First posted March 26th 2022.
It is quite incredible to think of what has transpired that could have so easily been avoided if western political elites had been up to the job or in any way inclined to do the necessary.
The situation regarding Russia’s need to guarantee its future security was left to simmer and fester for years while western elites played a geopolitical game of chess without any skill in the game.
Subsequently Russia took charge of an intolerable situation for it and has moved its pieces very close to checkmating the entire western world. Further than this, in so doing, Russia has proven her present and future worth to the non-aligned world which is rapidly looking away from the West and its largely aggressive and malevolent antics toward the two primary peacemakers of the future, China and Russia.
Russia did not want this conflict. Russia did everything in its power to avoid it. For seven years after Ukraine signed up to do certain things along the pathway to peace along with Russia it did everything possible to reach the end goal of reconciliation between the two opposing forces within Ukraine. All to no avail. Russia did all it could to see the Minsk Accords put into practice. However, the western powers were struck dumb and failed completely to urge the Ukrainians to do their part.
Russian patience can be long, but not infinite.
When a nine hour meeting a few months ago ended with the Ukrainian side intransigent, refusing to even discuss their commitments this was one sign to Russia that its patience was leading nowhere.
When Zelensky made noises indicating that Ukraine would look to regaining its nuclear status this was another.
When NATO and Ukrainian troops were partaking in military exercises together… yet another.
When Ukraine sent more and more of its troops to the borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics this was yet another.
And when it became clear the Ukraine was rearming and receiving training and a constant flow of weaponry from the USA and Europe this was another.
Finally, the increasingly aggressive rhetoric of the Ukrainian president, who was banning Russian-speaking TV and radio stations, jailing opposition leaders and talking of taking back Crimea by force, the final straw was laid on the camel’s back.
Russian patience was at an end and the future was clearly going to be ever more threatening involving more of the same and worse.
The western powers simply watched as this disaster waiting to happen evolved. It was if they had been struck dumb except for the issuance of ever more threats toward Russia and a total absence of any effort to compromise on Russia’s need for security guarantees.
Now the entire world must suffer and quite possibly the western world more than most. Each cost of living rise will likely be worse than the last as inflation, stagflation, job losses and spikes in the cost of the most basic products hits ever harder. All due to the determination by western political elites that Russia must stay insecure as its leader must be overthrown along with its system of governance and both replaced by West-friendly entities.
Nine-eleven goaded the West into an all or nothing conquest without end where all, even slightly opposing figures and systems of governance to western hegemony were to be marked for replacement. This bull-headed quest would have no limit and no brakes applied to it. It required constant doubling down, a juggernaut that could only increase tensions, divisions in a forever war to gain total supremacy, even if the entire world were to be destroyed in the process.
The present state of the world and the void we are now entering is the result.
The entire world must now suffer due to the absolute catastrophic failure of the most pig-headed leadership the West has ever had in its entire slave-owning, aggression-dominated, massively exploitative, colonialist and imperialist history.