Obvious demons portrayed as saints can't hide their bloody hands
The elites of the western world pose as even-handed saints who judge all cases on their merits.
They do so even when their hypocrisy and lack of impartiality is obvious to all.
Take the current violence which is once again costing lives in the Middle East.
The vastly superior fire power of the Israelis is once again pounding targets in the Gaza Strip. While this is reported to some degree in the West and commented upon by western leaders it does not take a degree in English literature or one in the semantic nuances of the English language to detect the obvious bias shown.
Israel is one of those holy cows that cannot be criticized in anything but the mildest possible terms. This is true for any and all allies and assets of the western world in that region and in others when so-called western national interests are involved.
Whether it is the national interest of the United States in Latin America in regard to Venezuela’s oil or the national interests of both the USA, UK and others in supporting Saudi Arabia in Yemen due to Iran being a target the hypocrisy, lack of integrity and unprincipled policies are totally obvious.
Funding terrorist support groups and terrorist proxies in Syria is yet another example. There is no shortage of such examples. Yet, the framing of themselves as impartial human rights guardians who hold the moral high ground is essential for them to continue instigating and assisting the chaos that preserves their “interests”.
How can they claim to occupy this saintly high ground as judge, jury and executioner? They can’t possibly admit that their hands are bloodier than any of those they point at. Yet the obvious mass slaughter they perpetrated across multiple nations in the Middle East based on lies is a matter of known public record. Yet their sham status as human rights guardians is continually claimed via bogus news reporting and a shameful lack of honesty by the same so-called news outlets.
That the western elite portrayal of itself is a sham based on a facade of regularly repeated whitewashing is obvious to anyone who gives recent history even a cursory glance. Yet the gloss the entirety of western mainstream media gives these mass murderers is one portraying them as men and women doing their best.
Contrast this with the assertions, accusations and slanderous claims these same “news” organizations use against two nations that refused to sign up for the most scandalously contrived mass slaughter of them all, the illegal attack upon and invasion of Iraq. Russia and China refused to go along with the rush to war pushed hard principally by the USA and UK. In the most obvious and vile example of self-imposed amnesia these two mass murdering nations who between them slaughtered in excess of one hundred based on lies point at those who tried to stop them.
How many examples must be pointed to (and there are many, many more, especially of the USA in Latin America) before the truth becomes obvious and more than that SEEN and RECOGNIZED to be obvious?
That truth being that the USA and UK are this worlds two most murderous and human rights abusing nations and that no other nations even come close.
Yet, this obvious scam of gargantuan proportions is maintained as a family secret among western nations. A pretense of sanctity is maintained, no matter how many oceans of blood rise at the feet of western elites who with full knowledge in their diseased minds, robe themselves in purest white.
It is essential they do so in order to assume the completely unwarranted right to continue the evil practices for which they are so well known, but which they desire to continue with total immunity.
Time and time again the essential, lack of integrity, hypocrisy and terminal dishonesty within western elites demonstrate just how unworthy such self-serving scum are to lead any nation.