What ugly mess are western elites currently attempting to gift to the world?
The western world has been the traditional home of masters of illusion, talented artists in the creation of seductive artifice that has long proven highly useful in the sale of products gaining them immense profit.
In tandem with this industry of illusion has come the heavy hand of the power of command with which to enforce compliance from others making them fall into line with western needs.
These two attributes have served western power and commerce for centuries. The first attribute has provided myriad fig leaf cover stories for its less savoury activities, inevitable results of the second attribute. However, in the internet age far brighter and stronger lights are being played over the facades still being promoted as western fact on both counts.
The shiny composite image portrayed as the “superior” western culture can be compared with the attractive wooden horse the ancient Greeks used to entice the Trojans into accepting what was portrayed as an innocent gift and so lose their city to invasion and in so doing lose the entire war.
The image western elites portray as the superior culture and systems of the West is composed of many seemingly attractive features. The surface is painted with the innocent-looking notion of democracy and a seductive gloss of freedoms and values to attract every desire as if every desire will naturally be positive. It can be seen very much as a Hollywood production as portrayed by western leaders and those who serve them. But a Hollywood made to serve an essentially political and military project, to lard this technicolor mirage over all other cultures and systems and so suffocate them.
And what is the reality under the artifice of this shiny beast projected to the world of western superiority? A writhing mass of increasing anarchy, of both corporate and street crime, of the insidious greed that spawned the opioid crisis and many others, of financial corruption and social turmoil where dogmas are fast overcoming earlier freedoms. Exports of cultural anarchy and pornographic license are being loaded onto the democracy trojan donkey being sold to the world along with all those shinier values now being advertised by elite PR houses.
The political and military backers and enforcers of western liberal values, democracy and freedom are finding it ever harder to hide the myriad diseased elements within the fake innocence and advertised universal utility of their soiled goods. Much of the world now turns a jaundiced eye upon their dubious merchandise offered with a smile and knife behind the back. Its attractiveness has been tarnished by the steady flow of blood from beneath its gaudy exterior.
The structure of the “factory” which produces all these shiny products so gaily adorned by its Trojan donkey is now decidedly shaky, it quivers with inner revolutions, divisions that threaten to tear it apart making those observing the spectacle look ever deeper into what exactly is being offered here. The Trojan Donkey being offered to the world by the West is in fact in great danger of soiling itself to such a degree that others will be increasingly called upon to clean up its now fast-reeking mess.