The CIA got into trouble many decades ago for some of its activities that targeted national governments seeking their collapse. Now the NGOs do this job of interference with in-built deniability.
To listen to the howls of rage from myriad western sources when it was being spread about that Russia was attempting to interfere in western elections you might have got the impression that it was a universal principle that no nation should ever do this. Wrong. The entire western world gives itself the dispensation to do this wherever it deems it necessary.
Why? Because “we are the good guys” and “we are dedicated to bringing freedom and democracy to the world”. These are the eternal justifications for western interference worldwide, and not just a little here and there, to the maximum and basically everywhere. Because this is an accepted right that the God-mandated “good guys” believe in without question. Like all assertions that emerge from a group thought milieu they are sacrosanct merely because they are vital to the outcome sought. The ends, for the West, as ever, justify the means.
Currently we see the Georgian parliament in Tbilisi surrounded by a mob of wannabe insurrectionists a la Ukraine’s Maidan coup in 2013-14. The playbook is identical. Western non-governmental organisations train, fund and seek to motivate the populace of each targeted country to overthrow governments that the western powers see as rivals and even adversaries/enemies. This is simply war by other means. But this egregious interference is supported by any rhetoric, lie, piece of misinformation or propaganda that is useful to the cause.
The primary delivery mechanism in the West to deliver the slant required by western governments is of course the legacy media of the West, CNN, BBC and the rest. As soon as the crisis breaks out, as in Tbilisi right now the entire regiment of western media stenographers fire off a hundred video missives calling the insurrectionists in question ‘peaceful protesters’ made victims by a draconian and maximally repressive regime. Images of the security forces attempting to contain the rioters who clearly want to maximise their effect through violent protest are filtered to show the desired image. The insurrectionists are portrayed as having right on their side whereas the democratically elected government is surely in the wrong because look at these images which we have selected to convince you of that.
The NGOs are an outcrop from the intelligence agencies who worked tirelessly to weaken and undermine the USSR. They are what are called cut-outs from agencies such as the CIA. These organisations such as the National Endowment for Democracy in the USA are essentially part and parcel of agencies such as the CIA that now have the deniability of being non-governmental (so-called). Yet look at who funds every single one of the most prominent NGOs. You will see the U.S. State Department, the UK Foreign Office and others of their ilk.
The NGOs are simply an integral part of the world war that is being waged by the West against Russia, China and any other countries that are unwilling to submit to western control and global domination. For the crime of not submitting to universal global control by the USA and its proxies these nations have been targeted for regime change. And the most potent weapons available to the West are the NGOs which many ex-Warsaw Pact nations naively accepted within their borders out of a hope that the West might help them prosper. They were not to know that these NGOs are only interested in allowing one kind of politician, group or nation prosper, those who will bow to the West and submit to propagating its interests despite what may benefit the nation itself.
The western NGOs are the seeds of destruction which nations such as Georgia, Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine allowed to bed themselves deep inside themselves and to propagate their interests by ‘all means necessary’. The results in Ukraine in 2013-14 are there for all to see. Now we are seeing the selfsame NGOs with the selfsame tactics attempting to have the identical result in Georgia. The Georgian government will hopefully have learned the lesson of Kiev’s Maidan. The then president Viktor Yanukovych denied the Ukrainian security forces the means to disperse the insurrectionists on Kiev’s Maidan Square, he desired instead to establish a dialogue with them. Such people have no desire to reach any form of agreement however, they want the destruction of the elected government and its replacement with one that suits western needs. And the NGOs funded by the West to interfere in the targeted nation attempt to do everything possible to bring this about.