“It’s the economy stupid” is a well-known phrase from a previous U.S. election year. Yet it stands in good stead currently in regard to the growing aggression of western elites and their allies toward China.
For years now we have heard the virtues of capitalism extolled and with them those of globalisation also. But wait… these were only ever meant to be for the benefit of western nations and their allies, not for those 'over there’ and certainly not for those having modes of governance seen as beyond the pale to the West.
Economic success was meant to be the sole preserve of the West and its allies. All others were meant to be put in a position of obeisance to the power that this economic success brought with it. They were to see the error of their ways and come into the fold. Well, China and others decided to wend their own way and resist being subjugated, dominated or instructed by others.
China has had the fastest-growing economy for many years now. This was not at all within the plan conceived in Washington and Westminster. This has presented western elites and their allies with a thorny problem. To acquiesce to the goal of China to expand its trading network and, heaven forfend, cooperate with it, was simply not an option. Too much power and influence would be lost thereby. The no-brainer option for those of the West with a single track mode of thinking was to do all they could to disrupt Chinese economic growth.
This is the not so well hidden agenda of the West and those it has within its orbit. Weaken China by any means possible short of outright war. To slander the motives and actions of its elites at every possible turn. To bait them into actions that could be used to increase the believability of the propaganda teams set the task of undermining them. In other words to wage war against them by all other means.
No one should be fooled by the talk of human rights abuses or any other faux issues which compliant activists and mainstream media hacks and editors portray before a still largely naive western audience. The agenda is not about a devilish foe squashing human rights, engaging in genocide or threatening its neighbours, it is about western national interests, their preservation and expansion, primarily those of an economic nature. Therein lies the foundation of western power down the centuries, economic domination leading directly to military domination and the subsequent exploitation of others this brings.