years now that the Democrats desire what I call an ‘Ice Cold War’ devoid of any of the diplomacy and dialogue which featured in the Cold War between the USA and the Soviet Union. This is an ‘Ice Cold War’ as it will consist only of demands and zero detente.
Is this a responsible policy in an era which is clearly going to be characterised by growing threats from future pandemics to climate change catastrophes? Is it responsible to abandon diplomacy when we live in a time when unity of purpose could mean the difference between life and death for millions?
No substantial evidence has been produced showing that either Russia or China perpetrated acts meriting a war being waged against them yet that is the atmosphere being engendered by Biden and a plethora of others across the political and media spheres.
Does what we are seeing come down in fact to a desperate attempt by western elites to shore up their flagging patrician grip on the world which will inevitably wane to the point of near non-existence by their eclipse by Chinese economic power and reach?
Is this the level of irresponsibility we are seeing now from western elites? Are they so sure that the world will go to hell without them in charge that they are willing to see the world permanently divided or quite possibly completely destroyed in a further world war than lose their power of dubious virtue over the rest of the world?
For hundreds of years succeeding western elites and those cowering under their dubious umbrella of threat mixed with bribery have worked to manipulate all other nations for their exclusive benefit. This cosy agenda is now under threat from the rise of nations they were unable to subdue and China is by far the most powerful of these.
The upstart China, deemed a bastard nation and basket case for so long by western elites oblivious to and uncaring regarding her long history of civilised, harmony and unity-seeking philosophical thought is now their main target. Russia, thought to be on her knees after a concerted fifty year long campaign to undermine her has reasserted her position as a proud, successful nation once more.
The rise of these and other nations are perceived as a threat to western elite power through trade and the riches accrued thereby which fuel military and diplomatic domination. This I am certain is the sole reason why all western elite nodes of power now have both China and Russia in their sights. Targets also naturally include any and all nations that may be suspected of being aligned in any way with them such as Iran, Syria, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela as well as any others currently more or less non-aligned such as Iraq, Vietnam, etc.
For the elites of the West and their allies there is nothing to be gained from acts of diplomacy except at the most strategic level where there may be a game play with advantage for them within it such as the recent agreement on nuclear weapons with Russia. Diplomacy in general would give their “enemies” a modicum of legitimacy, a legitimacy they cannot allow as the intent is to destroy them and never to allow any praise of them. To engage with Russia and China in any way other than the above risks Russia and China being given some credit for being less than totally evil. The perception western elites wish their populations to have of these nations is that their every act is an act of cynicism, propaganda or out and out evil.
This is the deeply irresponsible “game” western political and media elites are now playing. The war being waged is very real and completely obvious, but unannounced. The signals are clear to all those signed up as warriors of various kinds across every western elite superstructure.
It is the last world war and is being fought to the death. Ultimately one side or the other will be vanquished for good, either the current dictating force, the West with its history of genocide, slavery, colonialism and most recently regime change mass slaughter and regional fragmentation. Or the rising Eastern nations that objected to the many illegal preemptive wars by the West that ignored international law and totally undermined the concept of national sovereignty.
This war has been waged by the West for almost two decades now and was preceded by myriad others waged for the same purpose, to preserve the dominance and national elite interests of western elites despite any and all effects on the rest of the world.
And now we are approaching the climax of their efforts, this end game war, as they perceive in their frantic desperation that their chances of saving the day and preserving their oppressive power is fading faster than ever.