The theory of karma says that for every act there is a reaction, for every cause an effect.
Cancer starts with a derangement in the reproduction of cells and can create a terminal condition within an increasingly unhealthy body that eventually is no longer viable and dies.
The USA was founded on genocide and slavery. Those deaths and crimes against humanity are the genesis of a society built on oppression, cruelty and the cold-blooded search for profit at any cost.
The same cold-blooded mentality that runs a corporation based on exploitation of the weak to aggrandise the strong is reflected in many strata of North American society all the way to its highest levels.
Individual self-interest above all is lauded as the American pioneer spirit. Using power to gain more of all you want from the weak is an inherent part of the U.S. system that infects an already diseased ethos of callous individualism.
The U.S. ‘Health Industry’ creates an ever sicker society where life expectancy is falling, meanwhile thousands are bankrupted each year due to medical debts and millions have no health insurance and minimal access to decent healthcare.
The U.S. ‘Food Industry’ supposedly performing an important task in keeping Americans healthy provides additive and preservative-filled products with little nutritional value and arguably poisonous consequences are making Americans sick, obese and vulnerable to infections such as Covid-19.
The U.S. school system that is meant to provide a decent education for all is now a dividing line between the privileged elites and an ever-increasing badly-served underclass.
The U.S. justice system that was supposed to provide an equitable means of ensuring U.S. society remains peaceful and honest is now divided between elites who get favoured rather than get justice while the rest get jail.
The U.S. penal system that was supposed to be the last resort for those who could not be persuaded by other means is now a mass incarnation “solution” for people of colour who have zero access to true justice or to a reasonable path to prosperity.
The U.S. ‘Defence Industry’ creates a cash-dependent political class who promote foreign attacks, wars and mass death to ensure a continual rise in political influence and profit.
The U.S. business community creates an ever more dependent political elite through a system of donations and lobbyist supervision over policy completely negating any benefit from “democracy”.
The U.S. security services protect elite interests using a militarised police force that is unafraid to murder unarmed civilians of colour in the street, being immune from justice themselves.
The U.S intelligence community, employed to discover facts and act against foreign wrongdoers has become a multi-headed lie factory acting to dupe North Americans into attacking their own.
The U.S. political system that is claimed to be a democratic model for the world where men and women of sound principles make decisions based on the needs of the many is now a four year corporate-controlled dictatorship catering for the needs of the few.
The U.S. financial speculation industry centred on Wall Street which Americans were told would be the engine for general growth by deregulation and reducing taxes on the rich to produce a ‘trickle-down’ effect is now a club for elite criminals who work exclusively for themselves while 99.99% of any population are their pawns and victims.
The U.S. mainstream media, that has as one of its prime purposes to inform, is a misinformation and propaganda arm of the state interested only in maintaining a U.S. elite and corporate-criminality status quo.
The U.S. liberals that once felt it was their duty to call for more enlightened policies for the benefit of the poor and underprivileged now fully support the elites they previously questioned and now only for them.
The U.S. military that fought for the freedom of Europe during World War II now wages war on the behalf of U.S. elites against any weak nation those elites wish destroyed in order to exploit their resources and gain control of them in their own self-interest.
The USA is a mass of rabid and perpetually greedy influences all demanding greater reach/expansion, more influence, power, wealth and dominance. It is a snake pit of venomous intent which is now at its lowest, most primitive, corrosive and self-created level of terminal ugliness.
The primary crimes against humanity which began the USA and which spawned the individualism, division, racism and violence we see now has been overlaid by a sickly-sweet cover story of exceptionalism. Just as the many wars the USA has fought have had their histories conveniently spun, twisted far out of shape to allow self-glorification so the blood-soaked foundations of the nation itself have been coated with whitewash time after time after time.
Denial of its bloody past required a shiny Hollywood finish, a finish heard in every speech given by any U.S. politicians ever heard combined with a hundred thousand TV broadcasts where each word and image lies about every aspect of that past and this present.
This is a communally psychopathic nation that dare not face the truth. A serial killer nation that must tell itself saccharine sweet stories about itself and never face the reality of its continuous crimes. Its karma is always working under the surface lies against it however. Every self-rewarding concept of exceptional perfection is being undermined on a daily basis now. All the myths are dissolving in front of them, the rainbow colours plastered in front of their eyes are melting to reveal the pitch black, blood-streaked reeking tar that lies beneath the cheap paints daily applied.
This is a nation in free fall unable to understand why it is so. All the mythologies and fables about how exceptional the USA is are being exposed. The American Dream exists only in the minds of those with a coma of relentless conditioning. It died like a chain letter of fake promises after the first hundred thousand became stupendously rich. Now money makes money while destroying competition ensuring cash flies upward unceasingly from the drones, ciphers, work-slaves and consumer sheep down below.
The blinkers are being removed from greater numbers within the USA at an ever-increasing rate. The scam is developing like a darkroom photograph in front of eyes blinking from the shock of having been sold an all-embracing lie for most of their lives.
The awake began to question ‘The System’ many years ago. But their voices were relatively few and the drive to get everyone to buy into the shiny new world of modern marketing seduction proved too strong and the warnings were ignored or scorned. Now more and more see that they were scammed, that their monthly outgoings exceed their income and their income in unsure, easily lost, bankrupted by redundancy or health costs with homes foreclosed and no hope of attaining what all those glossy ads, conniving politicians and merchandisers promised.
The USA is riven by the disappointments of exclusion, the aggression generated by betrayal, the anger generated by being duped, the depression, the sadness over children with no future,and ultimately the suicidal feelings caused by the obvious end of hope.
These are the many issues that beset a USA unable to change as it conceives itself to be already perfect. The prevailing narrative from its elites is one of enviable systems that require to be transported worldwide whether candidate nations want them or not. Those nations must then be attacked into accepting them, vilified and humiliated into accepting that the elites of the fast collapsing USA know what’s best for them and threatened with obliteration if they resist.
It is all integral to the insane, delusionary state of denial of its own vindictive, evil beginnings that began with mass slaughter and the unconscionable abuses of slavery.
This is the karmic cancer that’s killing the USA from within.