Before any of us were born a movement arose which saw as its mission the conversion of the world to Christianity. Those who engaged in this mission believed Christianity was the only true religion and that their God was the one and only true god.
There was no doubt in the mind of such people that their mission was right in all its aspects, vital in its purpose and could only be of benefit to all who were converted to its core beliefs.
It did not enter their minds that this imposition of beliefs could damage existing cultural elements within these societies. The belief they had in their mission was total and unquestioned. They knew best having heard the word of God and now dedicated their lives to the spreading of His word. Among them there was no discussion of any contradictory aspects of this mission.
All involved in this holy work were committed to the aims held in common among them which were constantly reinforced in all communications between them. If a naysayer was found among them at any time he or she would immediately be ostracized and ejected from the group. In cases where such people gain followers and present a real challenge to the mission they will be called ‘Servants of the Devil’.
Beliefs held in the countries far away from their own are considered to be invalid and likely to have been instigated by Satan himself. Any and all differences between the two cultures were reconciled by the imposition of those from the lands the new arrivals came from. In this way cultural beliefs which had been born from local conditions were negated as primitive, uncultured and requiring replacement with Christian views, behaviors and beliefs.
Now compare this large core group of mostly white, middle-class people proselytizing Christianity to the world with the group of mostly white, middle-class people who are currently saying that their vital mission is to spread freedom, democracy and western liberal values to the world.
Do you see any similarities?
There are no doubts within this group that their mission is utterly vital. They believe that they have the single answer regarding governance and that all others should recognize and accept what they say. They believe what they say is self-evidently true, without any doubts intruding, and that these truths should be accepted without question. They travel to far away lands seeking to enforce their way of thinking on others. They never disagree among themselves and indeed enforce their beliefs by constantly reinforcing them among themselves. Those disagreeing with them are likely to be labeled as ‘Foreign Agents’.
The mindset is virtually identical as are the associated behaviors.
We know best. We have the pure form of belief and behavior. You must conform to our concepts of what is right and what is wrong. If you don’t we will take whatever actions we deem necessary to make you do so. These actions can be whatever we consider appropriate whether that involves gross interference in your affairs or not as we occupy the high ground.
We have established this among ourselves and as we agree we are perfect then you quite obviously not... and we invest in ourselves the right to make you understand this and accept it. And we are willing to undermine, impoverish, slander, subvert, and kill you and your people until you do.
George W. Bush and Anthony Blair even brought both missions together as one in their post-9/11 campaign (or crusade as Dubya once called it) to spread their particular concept of Freedom and Democracy worldwide (to specially selected nations). They professed to be guided by their god, indeed George W. Bush seems to have believed he heard God speak to him telling him his mission was right.
A million deaths later he is still saying his mission was right. Anthony Blair says the same.
Those with such concepts of self-righteousness have a very hard time believing they could ever make a mistake as this might indicate God made a mistake and as they have a direct line to God that simply couldn’t be, could it?
Therefore all becomes possible for those with power over others who feel they have a mission that is undoubtedly correct and that no other earthly being can deny. Whatever they do, no matter if thousands or hundreds of thousands die as a consequence, they know they did the right thing.
The entire attitude of all western political elites is that they are so well-intentioned and always motivated with the desire to help others that they would and could never do anything wrong. Especially when instructed by the word of God, their omnipotent, all-seeing, all-knowing supreme coach on high.
Of course it remains necessary in both cases to ignore all very real faults in themselves or their own nations as they must constantly keep the image of an immaculate conception in mind to give maximum power to the drive to change others. Admitting any flaws would damage their arguments which must be kept highly persuasive at all times.
So, just as the Christian evangelists believe they had to correct the savages far from their own nations and bring them to a higher life with their Lord, so the modern day geopolitical evangelists believe they must constantly seek out those nations not measuring up to their own exceptional nations and convert them.
That they create a perfect hell on Earth in the process is quite lost on them.