It is hard to believe that such an evil as is seen now in Ukraine can exist in what we thought had become a far better world since the final end of World War Two. It is no coincidence however that the evil seen now in Ukraine stems from the same source as the evil defeated back then.
Nazism is the one agreed evil that most of us recognise as the purest evil ever encountered by the human race. Most of us undoubtedly, up to this time, believed that to all intents and purposes Nazism was dead, except for a few screwballs here and there. But we were wrong.
The Nazism that exists in western Ukraine does so for quite unique reasons. It is not merely a refuge from modernity by militant hillbillies living out in the backwoods of North America or their equivalent anywhere else. In Ukraine this has been a way of thinking that has been nurtured and passed grandfather to father to son in a hateful wave to the present day.
Ukrainian nationalism is in one sense understandable. Ukraine was used, abused, plundered and treated as a useful wasteland by the great powers for so long when it existed carved up among them. Extreme violence was seen by the most determined and fearless of Ukrainians as the route to gaining Ukrainian sovereignty and they were willing to use the arrival of Hitler's Nazis as a tool to realize their goals.
Nazi battalions made up of Ukrainians from the west of the country were formed during WWII. It is said that the Nazis held these battalions in some awe and perhaps even in fear as they were so very ruthless in their pursuit of killing Russians. To rid Ukraine of all Russian influence was the second goal of these men and women, secondary only to gaining independence for Ukraine.
In a cobbled together country where around half the country speaks Russian and many millions look toward Russia with fellowship, respect and thanks for eventually ridding Ukraine of the Nazi hordes the goal named above was always going to be a bloody and merciless task. And so it has proven, especially since the western-backed coup in 2014 when the government and president elected mainly by the pro-Russian Ukrainians of the east were deposed.
Now Russia seeks to at least neutralise the descendants of those who formed Nazi battalions during the war, and eliminate them from the Ukrainian body politic as due to their willingness to engage in ultraviolence they have a stranglehold over and de facto veto power to shape government policy. No one in the West should discount the power of these new-Nazis or the necessity that these few who hold a nation in a permanent state of subjection and irrational hatred for its neighbour, must be removed.
The evil infection of Nazism in Ukraine simply CANNOT be allowed to stand.