They want you to believe they are the saviours of the world from every evil under the sun.
While being the self-same nations that conspired to use blatant lies to murder hundreds of thousands in recent years.
This is quite a trick. But they are well equipped to spread such illusions. An entire web of western mass media are all too happy to comply in the pursuit of this task.
The designer-suited devils will smile, eat fine meals and discuss which nations to undermine next, which tall tales and which lies to spread, how to generate better propaganda and demonize those they wish to destroy.
What a very urbane bunch they will appear posing for their collective group photograph, so many happy smiles are shared between some butchers and plotters of endless division, death and destruction worldwide.
For that is their primary task now as urged by the two top devils from the USA and UK. Enemies who might undermine their economic, military and geopolitical domination are rising. They will call them adversaries rather than enemies however, they are too cowardly to engage in military conflict with them... they prefer much weaker nations where they can murder hundreds of thousands based on lies with complete impunity.
The populations of the countries these devils represent are treated to a continual diet as fed to mushrooms... kept in the dark and fed a load of shit. The narratives pass unchanged from the top via the organs of mass deception such as CNN and BBC to the waiting mushrooms, most of whom swallow them with alacrity, apathy or bored uninterest. Manufacturing consent for war and cynical acts contrary to international law has never been easier in the West. Even if an increasing number see through their charades, facades and every public relation event such as the current G7 meeting these elites know they have things thoroughly sewn up.
Only great opposing powers such as China and Russia together with their allies can make a difference to the geopolitical status quo. Among them China is of course preeminent. Should they fail to push back the current and ongoing western war against diversity in governance then we will then all be trapped as the populations of the West are now. A de facto prison planet will ensue where the demands of the USA are de facto laws written into the ethos of every state, governed, monitored and policed by satellite.
Currently Biden is attempting a far-reaching PR campaign to gain world approval. He needs to create the impression that the USA, the UK, the EU and all others in its orbit are the beneficent saviours of mankind, the holy cavalry coming over the hill, and that all others, those they oppose are the last dangerous dragons to be slain before we reach the perfection of utopia.
As the saying goes however, beware Greeks bearing gifts. Remember Troy and the Trojan Horse.
We keep saying we won’t get fooled again. So keep a keen eye on what is going in as the G7 conspire to snow us all one last time so that all can be brought under control, THEIR control.
They will divide the world just when it most requires unity.
They will spread lies just when ever more truth is most required.
They will destroy trust through endless betrayal, spin and bullshit marketing.
They will largely be unaffected by the destructive irresponsibility which they now engender.
These are the elements comprising the gross idiocy, irresponsibility and ultimate menace of the G7.